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Twilight Haters Came to Hate!


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Yes, that's right, there's a new Twilight movie out. You may have heard. The last Twilight movie I saw in a room full of drunk friends, and it was hilarious. So, for round two, I decided to go to the opening night in a college city. I figured this would be the best mix of fans and haters, and I was right. It was loud, crammed, and filled with snickering, screaming, and laughing the entire time. I don't even think the fans took this piece of {censored} seriously. I'm a bit disappointed though, it wasn't quite as bad as the first.




So yeah, whose seen it? I know some of you did. Were you p-whipped into it? Do you come for teh lulz? Did you really, really want to see the chick make out with the vampire dude's hot sister even though you knew it wouldn't happen?

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i havnt seen it but i know im going to be major p-whipped into seeing it soon... my girlfriend keeps talking about how she wants to go see it and wants me to come :facepalm: oh and all my friends are at dinosaur jr tonight in ohio and im stuck here because its her birthday :( its true love... what can i say? :idk:

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the wife went out with bunch of friends to see it... I saw the first one with her and it was in good competition for battlefield earth for worst script ever.



I'm curious how that one went. Like, does it say in the script "Bella makes nauseous vomit face", or was that the actresses twist on the character?


I've read the books are actually worse. Apparently they're full of grammatical errors, and completely superfluous adjectives. Oh, and even more unresolved plot lines.

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