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SGs - How neck heavy are they?


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I really want an SG Classic, but whenever I hear/read stuff about SGs it always comes up that they are neck heavy. So how bad is it really? Does the neck dive unless you are holding it up? Or is it more along the lines of how some guitars sit with the neck more level than a Les Paul?


If it is a legit issue, how can it be fixed? I want to put a Maestro on it - so would the additional weight of that help?


I don't know - I am curious and super bored at work, so humor me.

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yeah they are pretty neck heavy. on both my sg's, if i just let it hang the neck falls forward. i dont really care though... its just something you deal with, not a big inconvenience. the way they sound and play make up for it. i also have the strap a little tighter and high up which keeps it a bit snugger on my body..

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It's not the worst neck heavy guitar I've had but it is there. I think they probably vary from slightly to extremely neck-heavy


FWIW, I use an evil strap created from the flesh of a fallen bovine which keeps my SG in place fine hands-free. So it is not a problem at all for me.

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they are neck heavy but Mine doesn't fall forward if i let the neck go. I'm sure with the bridge on it the weight will balance it out more. And youcould always put the strap button on the top horn to balance it, but that to me just looks dumb on an SG.

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I own SG classic its actually not to bad. What ever you do, do not replace the stock tuners. I've seen guys put the heavier Grovers on these guitars and really adds a lot weight to neck. The stock tuners are very light in weight.



Touche salesman. I hadn't thought of that, but I had wondered if the tuners needed replacing.


Does a maestro style trem weigh any more than the bridge that comes on it (with or without the big engraved piece)? Would that even matter with neck heaviness?

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they are neck heavy but Mine doesn't fall forward if i let the neck go. I'm sure with the bridge on it the weight will balance it out more. And youcould always put the strap button on the top horn to balance it, but that to me just looks dumb on an SG.


Good to know :thu:


And yeah, I would like to avoid drilling into the upper horn, I am not a fan of that either.

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I have two Gibson SGs and neither of them fall forward... I use a music stand in my home to hold lyrics and I'm always flipping through stuff and the neck never dives. One of mine is of average body weight and the other is heavier than normal as it is made of maple.


EDIT: I also use a leather strap... don't know that it has anything to do with it, but it has been brought up, so I'll just throw that out there too.

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My SG only has a bridge pickup and isn't that bad, I'm all over the place and have my hands off my guitar a lot and it rarely drops to the ground. You'll get used to it in no time. Probably the most comfortable guitar ever to play.

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I use the plain old Levy's strap and don't have any problems... If you get a good deal on one and find you don't like it there is always someone with SG gas so you could flip it easily.



Very true...always nice to know the flip would be easy if needed.

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I played a Classic at GC a while back. I didn't put a strap on it but it didn't feel anymore neck heavy than mine so you'll probably be good to go. They aren't neck heavy like an Ibanez Iceman. I had one of those and the headstock would dive every time you let it go.

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I have played quite a few SG's and my Classic is the least neck heavy out of all of them. I can let go of it with no divebomb. I had an SG Deluxe with the strap peg on the horn and a bigsby and THAT guitar had a neck that would hit the floor if you let go.

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try to get an SG with an ebony fretboard, I used to have 1979 SG Firebrand with one and it was amazing to play, not very neck heavy either.


i have to disagree... i have a gibson sg gothic series (first run) and it has an ebony fret board and it dives alot more then my 61' reissue. but the ebony is soooo freakign sexy and feels so nice! i love ebony fret boards :love:

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