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"Auditioning" for a band tomorrow. Haven't even started and I have a problem.


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I am friends with one of the band members already. Not best friends or anything, but we know each other and talk frequently.


Anyways, his band is looking for a keyboardist and wants me to "audition" tomorrow.


It's a death metal band, and apparently their drummer didn't even want me to audition because I dress in "normal" clothes, despite the fact I actually have listened to death metal for a few years. But, my friend convinced him that I was fine.


I feel a bit pressured by that.


Should I still audition even with what he said?


If so, any tips on what to do and what not to do?:facepalm:

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It's a death metal band, and apparently their drummer didn't even want me to audition because I dress in "normal" clothes, despite the fact I actually have listened to death metal for a few years.

Wouldn't hurt to "dress the part" for the audition so's nobody's worried that you can't :cool:.

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Yeah, gotcha.

I'm sure wearing a Ralph Lauren polo with Ralph Lauren plaid shorts with boat shoes would be bad wouldn't?


That's funny ... I was going to suggest that, wearing a blue button down and penny loafers, lol.


Seriously just go to the audition and feel it out. If it is meant to work out it will. Be yourself but don't go dressed as Jimmy Buffet ;)

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I was watching the P Diddy TV show, Making His Band. This in my kind of reality show. Great musicians auditioning for a chair in his new touring band.


So what do these hot players competing for the same position wear?


None of them went over the top with any sort of stage clothes. But all of the ones taken seriously wore clothes that said, "I'm a musician". Simple, stylish for the genre...


If it were me auditioning for any flavor of metal act, I'd go in black tee, jeans, black Doc Martens. Safe, cool, understated.


BTW, the drummer has a point. If he's seeing you as someone who will not fit in, it's up to you to convince him he's misjudged you. But don't go overboard. Just look like a rock musician sideman. You're not the front man so don't sweat the idiomatic frills. Classic and simple is the way to go.


And as far as you asking if you should even bother with the audition... it's not your job to tell them you're not right for the job. That's their job. Do your best to make it work and understand if you don't make it that's OK. It's an audition. You step up to the plate and see if you can hit one out. Think of the success rate of auditions like batting average. That'll take the pressure off.


Good luck and have fun.

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...Very nicely put! :cool:



And as far as you asking if you should even bother with the audition... it's not your job to tell them you're not right for the job. That's their job. Do your best to make it work and understand if you don't make it that's OK. It's an audition. You step up to the plate and see if you can hit one out. Think of the success rate of auditions like batting average. That'll take the pressure off.

Good luck and have fun.

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go take a shot at it. its just an audition. Go check things out. Its a chance for you to check them out just as much as its a chance for them to check you out. You may find that its nothing you will want to persue. Lots of times people think they want keys ,, and when they get a keyboard player they have no idea how its going to fit into their deal. You will know if its awkward or not.

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If you have to dress for it, it AINT rock n roll, it's a fashion fad. Great, now we can chalk up death metal with goth and emo and declare it a sell-out. bout time :poke:


On a more serious note:

The thing I don't understand is how you can audition tomorrow with no agreed-upon songs, or practice on your part of any songs to audition with, or did I read that wrong? :idk:

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I remember reading an interview with a guitarist who had been a sideman with a lot of top acts. He played with everyone from Cher to heavy rock groups. He said he always dressed for the audition, even getting hair extensions when it was called for.

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do you know the tunes?


It was supposed to be for me to write up my own stuff and see if I could fit into the music. So I did.


And then I woke up this morning to grab my laptop (I use it for VSTS) with my keyboard AND....my laptop has a virus. I call 'em and tell 'em I couldn't go today because of it..:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:



They were all extremely cool about it. I can go back Wednesday and actually play this time.:lol:

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Having heads up what dress is expected for the audition is a plus, plain and simple.


Considering this to be a "problem already" is a self fulfilling prophecy.


You don't yet know whether the drummer has an open mind that will go "wow - this guy _can_ dress the part, and man he can play too!".


It could happen, especially if you go expecting it to.


More of a problem is auditioning if you don't know the material, unless you're auditioning for your jamming chops?


Still, since it was "tomorrow" it's probably already too late...

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Kramerguy is a wise man. If the drummer thinks it's about off stage lifestyle, he is a poser. It's about music. You can dress the part onstage. You were asked to audition. Someone thinks you have the stuff. So bring it. Play your best. Next day, go by the drummer's job. Tell him the paper hat ain't metal, and if you'd wanted fries, you'd have asked for 'em.

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