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When did 'Amp-in-a-box' become a curse term ?


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First I've heard of it. Catalinbread have a whole amp-in-a-box line which seems to get lots of high praise - I'd love to try them all out.


Only issue I can see is you're playing that amp in a box into an amp, in a bigger box.

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I don't think of it as a curse term, but it does seem rather boring to me. It's like "transparent". It's a marketing ploy - "this little solid state pedal emulates a real tube amp..." But they don't really sound like the amp, at least to my ears. So, it gets old to read the same "this amp we based this pedal on is great" copy over and over again.


Also, I don't understand the need for them so much. I mean, if you like a certain amp sound, then you should probably find an amp that can make that sound. I don't really get people who use a marshall amp but need to add vox and fender tones to it. I guess it just seems kind of odd to me. I always think of an amp as a tonal base, sort of a constant you work with. Add some fuzz here, some delay there, etc, but I've never really had a desire to have a jangly Vox sound going and then step on a pedal and suddenly have a hi gain Mesa. But clearly, I'm not the target audience for these things.

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^ lol


I just finished a book on drug treatment by a libertarian who advocates for incarcerating homeless addicts/alcoholics in work camps under they work and earn enough (at minimum wage, which libertarians hate anyway) to be allowed to be released. This could take years if they refuse to work. The criminalization of being poor, solved by Draconian incarceration in a libertarian utopia.

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Dunno if it's considered a curse term by anyone, and if it's true, I wouldn't know why...


If I had to guess though, maybe some people take it too literally and get butthurt when their little $150 solid state pedal doesn't completely nail the sound of a crancked Hiwatt or whatever.


Actually, to be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the whole concept either. As far as I'm concerned: Please don't even bother, and forget the silly sales talk...Your silly booteek pedlols will not come close to sounding like a vintage fender bassman or a cranked plexi, it would make a lot of sense not to compare it to a >$1K toob amp.


No butthurtage here though, I usually look further than a misleading name or a lame sales pitch:)

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