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Compressor Pedal Suggestions


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Hi, I'm looking at getting a compression pedal. I want to mainly use it to create a more creamy lead sound but I'll also use it to make sweeter sounding chords if it can do both.


Any suggestions? I once had an MXR Compressor and it was way too noisy to use so I sold it.



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The best compressor pedal I've used is the (older, big-box) EHX White Finger.


It can do everything from subtle peak limiting through to completely squashed sustain; it's great for everything from jangly chords to smooth leads.

The only downside (as I've seen when I've let people borrow mine) is that some people - especially if they're used to simple 2-knob compressors - can't get to grips with the controls and the way they interact.

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I have the Wampler EgoComp and a Philosopher with the germanium mod. I use Ego 75% of the time I need comp and Phil for my Gilmourisms. A good friend of mine who is a Wampler junkie runs the Empress comp and likes that better. He is the straight ahead rocker and my group currently does more Pop Rock and a lot of Elton John.

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Ok, not sure how many people agree with me on this but, I find the Philosopher's Tone to be a little more stark or dramatic (?) than I want it to be at times. Don't get me wrong, I like it a lot and don't plan on getting rid of it but, I find that I need to tweak it a fair bit to get more subtle results.


I haven't had it for a long time so I definitely need to fiddle more, but that is something I think might be worth mentioning.

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The Diamond is really nice, what i currently have on my board. the EQ section on it is fantastic :facepalm::lol: i use it to beefen up my strats single coils as much as to compress


The '76 Script Dyna Comp Reissue is really {censored}ing solid too. no noise with that one and sounds great.


The boss cs-3 is a bit noisy and can really bring the squish. i installed monte allums' mod for it that made it WAY more quiet and useable.


Barber tone press is also really good, gets rave reviews from PurpleRen

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Hi, I'm looking at getting a compression pedal. I want to mainly use it to create a more
creamy lead sound
but I'll also use it to make
sweeter sounding chords
if it can do both.

Any suggestions? I once had an MXR Compressor and it was way too noisy to use so I sold it.




are you sure it's a compressor you want? they do neither of these two things.

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The Philospher is more noticable than say the Wampler or Diamond throughout its range. It reminds me a lot of the old Ross compressor olin that respect. The Wampler EgoComp has both level and blend controls. I leave the blend on mine just below half open unless I'm playing funk or a lot of doublestops with a clean tone.

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All great suggestions so far. The Boss CS-2 is a great compressor as well, especially for the strat.



with single coils, this is the best value. My love for this pedal was confirmed last night at a small venue where the sound guy was wanting me to play below '3' on my amp all night. The CS-2 will make your cleans sound good at lower volumes. It's also a good smooth boost going into an od pedal. I don't know that it would be the best for a fully-roaring amp (I'd rather use a clean boost or treble boost).

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Compressor Pedal recommendations are really, really subjective - probably more so than any other effect. I've had a bunch of them, even the "Holy Grails" of compression and to be honest, none of them were a magic bullet. In the end my favorite one was a $20 Peavey CSR-2 from the 80's which is now going for much more money because of it's rarity. On top of that, I opted for the MXR Custom Comp. IMO, it is as nice as any "boutique" model out there. YMMV

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Mad Proffesor FG compressor. I have the PCB version, and keep it on all the time in sustain mode. with the level knob at noon and the compress knob right around 11 o clock, I get a touch of grit and sustain for days without the overly "comp'd" tone. Of course you could switch over to comp mode and get that tone easily. And speaking of tone, the tone control is actually great to have, as I have found that it does add a bit of high end sparkle to my tone, which is great, but it is also great to be able to dial it back a tad when I'm using my bridge pickup.

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