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I went to the Pawn Shop today and...


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I noticed a few pedals in the rack.


The first was a Jacques Meistersinger Chorus pedal. They had "No Name Brand" on the label and it $49 and I talked him down to $25! It's completely MINT and came with box and instructions. I think that this is a great deal and I love the pedal.


Next I saw a Guyatone VT3 Tremolo. It was again listed as ""No Name Brand" for $39 and I talked him down to $25. (Love this pedal by the way and heard there are some tweakable pots inside to bring the volume jump down a bit and may need some direction here.)


The third pedal was a TS9DX and I noticed on the box it had "MOD" written in sharpie. I opened it up and it's in pristine mint condition with a Keeley Electronics sticker on the back. I "googled" Robert Keeley and found his sight which is pretty cool but I only found one MOD that they offer for the TS9DX and it's called the Flexi and requires a stomp switch and a little toggle switch to be added and mine looks completely stock except for a blue LED which I assume to be modded.


Can anyone give me some direction?


Oh, if you're wondering. The label says Ibanez Modded/TS9DX and they priced it at $59.


So I walked away with these three pedals for $109 bones!


Did I do good?



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congrats! I love practically pilfering pawn pushers. They rarely know how to price, unless they're a chain.



hey... you're in texas, if you want to talk the cash america pawn people down, heres how....


when you look at the price tag, you'll see some upper case letters that may read "MALEE" that is a code for how much they paid the guy that sold it to them for... the letters correspond to a 1-10 and they are "M A R Y L O U I S E" (m=1, a=2, r=3 and so on...) so "MALEE" = $125.00... the pice tag might read "$250" but you now know that they're trying to make double on it, but you can talk them down quite a bit.


you're welcome.

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oh... where in the world are you/this pawn shop?



I will never tell...


Last week I went in and got a Holy Grail and a Snarling Dos Erogenous Moan for $90. The Erogenous Moan didn't work so I took it back. He asked me if I wanted to trade for another pedal or get a refund and I looked at the reciept and they only chatged me $40 for the Erogenous Moan so I knew my options were VERY limited. So I saw a Boss RT-20 Rotary Emulator and I made up this story about how bad the condition was (it was in great condition) and they gave me a straight up trade. So in the end,k I walked out with an EHX Holy Grail and a Boss RT-20 for $90!


I love this place.



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hey... you're in texas, if you want to talk the cash america pawn people down, heres how....

when you look at the price tag, you'll see some upper case letters that may read "MALEE" that is a code for how much they paid the guy that sold it to them for... the letters correspond to a 1-10 and they are "M A R Y L O U I S E" (m=1, a=2, r=3 and so on...) so "MALEE" = $125.00... the pice tag might read "$250" but you now know that they're trying to make double on it, but you can talk them down quite a bit.

you're welcome.



That's awesome

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hey... you're in texas, if you want to talk the cash america pawn people down, heres how....

when you look at the price tag, you'll see some upper case letters that may read "MALEE" that is a code for how much they paid the guy that sold it to them for... the letters correspond to a 1-10 and they are "M A R Y L O U I S E" (m=1, a=2, r=3 and so on...) so "MALEE" = $125.00... the pice tag might read "$250" but you now know that they're trying to make double on it, but you can talk them down quite a bit.

you're welcome.



Handy infos to know. I need to get back into the habit of stopping by pawn shops every now and then.

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hey... you're in texas, if you want to talk the cash america pawn people down, heres how....

when you look at the price tag, you'll see some upper case letters that may read "MALEE" that is a code for how much they paid the guy that sold it to them for... the letters correspond to a 1-10 and they are "M A R Y L O U I S E" (m=1, a=2, r=3 and so on...) so "MALEE" = $125.00... the pice tag might read "$250" but you now know that they're trying to make double on it, but you can talk them down quite a bit.

you're welcome.


You are a gentleman and a scholar. Your good looks are exceeded only by your outstanding personality. :thu:

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So I saw a Boss RT-20 Rotary Emulator and I made up this story about how bad the condition was (it was in great condition) and they gave me a straight up trade. So in the end,k I walked out with an EHX Holy Grail and a Boss RT-20 for $90!

I love this place.


I'm normally against manipulating peoples ignorance/innocence for monetary gain and equate it with stealing.... but it's a pawn shop. Those guys are {censored}ing jackals, screw them.


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i think this is the only thing i like about texas





for such a weird ghetto that is west philadelphia, there ain't 1 {censored}in pawn shop within 5 miles of me. the closest one is downtown on south st, but thats douche central (think 6th st. austin, or greenville ave, dallas, or the strand... etc)

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for such a weird ghetto that is west philadelphia, there ain't 1 {censored}in pawn shop within 5 miles of me. the closest one is downtown on south st, but thats douche central (think 6th st. austin, or greenville ave, dallas, or the strand... etc)



There's 1 at the top of Roosevelt Blvd. where it turns into Rt1 headed for Langhorne, but they suck too.....I miss me a good pawn shop! Vegas has some good 'un...S'up neighbor?


Those sound like great scores!! Rock on!!

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Pics and or clips!


I'm waiting on my custom Zac Gorm pedal board. Should be here next week.

About half of the pedals are from my local pawn shop (RC-20XL, RT-20, Meistersinger, Keeley TS9DX-MOD+, Guyatone VT3 and Holy Grail) AW-3 was from a local guitar store, TU-2 eBay, Swollen Pickle HC Forum, RAT2 eBay, Mutron Phaser HC Forums, H20 eBay, MXR DynaComp eBay.

I still want a Mutron III, Green Sovtek Big Muff Pi and a Mallekko Spring Chicken. I also want to put the Monte Allums MODs into the DynaComp and the RAT2. I need 2 expression pedals and a Volume Pedal. My wish list also includes a Red Witch Tremolo, EHX Hog, A/DA Flanger, Soulpower Instruments SD-1 From Hell, Keeley Vox Wah, a really advanced delay pedal (not sure which one yet), ... I think that's it for now.


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