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Compressor Pedals Under $100.00 - Opinions?

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If your soldering skills are up to sniff, the BYOC 5-knob Comp just slides in at the top end of your budget- it's a lot more tweakable than the pre-built options at that price if tweaking is what you're in to.


The other DIY option of note would be a BOSS CS-3 with the Monte Allums mod kit...

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If you're using fuzz and want to put comp before fuzz, be careful... you'll need a true bypass comp. Fuzz does not like buffers. I believe the two options in the OP are buffered bypass.


This just came up in the SPAM: http://acapella.harmony-central.com/showpost.php?p=34288971&postcount=109


Also, BYOC (you can try to get a used one off the BYOC boards or the DIYstompboxes forum) or BBE Orange Squash, used.

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The only answer here is either the BYOC mentioned already, or the best under-the-radar comp in existence, the FX80B. Amazing pedal to add sparkle and sheen to your tone. I have 2, one for my guitar rig, and one for keys. It stays on 100% of the time. Sounds great with dirt (which most comps don't). I'm actually trying to sell one of mine right now since I'm really digging my Diamond compressor. Not a pitch, especially since I've praised this pedal for about 5 years now, but for the money there's nothing even close IMO.

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I absolutely hated the Soul Preacher. I thought it was a big piece of crap, and I like EHX. The Guyatone ST-2 wasn't bad.


If you can find a new version, maybe used, of the Visual Sound compressor, I might take a look at that. I had the Route 66 (overdrive and comp) and thought it was really good, as far as compressors go. I just don't like compression that much, so after trying 4 - admittedly none were high end/boutique - I've decided not to try anymore. I just don't need/like this effect.

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Before I bought the Soul Preacher, I tried the Boss CS-2, the MXR Dyna Comp, and the Marshall Edward Compressor. I was coming from a Ibanez BP10, which I really liked, but was aging and was becoming unreliable. The Marshall came close to what I wanted, but then I found the Soul Preacher, which fit my needs perfectly.


Again, I feel that the Soul Preacher is the best compressor in the price range. I liked it so much that I overpaid for it at a brick and mortar store.

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someone tell me about this



I've had mixed experiences with this pedal. A unit that I tried in a local music store seemed light and transparent, while one that I got in a trade on HCFX was a bit too squishy. The fact that I played them in different contexts may have influenced my perception in some way. The first was put through the paces after I tried out a vintage MXR dynacomp and was run into a random Mesa Boogie 1x 12 combo. The second CP101 was played through a Boss GT-8.


Regarding the OP ... +1 for the Guyatone ST-2 and DOD FX80-B.

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If you're using fuzz and want to put comp before fuzz, be careful... you'll need a true bypass comp. Fuzz does not like buffers. ......





which can also be seen as far overstating it.







orange squeezer is the only way to roll for me, comp-wise.

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