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This is what event posters should look like...


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Are you crazy?

I can't understand a word on that!

Including "Erykah" and "Badu"...

Ha ha!
Touche! Point taken.:lol:

here are a couple of mine I whipped up on Photoshop for a couple of gigs-not perfect by any means but I try to keep them clean and simple.



Left the time off the second one because they wanted the option to change the time from 8 to 9 depending on what was going on in sports. :facepalm:

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Ha ha!

Touche! Point taken.

here are a couple of mine I whipped up on Photoshop for a couple of gigs-not perfect by any means but I try to keep them clean and simple.




Hey, both of those fail! :mad:


There is no address, I don't know what kind of music it is, if there is a cover charge or whether or not I am allowed to wear a hat or...or....



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Ha ha!

Touche! Point taken.


Weird that the biggest word on the poster is "Russia". I'm pretty sure the Russians know what country Moscow is in and I doubt many people will come to this show from elsewhere. But I certainly thought the words Erykah and Badu were readable enough. Unless the fact that her name isn't Jane Smith makes it harder for people to read. :idk:

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Notice that it doesn't give a start time. Too many words, less of the important details. Poster is a definite fail, IMO. It's similar to extended wankery on an instrument, too many notes with nothing to say.



I have this discussion with my wife. She is in corporate communications. I have asked her to help on flyers and they look like birthday party invitations. The purpose of the flyer is not to state the date, time, location of the gig and the music that will be played. The purpose of the flyer is to get people to come out to see the band.


This flyer is apparently for the bar where they band is playing. In this town, you don't put flyers on telephone poles downtown to get people to come to your gig in the suburbs. This particular bar is one I am familiar with and they have bands all the time. This is the kind of flyer that you put up in that kind of bar.


The second issue I wanted to bring up is that sometimes the flyer should leave a person with more questions than answers. You want people to be curious about a band and maybe that would draw them out.


I'm not saying this is the best flyer in the world. Personally, I dig the pin up stuff, but the Seinfeld rip-off is completely lame. However, I found the provocative flyer to be interesting enough to go visit their website to see what kind of band it is.

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I guess my questions are...#1- in the day and age of social and mobile media are bands still using physical posters and flyers as an important part of their marketing efforts? #2- are they finding the effort effective... are they getting people out to shows based on the info of a flyer. There's certainly something to be said about creative and eye catching artwork... but for the average band trying to build a following, what is it really selling?


These days we've just used static artwork... a band image and a spot to write in the date we're playing to hang inside of venues.



We're not hanging flyers anywhere outside the venue these days. That's what Facebook is for.

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I have this discussion with my wife. She is in corporate communications. I have asked her to help on flyers and they look like birthday party invitations. The purpose of the flyer is not to state the date, time, location of the gig and the music that will be played. The purpose of the flyer is to get people to come out to see the band.

This flyer is apparently for the bar where they band is playing. In this town, you don't put flyers on telephone poles downtown to get people to come to your gig in the suburbs. This particular bar is one I am familiar with and they have bands all the time. This is the kind of flyer that you put up in that kind of bar.

The second issue I wanted to bring up is that sometimes the flyer should leave a person with more questions than answers. You want people to be curious about a band and maybe that would draw them out.

I'm not saying this is the best flyer in the world. Personally, I dig the pin up stuff, but the Seinfeld rip-off is completely lame. However, I found the provocative flyer to be interesting enough to go visit their website to see what kind of band it is.



I understand her point entirely, but here's the thing...


Speaking from a bar patron's perspective, that flyer has no longer than a second tops to grab my attention and less than 5 for me to get the idea. Personally I've seen too many flyers with boobalicious women, so the OP's flyer would not have gotten my attention. But then again, we're talking about the average male bar patron. I will tell you this, as a graphic designer would tell you, flyers with bold colors or any other eye candy are the most effective attention grabbers. With that being said, the OP's flyer has that going for it. However, people tend to have very short attention spans and would typically not want to spend a lot of time reading text. A well-done flyer gets it done with very little wording as possible, and IMO the flyer that Kramerguy posted really nails it. The graphics and the logo themselves stood out for me. I understand what your wife is saying about leaving out some information about what time the band is playing, but having the info on the flyer won't hurt it in the slightest. It's about having the right info, NOT a lot of info. Again, similar to excessive wankery.

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Personally I've seen too many flyers with boobalicious women, so the OP's flyer would not have gotten my attention. But then again, we're talking about the average male bar patron.



I think a good idea is to focus on attracting female bar patrons, to the exclusion of males. If you have a lot of good looking girls at your show, they'll be a lot of guys. Putting pictures of hot chicks in bikinis on your promo flyers is destined to have the opposite effect. Plus, any guy who attends your show because he saw a hot pinup on the poster is not the kind of guy your want at your show.

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I think a good idea is to focus on attracting female bar patrons, to the exclusion of males. If you have a lot of good looking girls at your show, they'll be a lot of guys. Putting pictures of hot chicks in bikinis on your promo flyers is destined to have the opposite effect. Plus, any guy who attends your show because he saw a hot pinup on the poster is not the kind of guy your want at your show.





..and women like color!

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Personally I've seen too many flyers with boobalicious women, so the OP's flyer would not have gotten my attention.



The biggest mistake most cover bands make is playing for themselves and not for the audience. Making flyers for themselves is just part of this same mistake.


Actually, it's even worse. I can understand a band who might want to play only for themselves. But a flyer serves no purpose whatsoever except to attract people and be a marketing device.

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