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Anyone dabble in other hobbies....

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Hmm.... fantasy sports, cooking, sex, golf, and video games.


I dabble with other things on occasion, paintball namely .... cigars, travel and wine too .... but between that first list and guitar, my $$$ is gone.

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good thread. i realized awhile ago that i have too many hobbies so i cut back on them and now i have few, music being one of them. but i used to pick locks for fun (time consuming to practice often), fly planes (got too expensive), video games (i sold all my consoles and now im too poor to buy them back), was learning italian and japanese (way too time consuming), and computers (i do it for work, so this is a hobby i kept).

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i study foreign languages. im just trying basic russian.

i like technology and trying out gadgets. you should see my pmp collection
I travel alot. Living in a small country has its benefits.

i think im going to take up meditiation and cross country running soon this year. very interesting to me.

..... studying foreign languages.... le sigh, that is sexy! :love:


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Cool beans! What kind of automotive stuff do you do? My bro is a Mazda fanatic, we're currently working on his first gen Pro-7 car :thu:

Hobbies besides guitar/drums/music?

I have some background with automotive stuff...racing and such and I have a passion for Japanese Martial Arts, photography, art, and some sports.

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Playing basketball, watchin my Fighting Illini, writing everything from poetry to in-depth feature articles for magazines and playin my sax (I was a sax player a year before I was lured by the seductive sounds of the guitar...still play both 8 years later)

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