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Louis C.K.'s self titled tv show might just be the most brutally honest, unforgiving and funny show in perhaps ever. It simultaneously makes you laugh while bumming you the {censored} out. My buddy has been watching an episode a day at lunch in my office and I gotta say I'm hooked. Its a bit of actual stand up and acted out vignettes bringing his stand up "to life". He is of course a brilliant stand up but to see that stuff played out is so very different and it takes on a whole different perspective.


Much watch if you are already not a fan. Goes to show what brilliant writing will do as well since the budget for his show is like 13 dollars yet it matters not.

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Big Louie CK fan, his show Lucky Louie was pretty bad but Louie is amazing. The fact that he writes, directs and produces it himself is a testament to his talent and drive. Also, if anyone hasn't bought his Beacon Theatre standup show, do it. Best $5 you could spend.

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Only bad thing about Louis CK is all the crap standup scrubs who try to crib his self-deprecating humor but are way worse at it because they lack the genuine pathos he's got. Note to comedians: you're not gonna hit it big riding Louis CK's coattails. That act is pretty much his thing. Find other funny things to say. You are not actually miserable enough to be funny or detached enough to deconstruct your own ego in front of an audience without it coming off as clearly, clearly just copying a successful comic.

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Only bad thing about Louis CK is all the crap standup scrubs who try to crib his self-deprecating humor but are way worse at it because they lack the genuine pathos he's got. Note to comedians: you're not gonna hit it big riding Louis CK's coattails. That act is pretty much his thing. Find other funny things to say. You are not actually miserable enough to be funny or detached enough to deconstruct your own ego in front of an audience without it coming off as clearly, clearly just copying a successful comic.



The brilliance in his "act" in my opinion is that it doesn't come of as an act.


Between Its Always Sunny and Louie FX seems to have the offensive yet hilarious market cornered.

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I'm a fan. One of the funniest comics around. I love how he essentially took the original Seinfeld format and ran with it - I think it works for his show in a better way than it did for Seinfeld.



Seinfeld's material is pretty PG. It was also on network tv and in its time it was pushing the envelope with episode topics such as masterbation, female orgasims and birth control. With the 15 year difference in time from show to show the same envelope is being pushed as with other FX shows like Always Sunny. As far as making money there is no way the Louie show is gonna hold a candle to Seinfeld.

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This is my favorite show ever. The writing is heartbreakingly smart, the standup is hilarious, and the music is beautiful. So {censored}ing stoked for season 3 on TV, and for season 2 to come out on DVD.


Trailer for next season:



Also, if you haven't seen them, Louie's specials "Chewed Up," "Hilarious" and "Live at the Beacon Theatre" are all near-perfect. If I had to pick my 3 favorite stand up performances, they would all be Louie. Nobody touches him.

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