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Doing an open mic saturdaynight! Whoo hoo!

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Bluestrat - You know what I don't get...someone with your creds hammering on a kid going to an OPEN MIC. You do remember what those are right? Local guys, getting out of thier livingrooms, trying out the band thing..trying to get some experience, see what it's like to play live, mingle with others that have a passion for music.... None of these peeps are taking jobs away from musicians that do this full time. If you went to open mics you would know most of these peeps know one or two songs, they aren't gig worthy yet.. they don't have a band or a setlist, and many have zero aspriation of doing the band thing, they just like to play once a week, have some fun...

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Bluestrat - You know what I don't get...someone with your creds hammering on a kid going to an OPEN MIC. You do remember what those are right? Local guys, getting out of thier livingrooms, trying out the band thing..trying to get some experience, see what it's like to play live, mingle with others that have a passion for music.... None of these peeps are taking jobs away from musicians that do this full time. If you went to open mics you would know most of these peeps know one or two songs, they aren't gig worthy yet.. they don't have a band or a setlist, and many have zero aspriation of doing the band thing, they just like to play once a week, have some fun...



1). He's not a kid.

2). Playing an entire evening or even an entire set is not an open mic, it's a free gig.

3). He's not an inexperienced musician.

4). I have been to lots of open mics, as I've said earlier. I even hosted one. You can stop condescending now.


And FYI, I'm actually putting my money where my mouth is and mentoring a young 23 year old kid (in case you missed it) letting him in on my gigs, paying him for it, and helping him get paying gigs, bypassing the whole playing for free thing. There are many paths to becoming a working musician. Playing for free is the least effective and most damaging one IME. It is what people do who are lazy, stupid or untalented. And I'm not talking about the guys who go sit in, play a few songs at a jam or open mic, or play with their friends to help them out. Nor am I talking about original bands who roll the dice on the door and end up with nothing. I'm talking about guys who willfully play for free in exchange for maybe getting paid later.

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Bluestrat - Then really what your saying is this....we are all competing with each other...doesn't matter if he's giving a kid free guitar lessons, or a rock star is doing a free benefit...free is free, and you don't see anyway around that...these guys are taking food out of your mouth.


I have seen others with same type of attitude that mess with peeps amps, change the key of the song mid solo, go to breaks, end songs when a guy they don't like is playing...picking songs that he can't play well...talk behind his back, oh yeah and my favorite...'I don't like his tone' when he obviously killed the crowd...


Gamesmenship?...right?...part of the game Pat? Pick on the guys that aren't pros, pick on everyone, because you feel it brings you up?


When I did the King of Blues competition, it was amazing how few 'pros' showed up...canned music, improvised solos, live crowd, and the pressure was thick enough you could taste it........no games, no bs...just you, your axe, and your ability...

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Bluestrat - Then really what your saying is this....we are all competing with each other...doesn't matter if he's giving a kid free guitar lessons, or a rock star is doing a free benefit...free is free, and you don't see anyway around that...these guys are taking food out of your mouth.



You have completely missed my point, and you didn't represent what I'm saying in the least. I don't know how to say it any differently than I already have, so I'll let it go. You're either dense or intentionally missing what I'm saying, neither of which leads to a fruitful discussion.

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wow taylor -- i bet you didn't count on opening pandora's box when you started this thread!


my in-laws live around goldsboro. i always bring my guitar when i visit. lord knows there's nothing else to do up there. if there's room on stage and you're having an open mic next time i make a visit to the in-laws, i'd love to bang out a few songs. that is, if you'll allow a hobbyist who picked up guitar in college.


please be prepared to pay in the form of 2 t-shirts.

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wow taylor -- i bet you didn't count on opening pandora's box when you started this thread!

my in-laws live around goldsboro. i always bring my guitar when i visit. lord knows there's nothing else to do up there. if there's room on stage and you're having an open mic next time i make a visit to the in-laws, i'd love to bang out a few songs. that is, if you'll allow a hobbyist who picked up guitar in college.

please be prepared to pay in the form of 2 t-shirts.



Pandoras box? reads like a sex movie.


but seriously folkes, The last saturday of ever month at THE FLYING SHAMROCK is open mic night, sign up is seven o:clock sharp.

plenty of room and plenty of shirts to go around. come earlier if you wish to do a sound check.

bring a cord for ye axe and keep in mind there are only two vocal mics and stands.

I would be glad ta meet cha mike and look forward to jammin' with ya'.


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1). He's not a kid.

2). Playing an entire evening or even an entire set is not an open mic, it's a free gig.

3). He's not an inexperienced musician.

4). I have been to lots of open mics, as I've said earlier. I even hosted one. You can stop condescending now.

And FYI, I'm actually putting my money where my mouth is and mentoring a young 23 year old kid (in case you missed it) letting him in on my gigs, paying him for it, and helping him get paying gigs, bypassing the whole playing for free thing. There are many paths to becoming a working musician. Playing for free is the least effective and most damaging one IME. It is what people do who are lazy, stupid or untalented.
And I'm not talking about the guys who go sit in, play a few songs at a jam or open mic, or play with their friends to help them out.
Nor am I talking about original bands who roll the dice on the door and end up with nothing.
I'm talking about guys who willfully play for free in exchange for
getting paid later.




