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I spend most of my time on the Bass Forum, but I have some issues with my pedal board and I figured I'd come to the experts. :D


I'm getting a lot of hum from my effects board. I have an SKB PS 25 powered board with the following fx in order: EH Black Finger (newer tube version), Bassballs (commie version), Deluxe Memory Man, and a Boss NS 2 Noise Suppressor. The BassBalls and NS2 are powered by the board, and the Black Finger and MM are plugged into an outlet strip, which also powers the board itself.


I've got the NS2 set to minimum threshold, but there is still a lot of noise getting past it.


Do I need a better noise gate? Better power supply? What gives? :idk:

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the first thing id do was eliminate power source as the cause.

remove the pedals from the board (or atleast from the boards power) and try running them off another power supply (not the power strip youre currently using).

if youre still getting the noise then one by one take a pedal out of the chain and the cause should be pretty obvious.:)

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take each pedal out one at a time, and see how it affects the overall noise level.

if you find one pedal is the source of the problem, open it up and make sure the jacks and stuff are tight.
Also isnt the old bassballs positive ground... if it's all on the same supply that should be shorting out. if the hum is that loud, it should be a grounding issue somewhere most likely.

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I've used the board at different locations and had the same noise problem.

The cables are all newer, decent quality patch cables. I think the culprit is the power strip, as the noise abates when I'm not using it.

Damn. Should have thought of that myself...:o

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Hi Thumper. :wave:


If I were you I'd do these things in this order;


1. Move the pedalboard to another outlet. Sometimes it's just a dirty outlet causing noise. Moving to another outlet will sometimes fix it.


2. If that doesn't help, run an extension cord to a different circuit (IE; some other part of the house running off a different circuit. This is sometimes an issue as well. For me, I'll get some static here and there on my amps in the house. However, out in the garage (different circuit) there's no static.


Those will let you know if it's your house's power or not. If those don't help, keep going.


3. Try a different power supply. Unplug everything from the board's power supply and into a different supply. If the hum goes away with the new power supply, then it's the board's power that's the problem. If it's still there with the new power supply, then it's a pedal. If you don't have a spare power supply, do this last.


4. Remove all the pedals from your signal and add them back one at a time until the problem presents itself. The pedal it comes back with is likely the issue.


If the noise is still there after all of these, it's likely a cable that's bad. What kind of cables are you using? Crappy cables cause all sorts of problems.


Hopefully one of these will help..

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I've used the board at different locations and had the same noise problem.

The cables are all newer, decent quality patch cables. I think the culprit is the power strip, as the noise abates when I'm not using it.

Damn. Should have thought of that myself...

Well damn. I guess I'm late posting my long and hopefully helpful post. :o

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