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"Late In The Evening"...?

Vito Corleone

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We're working up this song as a special request for a gig this weekend, so we'll see how it goes over, but it has occurred to me this song might end up being a "keeper"---nice salsa-ish groove, familiar across a lot of age groups, marijuana reference....


..anyone else doing this song to good results?


...maybe we'll segue it into "Hot Hot Hot" for a conga-line thing or something...

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We're working up this song as a special request for a gig this weekend, so we'll see how it goes over, but it has occurred to me this song might end up being a "keeper"---nice salsa-ish groove, familiar across a lot of age groups, marijuana reference....

..anyone else doing this song to good results?

...maybe we'll segue it into "Hot Hot Hot" for a conga-line thing or something...

The rhythm is more conga-ish than salsa-ish. :) Hot Hot Hot would be a good fit. The Conga rhythm is traditionally Cuban, thinking of Cuban/Americanized/Pop I think Gloria and Emilio Estefan. So, Conga and Rhythm is Gonna Get You comes to mind. Maybe some others of theirs would fit in a medley too... 1-2-3, Dr. Beat. Remembering 80s Miami Sound Machine... You have girls that sing, right? That would sound nice, if you can approximate the Latin feel. Conga's intro horns and piano are great, but the piano part rhythm could be tricky. :)

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The rhythm is more conga-ish than salsa-ish.
Hot Hot Hot would be a good fit. The Conga rhythm is traditionally Cuban, thinking of Cuban/Americanized/Pop I think Gloria and Emilio Estefan. So, Conga and Rhythm is Gonna Get You comes to mind. Maybe some others of theirs would fit in a medley too... 1-2-3, Dr. Beat. Remembering 80s Miami Sound Machine... You have girls that sing, right? That would sound nice, if you can approximate the Latin feel. Conga's intro horns and piano are great, but the piano part rhythm could be tricky.


"Conga" or "Rhythm"...good suggestions. Thanks!


Yeah, all about getting the feel on those things. Should be fun to play around with though.

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but the piano part rhythm could be tricky.


Yeah. Right now I'm concerned about the abilities of our keyboard player for one of the other special requests we're doing: "Boogie On Reggae Woman". I think I might be in a little over my head on that one. Especially since I might get stuck with singing that one and I'm pretty certain that it WON'T be a keeper, so I'm reluctant to put any more than "just enough to get by" time on that one.


We might keep "Late" if we can pull it off well, so it would be worth the extra effort to make sure we do.

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I think "Late" would be a huge crowd pleaser- never heard a band try to pull it off, even bands with horns sections- go figure. BORW would be pretty cool to do, too- probably would have to have the guitar cover some some synth stuff, unless your newest chick singer could help out. I attempted to play BORW with a very well-established local band 20 years ago, they fired me after one weekend. What the Hell, I was just a kid...

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I do it every weekend, all the time, and with horns. Always goes well but it is boring as {censored} to play. I use choir voices on a Triton. I throw in steel drums for the verses. There is not much to the song but you have to have a drummer that can handle Steve Gadd's parts. He is from here and played at the bar our drummer owns so my buddy was able to get the groove right from him but playing it is a different story. Putting hot hot hot is NOT a good idea as it is a Soca song. It is a totally different groove and if you do that it will come off as a train wreck and sound real bad, trust me. If you do the real version of HOT, HOT, HOT do this one. My girls dad is on this recording playing trumpet:



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My all time favorite cover band is called Love Seed Mama Jump out of Dewey Beach, DE. If you have Spotify, they are on it and they have a version of a medley of The Boxer and Late In The Evening. Otherwise you can download it for $1 from their website. It's still one of my all time favorite cover tunes. Two notes, they have a drummer and a percussionist along with 2 guitars, bass and vocals. Also, he does the horn parts on Kazoo.

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Outstanding tune. I wouldn't wanna do it unless I was in a band that could do it justice, though.



I hear ya. But "doing a song justice" is a funny thing, doncha know?


I was thinking about this just awhile ago as one of the compliments we most often hear from people is "you guys so much different stuff and EVERYTHING you do sounds JUST like the record!" Well....ok....I agree that some stuff we really DO try to nail and do a pretty good job at, but there's a whole lot of other stuff we do where we don't even really try. We just do "our" version, whether that's because we prefer it or we simply (as might be the case with this song) don't have the proper instrumentation to do it 'like the record'.


So what I think REALLY matters is that we capture the 'vibe' of the song. Or at least A vibe. Do SOMETHING that makes it connect to the audience. In fact, I've found that if you can connect the song to the audience on almost any level, that once you do that, the rest doesn't matter. It's like the conversation going on right now over on the "Mustang Sally" thread. Yeah...MOST bands don't capture the very cool groove, feel and licks of the Wilson Pickett version. But, other than other musicians, I don't think anyone in any of the audiences really care because that song has the ability to "connect" without the need to capture that groove.


Having said all that---I don't know if we'll do that song justice or not. At this point, I'm hoping that we simply just don't make a complete muck of it and counting on the fact that it's a "special request" to give us some extra "connection" with the audience.

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