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O/T All Girl Rock Band


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So a local all girl rock band in my area just played their last show with their original singer.

I'm going to tell you somethings that I don't for certain, but have heard around town:

The girls have been best friends for a LONG time. They've been in a band since HS and they have a really solid live performance. I don't care much for their music because I think each track sounds the same, but whatever, people get by with that all the time. Anyway, the lead singer is a bit chubby. She's the heaviest in all the band. Should that matter? I dunno.

I heard they finally got put in front of a major label for an audition. Big things, big things. Thats all they talked about for a while. Then I heard through other sources that the label said, yeah we'll sign you, but the lead singer has to lose 20 lbs. (Or whatever the number was.) So she was sent off to a fat camp. From what I hear this fat camp wasn't really like boot camp, but more like cocaine and starvation. So whatever works.

Well after shedding the lbs, the label had already moved on, and she put the weight right back on anyway.

So now a recent post from them shows unexpectedly that they've played their final show with their lead singer. Gone. Donezo. Over. Band is going on without her.

Now why is the question? Some say its because she has made it on American Idol. Others say the band just knew they couldn't make it with a fat lead. I have no clue what is true.

Anyway, I guess my question for you guys is what do you think about a label saying... yeah you're good but you've gotta shed some weight. What would you do? Assuming you were/are fat?

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It means a lot to have an attractive singer or lead member or whatever, however sad that may be. When we did our first proper proper gig, in front of nearly 4000 people, a group of about 10 girls (and a few camp guys) rushed to our lead guy afterwards for pictures... for some reason


Says it all

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It means a lot to have an attractive singer or lead member or whatever, however sad that may be. When we did our first proper proper gig, in front of nearly 4000 people, a group of about 10 girls (and a few camp guys) rushed to our lead guy afterwards for pictures... for some reason

Says it all

not sure exactly what this says :confused:

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not sure exactly what this says

Played a gig.
It was rather large.
Got there via a competition.
We played it.
We finished.
Our singer = good looking fella.
When we came out of backstage, some people swarmed around us.
Kept wanting some pics with the singer.
Girls fawned over him, and possibly some gay guys too.

That clear?

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I don't think it's unreasonable for the label to say "lose 20 lbs," assuming she was actually overweight. On the one hand, it's obviously easier for them to promote people who are more attractive. On the other hand, if she was overweight, she ought to want to lose 20 lbs anyway.

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My take is... its just a {censored}ty situation no matter what. You've got a girl who may or may not have weight problem. The general public would rather have a skinny bitch with no talent singing than a fat girl with great chops. You've got best friends in a band who might not be able to make it big because of one member...

I feel bad for them.

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