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One Man Perma Banned ?


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Natty and Christian are banned from Amps permamently because I perma-banned them from Amps. That was a manual admin over-ride thing. Natty was perma-banned from the entire site, but I reinstated him on HCEF only. This is the only forum he can post on. As far as Christian, he trolled amps, didn't want to apologize, and the mods there wanted to zap him... I gave him a temp ban, which would have been reduced / pulled if he decided to apologize (he stuck by his POV and didn't want to), so once the ban was up, I reinstated him site-wide except for the Amps forum.

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As far as Ty, that was Craig Anderton's decision, and since he's the editor in chief, I'm not about to over-ride him on it. I could ask if he would allow me to reinstate Ty on HCEF only (similar to Natty's arrangement), and Craig would possibly allow it, but I have not heard anything from Ty suggesting he's at all interested in such an arrangement, and he'd have to promise to refrain from ANY political discussins... which we really don't have much of here on HCEF anyway....

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