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new fake ric bass day


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no strings though, that is a problem, anyways onto the description from the seller...


japanese copy of a rick 4001. I dont know what brand it is. previous owner replaced all the hardware/electronics with rickenbacker stuff



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It is a bolt neck (as opposed to the neck thru models), but it bolts under the neck p.u. I figure if it works for the 481, it will work for this, and it is about a third of the price of a new one.

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Cool bass! I love them, but won't pay for a real one; I'll own a 'fake' one myself one day. I used to own a '76 4001 'mapleglo' (wood tone, LOL) & sold it before the interwebs came around; great basses. There are alot of different brands that made them for a while (greco, ibanez, etc); you could probably find out who made it at talkbass.com... a friend of mine has an ibanez that I've been trying to buy off him for like 7 years, LOL... HNBD!!!



PS - throw some rotosounds on that thing... great bass strings...

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Congrats! Those are great.


Prolly either a Greco or a Univox. See those around from time to time. The details aren't the same as a real one, but damn if they don't sound and play just right. Depending on the wiring, you may need to disable the .0047 cap on the bridge pickup, which is like a high-pass filter. Thins the bridge pickup sound out. Rics rock, but you have to play them differently than P or J basses. Once it's in hand, you'll see what I mean.


Most of the Japanese clones don't have the dual truss rods, but if this one does, you'll want to be careful putting new strings on and bringing it up to tension. Real 4001s can pop the fretboard right off if the rods are too tight...

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Looks like a nice bass. However, if you ever get much exposure for playing it, Rickenbacker will probably come after you with a cease & desist order.


Interesting question.


I can see them going after the company that made it, or trying to prevent those basses from being imported to the USA, but once it's owned by a private party, can they legally prevent them from using it onstage? What if someone built a clone for their own use (and never sold it) - would Rickenbacker have grounds to sue?


I honestly do not know. :idk:

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Interesting question.

I can see them going after the company that made it, or trying to prevent those basses from being imported to the USA, but once it's owned by a private party, can they legally prevent them from using it onstage? What if someone built a clone for their own use (and never sold it) - would Rickenbacker have grounds to sue?

I honestly do not know.


Personally, I think they are out of their minds; stopping autions on ebay & flagging craigslist ads? Gimme a break...

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Personally, I think they are out of their minds; stopping autions on ebay & flagging craigslist ads? Gimme a break...



Actually, copyright law basically forces them to do it. If you don't AGGRESSIVELY defend your copyrights, you lose them.

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Actually, copyright law basically forces them to do it. If you don't AGGRESSIVELY defend your copyrights, you lose them.



This is actually quite true. However, those situations all pertain to instruments being advertised and sold - I'm still not sure if, and under what laws they can force someone to stop using a "clone" of one of their instruments.

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