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I cannot believe that a thread which mentions and links to a story in the mainstream news (about marijuana and lung cancer) has been closed down. That is not PROMOTING illegal anything - sometimes it seems like the moderators here use any excuse they can dredge up.

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So you're saying your freedom to say want you want using a companies property for free is more important than their freedom to run their company how they want?


What does dope for dopes have to do with keyboards?

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What does dope for dopes have to do with keyboards?



It was about treatment for cancer sufferer's man. Cripes. Medical marijuana doesn't need your approval (it already has the approval of the majority of voter's here in California) and the people suffering who's pain is eased by it don't need your compassion either, but there's no need to be so crass. If you think it's just about people wanting to get high you honestly have know idea what your talking about. People who are legitmately in pain, a pain lessened by "medical" marijuana, I think thier situation outwieghs the position of those who simply wan't to exploit it. While it's not dierectly related to keyboards (hence the OT, OT threads are still okay as far as the policy of the board goes, and you do seem to support the choices of the policy makers here on the forums, at least when it comes to the degree of censorship) I've personally had family members who have had cancer, and I wouldn't be suprised if I wasn't the only one on the forum.


If the policy is to close a thread about "medical" marijuana though it's their call. It does make me lose a little respect for whoever's in charge though and if you were to ask what I think of it I'd say it's pretty crappy, but maybe there's a legal issue I'm not aware of. At lest they didn't remove it entirely I guess.

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What does dope for dopes have to do with keyboards?



Because nearly all of the groovy music that inspires you to play keyboards was written and performed by people who have smoked pot, among other ILLEGAL substances. If you disagree with this, or are 100% certain you listen to drug-free music, then you must listen to really crappy music.


Surely a significant study on ANY substance that shows advances in the fight against cancer is news-worthy. Just because it happens to be pot shouldn't make it taboo, unless, of course, you conform to the lies told by the "establishment." Drool knows all about conforming to the establishment - just ask him about the Iraq war.


In other news, I declare that the taboo on pot and pot-talk should be banished, pot made not only legal, but mandatory worldwide. That would pretty much solve all of the world's problems.

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what is most irritating about arguments or debates about drugs is that people forget that alcohl is the most common drug

and the abuse of alcohl costs us more than any illegal drug does..



this isn't to say drugs are good. or bad. its just that people say "illegle drugs are bad mmmkay" and then fail to realise that their local watering hole is institusionalised drug taking..

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You all have valid points.


However, HC also has its own valid point while not allowing such threads promoting or favoring the use of an illegal substance. I guess there are many other places which may work better for talking about the good of marijuana to prevent cancer and other stuff.


And Yes, Mr. Severalist, is it a legal issue. We kept the thread open in case someone need the info you kindly provided but we rather prefer to stay away from creating entire discussions on the subject.



Alcohol and regular cigars are not illegal -and that is not up to us, but to the US and many countries policies- and this is not the right place to debate if other substances should or should not be forbidden.



If you guys use or need such substances to create music, it is fine. Just do not expect the forum to be the best place to talk about it, even if you consider you could not make any music without them.



EDITED after a PM I got:


Even when some drugs are perfectly fine under medical circumstances in specific states/countries, we -HC- rather not embrace such discussions. Hopefully you can understand that. This is not the right place for that.

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Please discuss how posting a link to an article, published in mainstream newspapers, about reducing lung cancer tumors, is possibly a legal issue. I am constantly amused/amazed at your kneejerk enthusiasm for censoring threads. Don't just say, yeah, I'm the moderator, and what I say is TRUTH. Actually back up your assertion. What exactly would happen if you allowed a thread discussing this article?


Would you allow an OT discussion of the Virginia Tech killings? Those were illegal. What about Ebay scams? Those are illegal.

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Them's the rules. If you don't like them, go somewhere else. No-one's keeping you here.

Moderation is a good thing. The noise-to-signal ratio can get pretty bad here sometimes; anything that improves it is a good thing IMO.



You misstate so much in so little text that it's hard to know where to begin. Always like to discuss issues with a moderation fanboy.


first - I did not comment at all as to whether moderation is a good or a bad thing. Second - the moderator did not say or imply that this was a noise-to-signal ratio issue. But certainly you are increasing the ratio.


You seem to love rules for their own sake. Are all rules good all of the time? Is it always wrong to question them? (is there a projectile vomit smiley icon?)

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You seem to love rules for their own sake. Are all rules good all of the time? Is it always wrong to question them? (is there a projectile vomit smiley icon?)



May I remind you that besides the obvious drug policy here, we have another rule called NO AD HOMINEM Attacks, i.e., - Don't call anybody an idiot; Don't vomit on people whose opinion is different from yours. For a self-proclaimed champion of democracy, to my eyes and I'm sure to most here, you are coming across with an aggressive, self-righteous approach that is typical of extremists, not democratics. Calm down, and we are more than willing to discuss thing democratically. I really don't think that Gus or I are the strictest moderators around.


I do think one problem here is the signal to noise ratio. How many OT threads do we have to endure, to get some post of value that are related to keyboards, synths and samplers? This topic comes up regularly, and there are always some people who do want to have OT's in KSS, and people who don't. Personally, I am not against OTs, but I am bothered when the ratio of OT's raises up more than a certain level.


What is that ratio? Should we have a democratic poll asking the question? How about a poll to ask to enforce the rule "You are only allowed to post ONE Off Topic thread every 5, or 10, or whatever number a democratic poll will yield - threads that ARE related to KSS, and are of value to the rest of the KSS community". Believe it or not, a lot of people come here to talk about synths, not other topics, be they light drugs, cigarettes/cigars, pet hamsters, swiss cheese, or rubber ducks.


Let me and Gus know and we can start a democratic poll.

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So, even though the specific reason given for the censorship was that it was promoting illegal drug use, you are revising that to a general one about signal/noise ratio? And personally, I think that these silly rolling of eyes icons are the aggressive ones. At least projectile vomiting presupposes that I am sick or possessed.

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What bull{censored}.


It's a scientific STUDY, in which they were stating their results. They also stated that further work was required and the conclusions were not concrete yet.


So... exactly where is the "promotion of illegal drug use"?


I'd like any mod to cite the article and tell me which phrases or sentences in the article promoted the use of illegal drugs.

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I cannot believe that a thread which mentions and links to a story in the mainstream news (about marijuana and lung cancer) has been closed down. That is not PROMOTING illegal anything - sometimes it seems like the moderators here use any excuse they can dredge up.




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