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Twilight Haters Came to Hate!


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the wife went out with bunch of friends to see it... I saw the first one with her and it was in good competition for battlefield earth for worst script ever.



Battlefield Earth... written by a scientologist I think? And The Twilight books were written by a Mormon. So pseudo Relgious writers get an A for effort but er...yeah, that's about it.

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i havnt seen it but i know im going to be major p-whipped into seeing it soon... my girlfriend keeps talking about how she wants to go see it and wants me to come
oh and all my friends are at dinosaur jr tonight in ohio and im stuck here because its her birthday
its true love... what can i say?

Happy birthday, {censored}zor.

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This Twilight craze is ridiculous. Kind of funny, my best friend's band were recently the unwilling subject of a Youtube video re-enacting the whole Twilight saga. Apparently at the behest of the singer's wife who's trying to get a new song of theirs on the soundtrack for the fourth installment. It's basically a bunch of local high schoolers acting out scenes from all the books.

I've known this band for a long time and I know they're probably not too happy about the idea. They're all in their 30's and couldn't give a {censored} less about Twilight but the singer's wife is one of those go-getter types who doesn't take no for an answer. They've got nothing to do with the film. The song is awesome and I suppose it does lend itself lyrically to this genre of films but still....:facepalm:


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I went with my wife and her daughter Friday. Funny discontinuity all throughout--the actors don't have the same positions or facial expressions or even hairstyles from one quick cut to the next.



you'd think a movie set to make that much money could afford a decent director.

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you'd think a movie set to make that much money could afford a decent director.



Actually, they tried that. Sadly, this was suppose to be their better director. Visually it's not as completely amateur as the last, but the script and acting still totally sink it. It doesn't matter though, really, it's just about hunky guys running around. All they need is casting, lighting, and hair dressers, why waste the money on a good director? However, I wonder if there's going to be a backlash, since I think even the fans are starting realizing the emperor has no clothes... or shirts, in this case.


I also wonder if the main characters complete lack of personality or humanity is actually it's asset. She's just so emotionally blank she very well may be a silent protagonist, with it's core teenage audience subconsciously projecting their own mopey, feeble personalities on her.

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