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would you hit this? green russian big muff pi $190

Angry Tele

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they just disappear in a band mix, in my experience. People around here say I'm doing it wrong, could be I am dumb. They are fun for recording, the singing sustain is cool, but I have had terrible results at band volume with them, I am more of an OD guy I guess. The prices of vintage Big Muffs are absurd.

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At this point in history, Russian Muff with no mids control = complete and utter failure. There are so many other options out there that sound just as good and allow for greater control of your sound.


Green Russian Muffs sound fine, but there is no reason other than collector value to pick one up. The sound does not justify the price at all.

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I wouldn't pay that much for it. I'd just get one of the black box transition ones that have the same circuit for 65 - 80 bucks and save money. Or get a Supercollider and have all that green muff tone and more.

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Odd to see a thread where everyone's slamming the green russian so hard. They generally sell for more than that, but with the replaced footswitch the value comes down a little. But he'll probably get that for it. People here like to brag about the deals they've gotten on gear and scoff at what appears to be pretty normal prices. You can wait around as long as you want and you're not going to find one for $20, ever. I saw one about two or three years back for $80 and didn't have the money for it and kicked myself for that. I found my civil war muff for $120, but i would never expect to see that price again, and haven't seen any of the greenies or civil wars for that cheap since then. The fact of the matter is, if you want a real green russian, you should be ready to put up $150-200, unless you want to lurk around for years for a deal you can brag about on the internet. Maybe you won't have to spend that much, but if you want to go out and buy one without {censored}ing around, that's what you should have in your pocket.


As far as as far as sound and build quality and whatnot, they certainly have their problems. The bypass sucks, the build quality is somewhat shoddy, the jacks are weird and {censored}ty, there's no 9v jack. But if you find one that sounds good, it's {censored}ing incredible. I've had a lot of pedals based on the green muff and played a lot more, and none of them could convince me to sell my sovtek muff. I've had or have a hoof, a musket, a manx, a supercollider, and a lstr. The other guitarist in my band has a bass big muff. All of those are great pedals and many of them have their own unique sound, but i haven't gotten the sound and feel of the muff out of them. It has an aggression and grit and sustain that's incredible. I like to run an ocd in front of it to help mitigate the mids issue and the two of those stacked is just heavenly. Of all the pedals i've mentioned, the musket and the manx could be dialed in closest to the muff. The musket just lacked something at that setting. The tone was close, but it lacked the thunder a bit. The hoof is awesome and i sing it's praises a lot, but it sounds like it's own thing no matter what.


Like conky said, the big box black ones have the same circuit if you can find one. The small box ones aren't as cool. Sorry for the long post. Short version, if you can get that pedal for $150, you're doing alright. Offering him $100 is lowballing to the extreme. Despite what the haters say, the hype on sovtek muffs is pretty warranted, though the prices can get a bit wild.

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Odd to see a thread where everyone's slamming the green russian so hard. They generally sell for more than that, but with the replaced footswitch the value comes down a little. But he'll probably get that for it. People here like to brag about the deals they've gotten on gear and scoff at what appears to be pretty normal prices. You can wait around as long as you want and you're not going to find one for $20, ever. I saw one about two or three years back for $80 and didn't have the money for it and kicked myself for that. I found my civil war muff for $120, but i would never expect to see that price again, and haven't seen any of the greenies or civil wars for that cheap since then. The fact of the matter is, if you want a real green russian, you should be ready to put up $150-200, unless you want to lurk around for years for a deal you can brag about on the internet. Maybe you won't have to spend that much, but if you want to go out and buy one without {censored}ing around, that's what you should have in your pocket.

As far as as far as sound and build quality and whatnot, they certainly have their problems. The bypass sucks, the build quality is somewhat shoddy, the jacks are weird and {censored}ty, there's no 9v jack. But if you find one that sounds good, it's {censored}ing incredible. I've had a lot of pedals based on the green muff and played a lot more, and none of them could convince me to sell my sovtek muff. I've had or have a hoof, a musket, a manx, a supercollider, and a lstr. The other guitarist in my band has a bass big muff. All of those are great pedals and many of them have their own unique sound, but i haven't gotten the sound and feel of the muff out of them. It has an aggression and grit and sustain that's incredible. I like to run an ocd in front of it to help mitigate the mids issue and the two of those stacked is just heavenly. Of all the pedals i've mentioned, the musket and the manx could be dialed in closest to the muff. The musket just lacked something at that setting. The tone was close, but it lacked the thunder a bit. The hoof is awesome and i sing it's praises a lot, but it sounds like it's own thing no matter what.

Like conky said, the big box black ones have the same circuit if you can find one. The small box ones aren't as cool. Sorry for the long post. Short version, if you can get that pedal for $150, you're doing alright. Offering him $100 is lowballing to the extreme. Despite what the haters say, the hype on sovtek muffs is pretty warranted, though the prices can get a bit wild.



Yeah, this sums it about it.


I got my first one for like $60 bucks in the 90's if I remember correctly, then a few years back I saw one in mint condition with the feet and battery door for $100. I took it and now have two, my first one hiding in my dad's attic. You can say what you want about them not sitting well in a band setting, but honestly there are ways to compensate for that. I prefer the green muff over the musket and a variety of other flavors I've tried through out the years.


As far as prices go, I regularly see them in the $180-250 range, and most of those are beat up and falling apart. People with the good ones don't want to sell, so there's a reason that people who pick these pedals up for lower prices complain about build quality and sound. Both my muffs are in solid shape and surprisingly sound alike, which wasn't the case for the newer black sovtek muffs, which all sounded horrible to me, and not a consistant horrible either.

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So which black russian version is the version to get?



the big box version with the six screw enclosure. the box is the same size as the green muff. the switch can be either the old clunky huge sovtek one or some of them had western footswitches. the circuit changed when they went to the small box, most of those enclosures had four screws, though some did have six. either way, the box is not as deep. the transitional big box black ones are often cheaper, but they can be pretty hard to find. they were only briefly produced and are somewhat rare.

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The other thing I should mention is that if it looks as nice as it does in that picture there might be a reason for that.


In other words, the ones that look like Bobba Fett's helmet look that way for a reason. They sounded amazing and were played accordingly. If its pristine it might not sound that great.


And +3, I forgot all about the Bass Big Muff...sorta TGP'd there for a second.

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I remember I bought one when they first came out and I think I paid somewhere around $55 for mine brand new.


So I would not pay anywhere close to $190 for one now.


I thought it was a great muff and all, but with so many clones to pick from now for so much less money, I don't see why anyone would pay that much, unless they are a collector.

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