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R.I.P., dad.....

Jon Hiller

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I haven't been around as much lately, my dad has been in and out of the hospital the past month. He passed away and went to be with mom on Friday morning. I've lost both parents within just about 6 months of each other, my world will never be the same. Dad was ready to go, however. He told me a couple months ago that he was tired of his body not being able to keep up with what he wanted it to do..... he could get around the house with little trouble, but he couldn't drive or lift anything, and he'd fallen down during the night a couple times when he got up to go to the bathroom, resulting in a couple bad bruises and a couple of nasty skin tears on his arm. He told me that he was ready to go lay crowns at his Savior's feet and be with mom. He and mom would have been married 64 years on Valentine's day of this year had she lived. Visitation is tomorrow evening and the funeral is Tuesday morning. I'm pretty ok with things right now, although I was home with him (along with 2 of my 3 sisters and my brother) when he passed away and that was hard, and I'm not sure how ok I will be with things when visitation and funeral time roll around. I hope my kids handle this ok, they were pretty torn up when their grandma (my mom) died.

Sorry for rambling, I just wanted to share this and get some of it off my chest. Those of you that pray, any prayers you want to send our way would be greatly appreciated.


EDIT: That's dad in my avatar.....[/QUOT
I pray you will be strong for your family. I can't comprehend your loss..Take care,Keith
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Very sad indeed. Condolences to you and your family.

Like previously stated, time heals all wounds. Not to say you will forget, but you will learn to celebrate his life instead of grieve his passing.

I had a similar experience with my grandfather 2 years ago. He got sick in September 2004 (thought it was a stomach bug), and slowly deteriorated until his passing in March of 2005. Turned out to be lung cancer. It was a very frustrating experience because the doctors insisted that it was NOT in the lungs, and refused to scan them. Very long and painful 7 months for him. I know this does not compare to the loss of one's father. I cant even think about losing my father or mother, but it is inevitable at some point.

Take care. Keep your head up. Continue with prayer and meditation. Things will get better. And like I said, the pain will turn to acceptance and celebration for the life that he shared with you and your family.


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God Bless you and your family, Jon.

I'm really sorry for your loss.

I'll say a good prayer for you all, for God's comfort and healing.


I know your Dad and Mom are together now, with our Father and Jesu.


Best thoughts and prayers,


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What a good son you are. Jesus said truly you will be with me in paradise. prayers sent to you and your family at this time. Jesus cried when his friend Lazurus died, We are so much more fragile. All the best in coping with your loss.

+ infinity

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Mojo sent!



+ 1.


I lost my father to a heart attack at 42 yoa when I was 14, and that was two months after his mother died, a couple years after my stepbrother killed himself with my father's gun, and a couple years before my grandfather died right in front of me, etc...


I just wanted to say I can relate a little, though those things happened when I was still a teen. I know how messed up things can seem and how it can almost seem like "what's next?" and can imagine how it would feel to lose two people you've cared about your whole life. I wish you the best on getting through this and think it's cool you posted an avatar of him.

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