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OT: first gig shenanigans


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hello HCFX

long time forum reader first post.


well anywho.

last night i played my first official gig, i was nervous as hell. so were setting up and doing sound check and for some reason there is no sound coming out of my amp.im freaking out, its my first gig and something crapped out on me. so i check every patch cable and try a different cable from my guitar to effects. nothing. this goes on for a good 5-10 minutes and the whole time the sound guy is yelling something at me but im too freaked out to listen. then he finally walks on stage and turns the volume knob up my guitar....



anyone else have any first show fails?

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I pulled my cable out of my pedalboard twice in one song last wwekend and Ive played alot of shows. Prepare for more fails bro...


I was just rocking out so hard I couldnt help it. Need to consider wireless lol

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spinal tap moment....


the headlining band at my last gig sucked... but thought they were rockstars, so the guitarist (if you could call him that) got out an alternately tuned 2nd guitar (drop d... :facepalm: 2nd guitar for drop d fail)... he played the song with out much action and just before striking the last note (of the last song of the night)... with a jump and a windmill... he hit the last chord.


except nothing came out cause the cord fell out when he stepped on the drum riser for his jump.




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spinal tap moment....

the headlining band at my last gig sucked... but thought they were rockstars, so the guitarist (if you could call him that) got out an alternately tuned 2nd guitar (drop d...
2nd guitar for drop d fail)... he played the song with out much action and just before striking the last note (of the last song of the night)... with a jump and a windmill... he hit the last chord.

except nothing came out cause the cord fell out when he stepped on the drum riser for his jump.




I watched the singer of a local band pretend to pass out on stage from just rocking out too hard... Like James Brown he had to be "carried" off stage... Most epic fail Ive ever witnessed. Oh yeah, crowd of maybe 30 people...

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My band had our first gig this past Tuesday, the singer changed guitars for a song with different tuning and half-way through the song the strap gave way. He caught his Les Paul just before it hit the ground, and never really missed a note, really quite amazing!. The band before us had the guitarist go for a jumpin' windmilling rockin' move and fell of the stage taking a mic stand and the monitor with him....pretty funny !

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My band had our first gig this past Tuesday, the singer changed guitars for a song with different tuning and half-way through the song the strap gave way. He caught his Les Paul just before it hit the ground, and never really missed a note, really quite amazing!. The band before us had the guitarist go for a jumpin' windmilling rockin' move and fell of the stage taking a mic stand and the monitor with him....pretty funny !



Lol, I love to see people fall off stage. I fell once and smashed into the kick drum so hard it sounded like a canon!

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Lol, I love to see people fall off stage. I fell once and smashed into the kick drum so hard it sounded like a canon!


yeah it was epic, not a "small" guy either, was not a graceful fall ! J.J. on the other hand handled the guitar incident like a RockStar ! :thu:

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First gig I was wondering why there was no sound coming from the amp, thought I checked everything, but it was on mute. Earlier I had accidentally screwed up the settings of my guitarist's tu-2 and neither of us knew how to change it back because we both just used the normal tuning setting.


During the second last show my lead came out of the amp but it was just bass->tuner->amp, and I was off in the crowd (no actual stage, just a hall) and the cable had coiled up so I ran out of length :facepalm:. At the last gig, nearly a year ago now :( , I fell over near the end of a song (first song of the set) because I turned way too quickly while too low to the ground so lost balance. I didn't miss a note and played the last 30seconds of the song on the ground :rawk:

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Good thread. My first 'gig' was a house party, hosted by a friend, as an excuse for us to play somewhere. I stopped in the middle of our 2nd set (we played for well over 1 1/2 hrs.) to pee. Seemed like a totally reasonable thing to do at the time, but I caught some flack for it later. ;)

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at our first show we were the only band playing that night and only had about a twelve song set at the time, so we took a 45 min break inbetween 6 song sets...:facepalm:

anyway, the first set was really tight and energetic (nerves), but during the break our drummer downed 5 whiskey/cokes in that 45 min span (why?...they were free). I could tell when he suggested we extend the set with two covers that we had never rehearsed that it may be interesting, but by the first 30 sec of the second song I could tell we were in for an epic drunken drummer fail. I literally had to play facing the drummer the entire second set mouthing/bobbing my head to the count :facepalm:

The drummer has no recolection of the set, but someone recorded it and played it back for him. Now we have a rule: 1 pre sow shot and then nothing but beer until the final note is played.

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at our first show we were the only band playing that night and only had about a twelve song set at the time, so we took a 45 min break inbetween 6 song sets...
anyway, the first set was really tight and energetic (nerves), but during the break our drummer downed 5 whiskey/cokes in that 45 min span (why?...they were free). I could tell when he suggested we extend the set with two covers that we had never rehearsed that it may be interesting, but by the first 30 sec of the second song I could tell we were in for an epic drunken drummer fail. I literally had to play facing the drummer the entire second set mouthing/bobbing my head to the count
The drummer has no recolection of the set, but someone recorded it and played it back for him. Now we have a rule: 1 pre sow shot and then nothing but beer until the final note is played.


12 song set?


we got 25 minutes....

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To this day I still will set everything up and hit a chord, only to discover that I forgot to plug my guitar in.


:lol: I remember panicking wildly that my tuner seemed not to register anything only to have a mate nod towards my Strat's empty jack socket with a disgusted look before a gig once.


My first gig was outdoors, at about midnight on a stage right by the beach. I just remember having a really had time getting my left hand to move up and down the neck. Plus I was pissed we were on last and thus I hadn't been able to take advantage of any of the free drinks we were allocated prior to the show lest I do something ridiculous. Still, it's always easier after the first one doesn't kill you and crush your spirit.

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