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Post-gig exhaustion?


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We've done three shows now, and each time I get a huge adrenaline rush when I'm up on stage. We play our asses off, and then have plenty of energy to hang out and talk with friends afterwards.


Then, about 18 hours later, I've been hit with an overwhelming wave of fatigue--and even coughing--that tends to incapacitate me for at least a day.


Maybe it's just lingering bronchitis, but I dunno. Does anyone else feel completely destroyed the day after?

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I don't think I've ever really had it that bad but I'm usually pretty tired the next day. Which isn't surprising really - even if you only play a 30 minute set that's basically a 30 minute workout, plus loads of lifting of gear into cars, up stairs, onto stages, and doing it all as quickly as possible, then the adrenalin rush of performing and actually being at your most sociable through it all. Then there's the late night. And on top of that, there's a reasonable chance that you only had time to wolf down some rubbish for dinner before you play so you're hardly starting out fully energised in the first place.

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I was destroyed after shows with my last band. Being a singing drummer was bad enough but the shows were always worse than practices. I used to play a set every night a week before a show to keep my stamina up and I'd still be incapacitated after a show.


Cirrus had a point with moving gear and doing all that {censored} later in the night mixed with drinking, eating, etc. Some times playing a show is like helping a friend move...borrowing trucks, planning set ups and waiting around for load ins and {censored}.

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That's funny, brokenfixed, because I actually DID have to help a friend move before the show on Saturday. In retrospect, that was an incredibly poor decision.


But I do wonder if it's more the stress of trying to promote enough and trying to nail down the logistics that sucks me dry the next day.

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I find that the adrenaline rush keeps me up even when I get home. I'm lying in bed listening to my ears throb, I can't fall asleep for sh!t. So its a late night at a bar, performing, then extra late before I fall asleep so I am pretty useless the day after a gig. One time we played an outta towner about 2.5 hours away, and I didn't get home until about 5:00am. I slept for three hours, then went and tailgated at a Chargers game. I was useless that whole week!

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That's funny, brokenfixed, because I actually DID have to help a friend move before the show on Saturday. In retrospect, that was an incredibly poor decision.

But I do wonder if it's more the stress of trying to promote enough and trying to nail down the logistics that sucks me dry the next day.



yeah screw that {censored}, thats a lot to be doing in one day. I assume youre moving {censored} in NYC? Thats even more added bull{censored}..haha

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Har. If I weren't just as wiped out after the previous two shows, I'd say you might be on to something, Picklebottom.


Added bull{censored} was this: (Non-Jewish) friends moving into Midwood, Brooklyn from the West Coast. Doorman forbade them from taking their stuff through the front door because it was the Shabbos. Had to drag everything to the back of the building, down a ramp, into the basement, and up an elevator...TO THE FIRST FLOOR.

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nothing for nothing, but you guys need more exercise. not trying to be a wise-ass, but besides the not being able to sleep from the excitement thing, i never really had a physical breakdown unless we played a keg party and i got {censored}faced. the 'straight' shows - especially the out of town shows - no way. i've always biked and worked out (it was a hardcore band, had to keep somewhat buff for the image :facepalm:), but i never really had the issues you guys are describing...

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i never really have that issue. i guess i get pretty physical while playing. but i dunno, im usually fine the next day after a good nights sleep.



+1 that's really strange. I never feel overly tired, especially after playing. Maybe a little bit more exercise should be in your future.

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+1 that's really strange. I never feel overly tired, especially after playing. Maybe a little bit more exercise should be in your future.




these guys are exhausted after a particularly vigorous game of WoW


I load a whole PA into my vehicle, play a 4 hr gig, load it all up again, get home at 4:30am and get up for work again at 5am for my day job.



feels good man

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Just play every day! The adrenaline rush keeps coming back every day and you never get to that tired point until after the tour!


Seriously though, make sure to hydrate yourself really well after the show and have good nutrients after the show, you'll be knackered from the performance.

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I move my ass off at every show. Unless I'm sick, or get completely {censored}faced after I play, I'm ready for another day the next morning. I'm no idol for fitness either.


Maybe you kids aren't drinking enough water... Or gigging enough.

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