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ot- Coffee: how do you like yours?


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I usually take it black if it's good coffee from a real coffee shop. If it's cheap corporate {censored}, or just plain ol' restaurant coffee, I usually will require a teensy bit of cream. Lots of sugar to combat how burnt or bitter it might taste.

Also, for those interested:

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If you guys like coffee and are using anything other than a French Press you are missing out big time. No {censored}.


Filters suck up all those oils, that's where the real depth of flavor comes from. HIGHLY recommend it. Takes a bit more time to fresh grind and press every morning, and also cleaning the press can be a bitch. Totally worth the time.

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My favorite coffee maker is the vacuum pot (like the Bodum Santos), but they are kind of a hassle and a pain to clean, so these days I either use a French Press or my Technivarm drip machine (which claims to be the only drip coffee maker that gets the water hot enough to properly brew coffee - it is very good). Locally, Stumptown seems to be the best roaster, though they are starting to lose their indie cred since they sold out to some big venture firm.

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If you guys like coffee and are using anything other than a French Press you are missing out big time. No {censored}.

Filters suck up all those oils, that's where the real depth of flavor comes from. HIGHLY recommend it. Takes a bit more time to fresh grind and press every morning, and also cleaning the press can be a bitch. Totally worth the time.



I usually dump out the grinds from my press into the compost bin, then rinse and fill the dirty press with hot water and a few drops of dish detergent. Then work the press a few times, and leave it in the sink for a little while to let the oils release from the filter. Usually rinses clean after that. Don't forget to clean your grinder out every once in a while. Those can get pretty funky, and the taste of your press will suffer. I run a handful of uncooked rice through mine on occasion.

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Well, if you don't use soap or anything, the oils build up on the screen and make the coffee taste less than fresh.




You don't really need to take the whole filter section apart either. I just fill the carafe with soapy water and plunge it up and down a few times. Good enough :lol:

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If you guys like coffee and are using anything other than a French Press you are missing out big time. No {censored}.


If you like chicken, you should eat it raw. Cooking it completely changes the texture and flavour. Sometimes the 'loss' is good. :cop:


(I do like French press; I just prefer espresso most of the time. As do my bowels. :lol::o)

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