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Need an amp that loves fuzz


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I've recently had a deluxe reverb ri (horrible rattles, unreliable, sounded like crap with muffs), a swart space tone (sounded good but was muddy with fuzzes), and I now have a broken ampeg j-20 (this is the third replacement of this amp I've had since I bought the original in jan, but this amp sounds awesome when it works and takes fuzz's great). So basically I'm looking for something reliable that takes muffs and fuzzface style pedals equally well. Do bassman style amps handle both well? Or maybe an old ampeg? Suggestions please.

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I've yet to hear an amp that takes pedals better.

A clean hiwatt will give a pure fuzz sound (ala gilmour). An overdriven hiwatt will give some of the best fuzz sounds ever. It will work with pretty much any type of fuzz you put into it, for sure with muffs & fuzzfaces.

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I've yet to hear an amp that takes pedals better.

A clean hiwatt will give a pure fuzz sound (ala gilmour). An overdriven hiwatt will give some of the best fuzz sounds ever. It will work with pretty much any type of fuzz you put into it, for sure with muffs & fuzzfaces.



but are there any low wattage (less then 50W) hiwatt tube amps out there?

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yeah I could go hiwatt I guess, we have the line where I work. I also know a guy who can hand build pretty much any circuit I want at a good price so I'd like to know particular models. Bassman, 57 tweed, ampeg__, basically whatever circuit sounds good with all the different types of fuzz. If any bassman players could chime in I'd apreciate it. I'd love to know if they sound good with muffs and a pedal like the fuzz factory. Thanks

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Orange amps and Voxes would be my pick. Although Voxes sound fuzzy from the get go.



Vox is something I may be interested in, the hayseeds look interesting but the wait time puts me off a bit. I have owned a tiny terror in the past and it didn't take any pedal well imo, just got really muddy, so that is not an option. thanks

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fuzzes (depending which ones) have a lot of low end, many combos begin to rattle when that is the case.... go for amp + cab instead.....



Yeah I'm 100% buying a head and cab, I'm sick of cab and tube rattle it drives me nuts.

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DR.Z RT66 is a fuzz lovers dream.



cool I know a place that has the line here I'll check it out. Anyone have experience with the carr line? I'm looking at the rambler and or viceroy.

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That's about as far from an Orange as you're going to get.



get something from orange based on the old circuitry. The old 60s-70s british amp circuitry will thank you if you get one silicon based and one germanium based fuzz. Go and get yourself a vox AC30 or better, an orange OR120. good times!

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That's about as far from an Orange as you're going to get.





I meant by Orange is the AD series. There is a AD30 that has only a single channel version that I love. I hope to grab that one in the near future, if the funds allow it.

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I use my fuzzes (Muff, FF, Blue Box, FY-2, Spectacular SM) differently depending on the amp I'm running them into. I LOVE my Vibroverb with any of the above. I think part of that is the 2x10" speakers. I like how tight they stay, yet they can rumble and churn plenty well. Hiwatt Bob is 100% right about the traditional 50/100/200W HIWATTs. Not cheap to clone right due to the Partridge Trannies & Fane speaker being essential to any HIWATT. I've only had my HIWATT recently, but it's quickly eclipsing my Fender as my go-to amp.

I'm not the only one who also loves fuzz into a dirty amp. My Champ & Tiny Terror are both wicked fuzz machines, but it's got to be what you're after. FF varients or my Shin Ei FY-2 clone especially are fantastic when my Champ is already cranked. The Tiny Terror muddys your fuzz up, but that can totally kick it with a Muff, FF, etc.

I guess it all comes down to taste - sounds like yours might be different from mine. It doesn't sound like you should buy another amp on recommendations - only settle for something I could try my favorite pedals in front of. :thu:

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I've yet to hear an amp that takes pedals better.

A clean hiwatt will give a pure fuzz sound (ala gilmour). An overdriven hiwatt will give some of the best fuzz sounds ever. It will work with pretty much any type of fuzz you put into it, for sure with muffs & fuzzfaces.



Yup. The best.

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