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The Official Blakemore Effects Tour Box Thread (Currently Underway).

Blakemore Effects

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just wanted to say i picked up the package today at the post office and everything is safe and good. was hoping for a surprise salad leaf from pewt but in return got one of pewt's long hairs stuck to the tape on the box :idk: i'll take it :thu:


had only a brief moment to try them all out earlier before i had to head out. initial thoughts:


the mustang is really good. I have a red llama clone i built a while ago and they sound pretty much identical, only mine doesnt have the nice EQ section the Mustang has.


the bipolar im not too in love with. for some reason it wasnt really doing an octave thing for me at all :idk: will have to play with it some more later, maybe my strat or something in my setup? :idk: i duno whats up. people have said its not quite like most other octave fuzzes but i couldnt hear any real octave effect at all. possibly im just deaf at those frequencies :lol: but as a fuzz i liked the deus ex 100x more. bipolar didnt quite have enough gain on tap for my preference.


deus ex was killer. lots of good sounds in it. sounded as good if not better than my lunar module. theyre rather different but it could do LMD tones plus lots more. the clean blend is a nice addition. the mids knob is nice too, and it gets it to really kinda feedback and do pinch harmonics really well when cranked. plenty of gain on tap on this one (i figured the bipolar would be pretty much a deus ex + octave, but they sound like different circuits to me now that i've played with them. i guess now that i look at it its called the Octadrive, not Octafuzz, so maybe its based on the mustang??). i've got a musket fuzz on the way, and if i don't gel with that i think i'll have to order one of these :)


overall great stuff blake. thanks for doing the tourbox :thu: i'll try to record some demos in the next day or two.

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The Bipolar is a Mustang, just with the Purple Platypus pseudo octave effect on the left footswitch.


Also wanted to say that since I was able to try out the Mustang, I finally ordered/traded with Blake for a Mustang - REALLY cool pedal and I'll give a full writeup later... Possibly a better demo than the one I posted a few months back. :thu:

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The Bipolar
a Mustang, just with the Purple Platypus pseudo octave effect on the left footswitch.

Also wanted to say that since I was able to try out the Mustang, I finally ordered/traded with Blake for a Mustang - REALLY cool pedal and I'll give a full writeup later... Possibly a better demo than the one I posted a few months back.


Still excited to see the write up. Thanks again!

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Don't change that bipolar octave. I got a Joyo Ultimate Octave / Voodoo octave because it comes close to the bipolar octave sound. It's not really an octave either, but there's a mod to make it more octavey. I'm not going to mod mine. One day I will have to get a Bipolar because that octavey sound is still superior.

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Hmm. I told everyone 3-4 days with the box. Think you could get it out Friday? Does that give you enough time to mess around with it? I wanna make sure you get the time you need to with the box.

It's finals week right now, so I may not be able to get to it right away, but I'll let you know when I do!


you going to PM me with the next shipping information? im totally gona get screwed by the int'l shipping :( hopefully wont be too bad. i'll try to get it out friday then.

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Thanks, guys.
I appreciate the support. I'll leave the Bi-Polar alone then. I definitely still want to look into seeing how the octave sounds with the Deus though! Could be a cool sound, and it would be an easy way to add another pedal to the line.


Standalone octave would be cool too.

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You want to keep them? :|


obviously you zombie tio.


EDIT: checked a shipping estimate to new york, should only be about 19 bucks so not too bad. better than pewt's inter-canada shipping :lol:


also, if blake and SAL and pktrono dont mind, can i include just an empty little box from a formula 5 in the box? there is room for it in there and it barely weighs anything. its just i shipped a formula 5 to Urinate Forever (who is next on the list after those two) and forgot to give him the box from it.


me n him would much appreciate it


:poke: :wave:

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obviously you zombie tio.

EDIT: checked a shipping estimate to new york, should only be about 19 bucks so not too bad. better than pewt's inter-canada shipping

also, if blake and SAL and pktrono dont mind, can i include just an empty little box from a formula 5 in the box? there is room for it in there and it barely weighs anything. its just i shipped a formula 5 to Urinate Forever (who is next on the list after those two) and forgot to give him the box from it.

me n him would much appreciate it



I'm fine with the extra box. It doesn't really effect me at all though. :lol: Also, I PM'd SAL to confirm his shipping info. Once he hits me back, I'll send you the info. :thu:


Let me know if I need to throw any other pedals in the box when I go to ship your custom Rat out. ;):lol:

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Running the Bipolar octave into the Deus was one of my favorite things to do when I had the both of them. I definitely think it makes more sense for it to be with the Mustang if you're only going to have one pedal with it, but it could be a good option to include for the Deus Ex for the people who just want to go nuts. I've also gigged with the Deus Ex a few times now and it sounds really fantastic at really high volumes and cuts through the mix like nobody's business, and I've only been setting the tone and mids around noon. I also definitely agree with macadood in regards to the pedal feeding back, with the mid boost set higher it definitely more prone to feedback. I think that's pretty cool though, the feedback sounds great and is pretty easy to control. The Supercollider I had didn't really do that and always felt somewhat tame because of it. I pretty much always have the gain dimed though, so YMMV on feedback issues :lol:

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Do you mean like just like a clean octave, or do you mean just
a pedal that is the octave-OD effect from the Bi-Polar without the second toggle switch


The second one.


Doing a clean octave type thing would require a complete redesign, but just doing a pedal that was like the octave side of the Bi-Polar without the toggle footswitch would be insanely easy.


And less expensive than full Bi-Polar, I bet. :thu:

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The second one.

And less expensive than full Bi-Polar, I bet.


Oh, yeah. That'd be super easy to implement. It would definitely be cheaper, but I'm not sure how much cheaper it would be! I'd save money on only having to use one footswitch instead of two, and I'd be able to use a normal LED instead of a tri-color one, but those are the only differences. If you ever decide you're interested in one though, lemme know. I dunno if it would make sense to do as a production model, but I could definitely do it as a Custom Shop pedal. :thu:

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