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How much it too much?

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I don't consider my board to be huge, buts its decent size. I like it and I use everything on as often as I can. I hate owning a pedal I'll use for 30 seconds on one song and the rest of the time it collects dust. Thats a waste.


How many of you guys actually use your whole board extensively. How much is too much?

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I have sixteen pedals including Tuner and a Whammy and Noise Supressor.


In honesty, I could loose the Wah (In exchange for a V-Wah) Chrous, Enhancer, and the other bloody chorus I picked up from Loobster...What was I thinking?


I would however use another Reverb, another delay, and a Phaser...so about that much.

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i'd say 6-8 was a good gigging board for most people, 8-12 if your band is very effects based.....any more than that is getting to the point of stupidity imo.


....but whatever, if you want 28 pedals on the floor in front you when you gig, who am I to argue?

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At the moment I only have three pedals set up - Skreddy Top Fuel -> Crunch Box -> Behringer Compressor -> amp and that's it. I'm like you, Fatso, I hate using a pedal for just a small part and then turning it off. Pedals that you can leave on and get lots of value out of are best IMO.

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ive got about 40 or so pedals and use about 8 on a consistent basis. The rest were picked up cheap or have certain features that interested me at the time. Considering 95% of my gear was picked up in the late 80's when things such as Pod's didnt exist yet, you never knew what you could do unless you actualy sat down with a pedal and ran it through its paces against other pedals.

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at this exact second, I only have 1 tuner plus 4 pedals. (OD, trem, chorus & delay) but I just removed the big muff that I am going to replace with a chunky cheese, and the 250 OD that I am going to replace with a blackstar distortion. I also want a pn-2, and I am building a treble booster, which I may or may not actually use. So it's between 6-8 pedals that I actually use.

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Yes... It seems that when you actually use a pedal, you get your money's worth. That said, I leave my Bad Monkey in all the time, chorus for verses, And Wah for fun little riffs. My distortion gets less use then before, but he hangs in. And since I rarely play things from other artists now, I use everything a lot to gauge how much is too much and how far I want to go with a certain effect in one song.


I mean, I'm not going to leave chorus on all the time, as that's usually a more subtle effect, but I do use it enough so that I can justify buying it whenever someone comes in and says, "Why do you have all these pedals?" (I only have four ATM, but...) Then, I can show them.


Anyway, I think too much is when you have a lot of pedals that are underplayed. Meaning, I'm not going to have a ring mod for one song, I'm gonna use it as much as possible. :D But if you have a Micro POG just for the sake of having one for the intro of such-and-such, you can afford to lose it, don'cha think?

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This is a good question.


I've got a small-ish board, but I use all my pedals pretty extensively. I did just upgrade from the Gator Pedal Tote to a Pedaltrain2 .... so I've got room for a couple more, but I still think I'll be using all of my stuff pretty extensively.


Once everything gets in (next week) I'll still have 10 pedals or less though ... so everything is pretty usable.

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I think its personal perfrence, but I use delays and reverb most, so that's what I own and what occupies most of my board. the only other pedals I have are 2 dirt's and a boost.


I could see myself using a rat or a muff somewhere soon, so I might pickt one of them up.


But Im definately not one to have a lot of pedals lying around and only use a few, I just keep my board set up and go with that.


If you think that sound is vital for a 30 part, I'd say keep it and maybe try incorporating it with other musical passages and other pedals

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I'll have 8-12 pedals on my board and I use them all, but not a lot. The stuff my current band does doesn't lend itself to my awesome arsenal of effects. So mainly I just use my 808 clone, OCD, and Boost pedal. the other stuff (Muff clone, chorus, delays, wah, small stone, comp, etc) only get used here and there for a little texture. Oh, and my Quadraverb never gets used in this band :mad:. I need a new band!

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I'd say if it's not hooked up on your board as a permanent fixture you should sell it or shouldn't have gotten it in the first place. Or... you could just put your money under your mattress.


That is of course... unless your name is Trent Reznor, John Frusciante, or J. Mascis.

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I have 9 pedals on my board at the moment, and I'd say they all get used on at least 3 of the tunes that we gig. Saying that at practice we like a jam or two, and everything gets used during those.

I'd say that it's just the right amount for me. Any more and I think I'd get confused.

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Right...I hate having a pedal that gets used for 30 seconds during one song.


I've been doing a lot of cutting out lately. I've gone through at least a dozen pedals in order to find the best collection in the fewest pedal.


I currently have five pedals, including a tuner. If they're the right pedals, I think 5-7 is a good number for me. If I added anything to my collection, I'd add a tremolo and maybe a boost. But I just sold a few boosts and a Stereo Pulsar...so I'm staying at 5 for now.

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^There is no way in hell I could even find uses for 10 much less 20.


I've been doing a lot of cutting out lately. I've gone through at least a dozen pedals in order to find the best collection in the fewest pedal.


Same here. I downsized to 4, bought two more and an ABY pedal. I can't imagine buying any other effect. Now I just have to find the right dirt, phaser, etc. That'll take a lifetime :D


what helps is getting stuff like my moog ring modulator which is my tremolo, vibrato, and a bunch of crazy sounds or my dirt box which can do a fuzz and distortion from every part of the spectrum.

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