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Singer Demos


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Just updated my demos on my Bandmix page, http://www.bandmix.com/tj_vox/


Wanted to know if they were "there" yet, as far as mentioning them in my ads looking for bands. And/or including the link. I know they're a lot better than my previous efforts, but I never was very good at self-critical evaluation (although getting better!). Anyway I appreciate very much those of you who helped me with this before... and anyone who takes the time to listen and comment this time, or make suggestions. Rock on.

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Hi Cleve. You asked for it, so here goes... In my opinion, your voice has a nice quality, and you sing with emotion, but you really need to work on hearing the correct pitch. It's very pitchy.


FWIW, it helps me to think of my voice as forming a chord with the guitar/keyboard. My voice is just another note in the chord. I listen to how all the notes relate, and I try to adjust my voice accordingly to complete the chord in pitch. ...hope it helps.

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Honestly.... you should probably take all of those down if you are auditioning to be in a cover band. At some point you'll be ready to be a singer but it's not now and you aren't going to get a gig with those tracks. I listened to "Crazy Little Thing" and "without you" and both sound nasal and are extremely pitchy. Further, on CLT you for some reason sustain the notes forever on the end of words and since you have pitch issues, it's grating.


My recommendations are first and foremost try voice lessons but if you don't want to I would recommend making sure that the songs you do have notes where you hit them quickly and don't sustain them as that would protect you a little from wavering.

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OK thanks a lot for the feedback. It sounds like pitch and maybe nasal tone are the main problems. I can control where I place my voice so I'll just make it less forward to correct the nasality. But can anyone help me figure out where the pitch problems are happening the most? Is it sustained notes -- or large intervals--- or runs of a lot of short duration notes close together? I honestly did not hear any of them, which really bothers me of course. I thought I had this pitch problem licked, based on recent feedback from other sources. But it could be either I learned the song wrong in the first place, or I've just gotten so used to hearing it the way I've been doing it. Or maybe I'm just careless. I'd really like to fix these pitch problems so I can get some demos out there. And yes I am working with a voice teacher (just started though).

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If you don't hear the pitch problems even on PLAYBACK.....that's a tough one. I wouldn't even know where to begin to offer suggestions for being able to HEAR pitch better. And if you can't HEAR pitch, you're gonna have a hell of a time SINGING in pitch.


Just keep working with your voice teacher! One-on-one with someone who can tell you when you are and are not in pitch is probably the best thing you can do.

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Well I just listened to the original of CLTCL for the first time in about 6 weeks, when I learned the song for an audition. And it was obvious after about 30 seconds that I have significantly deviated from that.. along with notes that were learned wrong. The other 3 songs I'm a lot more familiar with so I took that one out of the mix.

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Well one thing may be how I'm listening. It seems I have to go across the room sometimes and play it on a monitor instead of listening through headphones. I think I get headphone fatigue or something after a while which plays tricks on my sense of pitch.

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Man, I hate to sound harsh, but what inspired you to be a lead vocalist in the first place? Listening to your track "Save Me"....I don't know that you are on pitch even once in the entire song. You're sharp every time you go up for the high notes...when you hold out the note at the end of the verse, you're very flat. It's not about learning "wrong" notes---it's that you're out of pitch on WHICHever notes you choose.


If you can't HEAR that....I dunno....maybe singing just isn't for you. Do you play an instrument? If you do, perhaps focus on that and doing some background vocals. If you don't, try learning to play an instrument. That will help you with your ability to hear pitch.


Otherwise, hunker down with a vocal coach and be prepared to do a lot of work.

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I know they're a lot better than my previous efforts, but I never was very good at self-critical evaluation (although getting better!).



Yo dude,


Well, I might as well and go ahead and respond here... unfortunately I think these demos are a big step backwards from the ones I was helping you with a few weeks ago. As you know, I thought that those were at least reasonably solid as far as pitch and expressiveness, although not outstanding. These latest ones... well, they just aren't there.


So I'm not sure what to advice to give if you think they are much improved. There appears to be a pretty big gap somewhere in the feedback loop.


I hope the voice teacher can help... good luck with it!

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Listening to your track "Save Me"....I don't know

If you can't HEAR that....I dunno....maybe singing just isn't for you. Do you play an instrument? If you do, perhaps focus on that and doing some background vocals.




just heard that track...man.. I think dogpiling on people who are nice and are putting forth an effort is not cool but I agree. I just don't think singing is something you can do right now. Maybe your coach can help but these songs are worse than I would expect to hear at a random karaoke place, much less from someone who is aspiring to be a singer of a band.

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hmm... the audio is down now.

TJ - I hope we weren't being too rough on you but you need to know this stuff. It's actually more harmful for you to have sycophants tell you everything is ok than have people tell you that you need a lot of work.



Yeah, I don't want to be too rough on the guy. Like you said, he seems like a nice and sincere guy who is willing to work hard and deserves respect for that. But, in both the short and long run, it's better to hear the honest "tough love" than a bunch of crap that only serves to stroke your ego and give you false hopes.

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Yeah, I don't want to be too rough on the guy. Like you said, he seems like a nice and sincere guy who is willing to work hard and deserves respect for that. But, in both the short and long run, it's better to hear the honest "tough love" than a bunch of crap that only serves to stroke your ego and give you false hopes.



IDK the whole thing is kind of baffling to me.


Like I mentioned above, I actually worked with him some via email, and explained how I went about learning songs (breaking them down note for note, practicing until EVERY note was spot-on, making sure the phrasing and expressiveness was true to the original if not an exact duplicate) and gave him some feedback on recordings, and he actually got quite a bit better, to the point where he got some auditions and was even working on specific songs with a startup band.


Then he went off to work on his own for a while...


So there's SOME kind of potential there. But ultimately if you can't hear for yourself when something is just outright bad, is there really any way you can continue?

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So there's SOME kind of potential there. But ultimately if you can't hear for yourself when something is just outright bad, is there really any way you can continue?


It would be tough. You can work on singing on pitch, but if you can't hear it, how can you work on it?


But for fronting a rock band? There's a lot of pitchy singers out there who get by in a live situation that you'd never want to hear on tape. But I would suggest maybe finding an original band so the pitchiness can be attributed more to style than ability. Doing covers, you pretty much gotta sing as close to in-tune as the artist you're covering as you can. In the right original band, you can just get out there and holler and have fun.

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Ear training, vocal technique training, and commitment.



Well, yeah. Never say never, I guess.


But when you are competing with people for whom it's second nature because they have been musicians and active listeners for most of their lives, and meanwhile they are continuing to work on and improve more sophisticated issues relating to their performance that you haven't even gotten to yet, that's a pretty long way to go to catch up.

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I didn't hear the demos this thread is discussing, so I have no idea if this applies to the OP, but I think some people are just genuinely tone deaf.


You watch American Idol or go to a karaoke bar and some of the singers are just horribly off, yet they think they're doing great. I can see getting thrown off during the performance I suppose, but if you don't hear it when you play it back, I'm not sure you can learn that.


If you can hear that you're off, you can work on correcting it, but if you're way off and can't hear it, I don't think you possibly expect to be a singer.

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Well, yeah. Never say never, I guess.

But when you are competing with people for whom it's second nature because they have been musicians and active listeners for most of their lives, and meanwhile they are continuing to work on and improve more sophisticated issues relating to their performance that you haven't even gotten to yet, that's a pretty long way to go to catch up.



A long way to go, maybe. But I guarantee it would be worth all the hard work.

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