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Does anyone listen to the radio?


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a) it's a rumor. b) internet streams are accessible anywhere that there is internet c) no, I should have specified. I'm HOSTING a show. Incidentally, it's
against FCC regulations for me to play any of my own music during my show



rearry? weird

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a) It's a rumor.

b) You won't get the actual station (91.3 Bethlehem), but the
is available to anyone with internet access.

c) I should have specified..I'm
a radio show.
Incidentally, it's against FCC regulations for me to promote or play any of my music on my show.



so that's what they told you. clever.

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I listen to BBC Radio 5 Live here, it's got a nice mix of sports and news/politics and keeps me up to date with current affairs. I play it in my car mostly, or when i'm at work (i work in an office alone). Sometimes I don't like how English focused it is, especially when it comes to Cricket, but it's a decent station.


I rarely listen to music stations anymore

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Nah, I'm only on college radio with no further aspirations. It's way cool to broadcast, though. Super fun time. Tonight I'm counting down to 11 from my top 20 albums of the year. Last week was the top 10.


We do a pretty good amount of talk, and we're interested in what people have to say. I'll probably check this thread a few times during the broadcast.

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Whoa, whoa. You don't mix politics, and music. You end up alienating half your fan base. Most people know you keep music on the one side, and politics on the other.


EDIT: I just realized no one would probably get that joke. Anyways, I listened to it a bit. I like radio. I like hearing new music. I wish the airwaves were crowded with different programs, like how the world is so crowded with music/bands.

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