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Low Wattage Tube Amp Heads.


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I have one...its one kick ass amp...im waiting for the orange 2x12 open back cab to come out to run the ad15 through...3x12 ftw!!

where can you find that orange AD15 now?

haven't those been discontinued?

i'd love one


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Frank ....


I've been thinking about replacing my Tiny Terror / Marshall 2x12 with another combo that would compliment my Blues Jr. Not sure an AC15 is what I'm looking for ......... but sounds like the TT would be right up your alley. 7/15 Watts, decent clean headroom, lots of gain. :idk:

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what about that mesa express thing?

forgive me... i dont follow mesas line too much... i just know ive heard something about the express having a 5watt mode and 3watt mode or something like that...

are they {censored}?


i was looking into the 5:25 for a while. i tried them out and got nice tone out of them, however i found a steal on a classic 30 so my amp woes were quickly fixed.


but yeah, the express line might be worth a look at if he were going to a combo. wait, do they have them in head form?




oh look at that, they do :thu:

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how much do those 5:25 and 5:50 combos run new and used?


i'm seriously itching to own a mesa right now. the more i've looked into them, the more sweet sounds i've heard. i used to just associate the brand w/nickleback.

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Frank ....

I've been thinking about replacing my Tiny Terror / Marshall 2x12 with another combo that would compliment my Blues Jr. Not sure an AC15 is what I'm looking for ......... but sounds like the TT would be right up your alley. 7/15 Watts, decent clean headroom, lots of gain.

Crxsh, around what volume level would the TT break up with i had the gain to a minimum? O yeah, and how many watts are your speakers rated for?

I do have a slight hit on grit to my sound as for now but you can only really notice it when i dig into notes.

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Well, it's an Orange. There are better amps that run clean, but it is more for overdriving. That's what most of the low wattage amps are for, anyways. If you get a 5w amp, it's gonna go dirty really fast.

That's not a bad thing though. Overdriven amps sound great.


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Epiphone Valve Jr.

The easiest mod for it is to put in a new preamp tube for the 12AX7 that comes with it... a nice NOS tube will smooth out the sound.

regards, Jack



what are some of the other mods that come with it? i know theres like a mod kit out there somewhere to make it a completely different beast. Im guessing there wouldnt be a mod to make it have more headroom.

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ahhh ok, so ones to connect to the head and the other is for adding another extension cab to it?

Im a complete dumbass when it comes to {censored} like this.



it depends on the cab, my 4x12" cab be either 4 or 16 ohm mono or 8ohm a side stereo. it has 2 inputs for the stereo....so you could run 2 small heads into it, for example.

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it depends on the cab, my 4x12" cab be either 4 or 16 ohm mono or 8ohm a side stereo. it has 2 inputs for the stereo....so you could run 2 small heads into it, for example.



See i just dont get the whol ohms thing with the 2x12. LIke with two 16ohms speakers plugged into a head it would be 8 ohms right? And two 8ohm speakers plugged in would be 4 ohms? Or it just a matter of how you wire them?


And 2x12 will only have one speaker output correct (to connect to the head)?

Im more of a see it and learn it type of person, so pictures would help if its not too hard.

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See i just dont get the whol ohms thing with the 2x12. LIke with two 16ohms speakers plugged into a head it would be 8 ohms right? And two 8ohm speakers plugged in would be 4 ohms? Or it just a matter of how you wire them?

And 2x12 will only have one speaker output correct (to connect to the head)?

Im more of a see it and learn it type of person, so pictures would help if its not too hard.



yes it depends on how they are wired, that's why my cab can be all those things because it has a switch which basically re-wires the cab for different applications. different cabs have different set ups, the best thing to do is buy the head you want, then get a suitable cab.


a 2x12" might not just have one input, I believe marshall 2x12"'s (or some of them anyway) can run in stereo.


it all depends on the cab and what it's designed to be used with.

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in very simplistic terms...


check what speaker ouputs the amp has....same or higher on the cab is ok, lower isn't...it not always that simplistic but it's a general rule.


so if the a single output on the amp is 16ohm, then you want a cab that is (or can be) 16ohm in mono.


if the output is 8ohm, then you can safely run it into a cab that is 8ohm or 16ohm when in mono.


if the amp has a 16ohm output only then it's probably not a good idea to run it into an 8ohm cab.