Every one rolls the dice in one way or another. Producing your own CD is a big roll of the dice. Hell its rock and roll. Roll away. The worst you can do is crap out. BTW arrived alive back in michigan ... geesh 1615 mile and two and a half days of power driving.

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Every one rolls the dice in one way or another. Producing your own CD is a big roll of the dice. Hell its rock and roll. Roll away. The worst you can do is crap out. BTW arrived alive back in michigan ... geesh 1615 mile and two and a half days of power driving.

rhat the road warrior. :wave:

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I have done that trip 5 times on the glide.... Its easier in the blazer. This one was a tough trip. second day right out of the hotel ,on the way back, hit the heat ,, nada. I ended up having to get the heater core flushed. I thought i was done with that deal because I had to delay leaving for texas back in oct due to the same issue. I re flushed it in texas ,late last fall but I guess it still had some crap in it,, so I guess the third time was a charm.. ended up out in he middle of nowhere at this little place that had all kinds of junk cars. The boys flushed out the heater core and cooling system for me and had me back on the road in like a little over an hour. 40 bucks in cash and a 20 dollar tip and i was on the road again. Driving old trucks cross country is an adventure.. glad to be home. road trips are always an adventure lol.

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Whatever Rhat, Around here the real good musicians love doing sub jobs. They get to play a wide variety of music without all the hassles of being in a band. Then there are the guys that can only play at open mic/ jam sessions because they can't start or join a band for whatever reason.

Ya know mod , I let this post of yours lay for a while before I decided how to reply to it. Guy you are basially a weekend warrior from what I can tell that seems to be between bands due to your scrubbed web page. I would guess you do a some sub work these days.

Its a good deal if you need the money and I am sure a challenge. I know I did alot of sub work in aviation. A little different deal though . Always a plane you have never seen before , maintained by mechanics that you dont know from adam ,, and typically on trips where the owner of the comany does their own flying and deciced to sub the flight out due to the weather being way too tough and not anything he wanted to take on. I did them totally for the money and not because they were any fun. To be honest it was a good way to bust your ass.

Now with band sub jobs ,, its either one of few things. A broken band, a sick member , or a regular deal where you play second seat to a guy that has to be gone alot.

You can be a friend of the band ,, or just a guy who really is a good player that can handle the job but no one that they really want around on a perm basis so they get in on the crisis deals.

You also seem to really feel the need to slag on me as a musican. He if that makes you feel better about youself and your situation ,, go for it. Knock yourself out. It just makes you look small in reality. I am on the comback after alot of years out and play with some good guys and enjoy what I am doing and the guys I play with seem to be good with what I do for them. You dont do two 6 month hitches at this deal if you cant hang and you dont have them asking when you will be be back when you are headed out of town to make the move down there on a full time basis. Lets just say I do what I do....for the people I do it for and we all are happy.. Now dude , get out of my grill.

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Ya know mod , I let this post of yours lay for a while before I decided how to reply to it. Guy you are basially a weekend warrior from what I can tell that seems to be between bands due to your scrubbed web page. I would guess you do a some sub work these days.

Its a good deal if you need the money and I am sure a challenge. I know I did alot of sub work in aviation. A little different deal though . Always a plane you have never seen before , maintained by mechanics that you dont know from adam ,, and typically on trips where the owner of the comany does their own flying and deciced to sub the flight out due to the weather being way too tough and not anything he wanted to take on. I did them totally for the money and not because they were any fun. To be honest it was a good way to bust your ass.

Now with band sub jobs ,, its either one of few things. A broken band, a sick member , or a regular deal where you play second seat to a guy that has to be gone alot.

You can be a friend of the band ,, or just a guy who really is a good player that can handle the job but no one that they really want around on a perm basis so they get in on the crisis deals.

You also seem to really feel the need to slag on me as a musican. He if that makes you feel better about youself and your situation ,, go for it. Knock yourself out. It just makes you look small in reality. I am on the comback after alot of years out and play with some good guys and enjoy what I am doing and the guys I play with seem to be good with what I do for them. You dont do two 6 month hitches at this deal if you cant hang and you dont have them asking when you will be be back when you are headed out of town to make the move down there on a full time basis. Lets just say I do what I do....for the people I do it for and we all are happy.. Now dude , get out of my grill.

Rhat, For the last time I am still in a band. I don't maintain the my space page because it isn't my job in the band. Hell I don't even have the password. Right now it is the slow time of year. We have 2 weddings in May. In June we start are weekly guest ranch job. We have more weddings,street dances etc booked through September. Now why don't you go away like you said you would and come back when you actually get in a band.:idea:

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Rhat, For the last time I am still in a band. I don't maintain the my space page because it isn't my job in the band. Hell I don't even have the password. Right now it is the slow time of year. We have 2 weddings in May. In June we start are weekly guest ranch job. We have more weddings,street dances etc booked through September. Now why don't you go away like you said you would and come back when you actually get in a band.

Ok so you wanna just go double down on this deal. No big deal to me. knock yourself out. There seems to be alot you dont know. How to be civil is one of them.

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