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Everything posted by kmart

  1. The Romans prided themselves on conquering and ruling. Then, wanting to tie all the conquests together. All roads lead to Rome. You know what they say about the Roman roads. Very well made. So they were doers. They appropriated things as their own. Even the Roman gods were "borrowed" from the Greeks via the Iliad. The Greeks, on the other hand, made many discoveries and were as a result well versed in mathematics, geometry, astronomy. The Romans used all those discoveries. Used them. Doers. The Romans built aqueducts, dams, roads, bridges, architecture. Much of this doer mentality of the Romans was facilitated by the discoveries of the Greeks. The Romans were realists, the Greeks, dreamers. A Roman statue of a leader has a big nose, the Greek version would be idealized view of that leader. And a pretty nose. This, but as an extension/further thought process for your thesis, whip this on him... The Roman Empire, created by the DOERS, was an EXCLUSIVE entity in that it's purpose was to conquer and consume. And it pretty much doesn't exist: Rome fell (or declined if you prefer). Some of the physical landmarks of the empire still exist, sure, but the actual Empire is no more... The collected thoughts of the Greeks, the THINKERS, were ultimately an INCLUSIVE entity, or at least an inviting thing, based on the premise of debate, etc. What that kind of open discourse led to...critical reasoning, logic, advanced math, the sciences, etc. Those are all things that not only endure, but expand and grow more so than any empire ever could.
  2. Definitely have grommets put in, IMO. If there's truss at the venue, we hang from that. If not, we have a home-made stand made from painted PVC pipe we can run it from.
  3. Yeah, I am pretty parallel with a slight elevation to knees. I play completely heel down (believe it or not), ... which is stylistically part of the problem of playing so low. OOf!! Ever tried raising your seat up and playing down to the kit (i.e., toms & cymbals semi-lower than you'd think from a higher position)?
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