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I've been waiting for about 2.5 months for a Fargen MiniPlex MKII, I'm pretty much foaming at the mouth right now. It's an EL34 head that's about 12 watts, and with the London powerscaling system it's capable to go down to about a half watt. It's perfect for what I need, a plexi sounding amp that I can record fairly quietly with.

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OK so on a related note, i have a couple of stupid questions.

I have a fender champ 600 combo (5w, 8" speaker),

1) how much extra volume would i get out of it if i were to plug it into a separate cab, say a 1x12 or 2x12, would it make a significant difference?


2) this is probably really stupid but...the champ has a speaker output, would it be possible to use this to plug into the power amp input of my larger amp? (a 90w 1x12 ss fender) or would i destroy one/both of the amps or myself?



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I've been waiting for about 2.5 months for a Fargen MiniPlex MKII, I'm pretty much foaming at the mouth right now. It's an EL34 head that's about 12 watts, and with the London powerscaling system it's capable to go down to about a half watt. It's perfect for what I need, a plexi sounding amp that I can record fairly quietly with.

:eek::love::poke: your description is EXACTLY what i'm lookinf for : a el34 miniplexi :eek:
so please when u get it, send full reivew, pics, clips etc :lol:

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See i just dont get the whol ohms thing with the 2x12. LIke with two 16ohms speakers plugged into a head it would be 8 ohms right? And two 8ohm speakers plugged in would be 4 ohms? Or it just a matter of how you wire them?

And 2x12 will only have one speaker output correct (to connect to the head)?

Im more of a see it and learn it type of person, so pictures would help if its not too hard.

Try this link. I hadn't a clue in the past but this link explains it all really simply and with pictures for cementheads like me :wave:


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:poke: your description is EXACTLY what i'm lookinf for : a el34 miniplexi
so please when u get it, send full reivew, pics, clips etc

Oh definitely. Ben Fargen has 2 videos of the amp on youtube, that's really about it as far as good demos on it.

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OK so on a related note, i have a couple of stupid questions.

I have a fender champ 600 combo (5w, 8" speaker),

1) how much extra volume would i get out of it if i were to plug it into a separate cab, say a 1x12 or 2x12, would it make a significant difference?


2) this is probably really stupid but...the champ has a speaker output, would it be possible to use this to plug into the power amp input of my larger amp? (a 90w 1x12 ss fender) or would i destroy one/both of the amps or myself?


I was just going to post about the champ. The champ will be MUCH louder with a 1x12 or 2x12, I own both types of cabs, and my favorite is the 1x12 with a greenback. The champ sounds better as a head than the Epi Valve Jr., or the blackheart, much louder, much better sounding.

You MUST NOT use the speaker out as a line in to another amp, even though it's only 5 watts, thats much to strong and you could damage the other amp.
You can however run the second input as a line out - for example, when you are plugged into the "high" input, run a cable from the low input into another amp, this will give you a line level signal. The same is true in reverse.

to the OP - Carmen Ghia is the best I've tried, if you are a DIY'er check out www.tedweber.com, he has TONS of kits for amps, many old fenders and marshall's converted to head designs too, as well as some originals.

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I was just going to post about the champ. The champ will be MUCH louder with a 1x12 or 2x12, I own both types of cabs, and my favorite is the 1x12 with a greenback. The champ sounds better as a head than the Epi Valve Jr., or the blackheart, much louder, much better sounding.

You MUST NOT use the speaker out as a line in to another amp, even though it's only 5 watts, thats much to strong and you could damage the other amp.

You can however run the second input as a line out - for example, when you are plugged into the "high" input, run a cable from the low input into another amp, this will give you a line level signal. The same is true in reverse.



Many thanks for the replies mike :) thought the speaker out thing might be a bad idea.

I had no idea about using the other input as an output, it messes with my head a bit but will give it a try, ditto with the cab thing, might see how it sounds with the 4x12 at our rehearsal space, will have to ask the dude there what ohm it is rated at....



EDIT: one more question, i take it using the second input as an output will be giving a preamp out, is this right?

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