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Do you drink (not get drunk) at gigs?


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Typically 1 beer an hour. I never take the first sip until there is sound coming out of the PA. I own and set it up the PA. Many many years ago I had a horrible experience troubleshooting a PA problem. I had only drank 1 beer before but could not figure out what was going on and it took forever to figure it out. Can't remember the exact problem but I unhooked every single cable and setup the whole system up from scratch. Made us 30 minutes late for start time. It has became a superstition with me ever since!


I like to have a drink on stage to raise and drink/toast with the people at the bar.

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It depends


if it's material I know well I MIGHT have one or 2

if it's brand new material (to me) I'll usually not have anything.


It also depends on how much I'm singing and if I need access to my passaggio

If there is Rush,Journey (and the like) then I'll usually just stick to water

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I drink water on stage, usually copious amounts, but then again, I don't drink alcohol off-stage either.


Someone sends a round or shots to the band? Mine goes down by my water, which I will then use to toast the patron along with everyone else. And then I'll probably pass the drink to one of the other guys if they want it.

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When we're playing a place where people are encouraged to drink, I usually have 1-2 over the course of a night so that I can raise my glass, etc. In a more food-centered environment, I stick with water, or soda if I need the caffeine.



This is my thought exactly.


If everyone in the band is drinking water all night it doesn't exactly present the 'party' vibe to the audience. Me and the bass player are 1-3 beers a gig kinda guys, the other 2 don't drink (one just not at gigs one not at all).


When I'm being cheap, I'll drink less or just pop/water at the places where the tab isn't comped (a rarity but it does happen). A couple places just comp food and no alcohol...restaurant types. I may or may not have any drinks at those places.

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Well... there have been nights we have been called 'Drunks In A Blender'. Not all of us drink... in fact some nights I don't have a single sip of booze... but I consider that ballast for some members who basically lead the party all night long calling drink socials and demonstrating shot specials. Our two band leaders are opposites... singer rarely drinks. Our bassist is an enabler... total drink pusher. LOL. One is the balloon and the other is the string. Their personalities follow the same pattern.


Most nights I'll consume 1-12 oz Red Bull Vodlka per set. The older I get the crankier I am if I'm completely sober at a show. Probably because I'm witnessing mayhem from the back of stage. It gets pretty crazy most nights. I feel like I need to stay straight in order to help steer the ship. :facepalm:


BTW... weddings and private are sober events. No one consumes at these events (unless the host insists).

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I'm just asking for trouble if I start drinking at gigs. My drug of choice is rum and it's easy to get a bartender who thinks they're doing you a favor and making one way too stiff. Or you're hot, sweaty and thirsty and suddenly five or six are gone by the end of the first set. I tend to stick with water or ginger ale with only a rum and coke or two between sets or after we're done.

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I'm not a big drinkrr, I drink Coors Light as well.


During a set, I'll have 1 Coors light and a glass of diet coke. I'll drink from both. Between sets, I'll "re-load" my stage area, ready for the next set, then I'll more than likely have a diet coke between sets.

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usually get a really solid buzz, about 4-5 beers and a couple of band shots before starting. Always takes the edge off :) I stop drinking by end of first set, mostly sober by midnight-1 and I can drive home no problem at 2-3 AM. I got it down to a science lol

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It depends on the gig for me. Some gigs are no drinking at all per the contract. Some gigs are 1-2 beers if they are far away. At a normal bar/restaurant gig, I'll have 3-4 beers, but I drink them early and stop early, sometimes none after the 1st set, definitely by the end of the 2nd set. 1-2 while setting up, then 1-2 after that. I usually get to the venue 1 1/2-2hrs ahead of time. If my wife is willing to drive, and if it's a low key venue sometimes I'll have a couple extra.

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I love beer as much as the next guy, but I've slowed down considerably in the past 15 years or so. I still drink, but it's rarely more than 2-3 beers over the course of a gig....and maybe a shot if someone sends one to the stage. (Which usually happens about once a night; more than that, and I start giving them away to the other guys in the band.)

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I pretty much always have one drink before playing- and one during the course of the set. It's very rare for me to exceed this. Afterwards it's game on.


I really don't enjoy playing drunk or verging on it, but I also don't especially like playing a show absolutely 100% sober.

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I drink water on stage, usually copious amounts, but then again, I don't drink alcohol off-stage either.

Someone sends a round or shots to the band? Mine goes down by my water, which I will then use to toast the patron along with everyone else. And then I'll probably pass the drink to one of the other guys if they want it.



Yep, me too. My guys love it when we get drink tokens or tickets, because I divvy them up. I haven't had any alcohol since 1978.It was weird to get used to playing sober at first, but it didn't take long to get used to it and now I can't imagine drinking at all. But I don't judge anyone else who does, as long that they don't get trashed and make me look bad.

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