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What would you do if the band was not paying you as agreed?

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Nevermind, tried to make this a poll but it messed up. I did walk as a BE a couple months ago a few days before a $2000 private party as the band suddenly didn't want to honor their arrangement with me - full share including a few "freebees" and a few big paydays.

Maybe they saw what you were using for a PA and figured for that kind of money they could do better.

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What were your duties as "BE"? What's a "BE" anyway? What does "A couple of months ago a few days before a private party" mean, in terms of any agreement? What was the agreement? If you could state your complaint, in chronological order, include the number of engagements, what the agreement was, your relation to the band (regular/limited contract), and exactly how you got screwed, maybe somebody could help you out. An orderly presentaton of specific details would help here. Not to be a Schoolmarm, but in this case basic grammar would aid in communication.

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What were your duties as "BE"? What's a "BE" anyway? What does "A couple of months ago a few days before a private party" mean, in terms of any agreement? What was the agreement? If you could state your complaint, in chronological order, include the number of engagements, what the agreement was, your relation to the band (regular/limited contract), and exactly how you got screwed, maybe somebody could help you out. An orderly presentaton of specific details would help here. Not to be a Schoolmarm, but in this case basic grammar would aid in communication.




It doesn't matter in the least. If he was told what he'd get and he didn't didn't get it, then it's thier bad. If he sucks, they should found that out at practice and made other arrangements for pay. You don't change the rules after the fact.

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If I could have deleted this thread I would have - don't need any advice myself
. As for that band I didn't think it was going to work out for other reasons but didn't think getting paid was going to be the "killer". The keyboard player used to own a recording studio that produced a couple gold records back when a 12 track was hot stuff - don't think he'll ever be happy without being able to mix the sound himself plus was using the PA as his keyboard amp so wanted two sets of mains (one set pointed at him so he could hear himself and critique the mix). It was interesting while it lasted



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You walked as a BE...walked off, walked on? Huh?

Seriously..what is a BE? I honestly don't know and am curious.


Again, it really doesn't matter, if someone offered you something and you didn't get it..not right. Then again..if the deal was that sweet, get it in writing. Just gives you some proof as to what was offered.

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OP seems to have worked it out, but still a valid topic.


Caveman-- I agree that it doesn't matter as far as if/how he got screwed. It does matter if he's seeking redress. If he wants to take 'em to small claims he'd need to establish what he was owed, what he was promised in a contractual context. Again, I wasn't trying to be a smartass. But I've had some success in small claims, and would be willing to help the guy get his grievance together so he could get some geld back.

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