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Flashback x4 - New TC Electronic Delay


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Quote Originally Posted by sparkfriction View Post
chapman shows the looper at the end of his demo...

there is one "not listed" demo by Tore... but dunno where is the link and if he shows the looper function... idn_smilie.gif
yeah but that demo is honestly the suck, he doesn't even cut to put it on the ground and stomp on it to show it off properly, or layer it - i don't think he plays clean for the entire 20 min video.
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Quote Originally Posted by sparkfriction

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but the price is not bad IMO - comparing to some other delay-boxes...


Yes, price is good. I currenctly own a DD20 which is great...but I can see me replacing the DD20 + RC2 with the new Flashback. Btw. did they raise the price of the DD20? Was it always 249 EUR new?
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Quote Originally Posted by GDan View Post
I cant find any info on if hte tempo is global or not.
Tore is @ TGP answering questions...

Q: With the Flashback X4, if one taps a tempo, do all three of the delays conform to the tapped tempo? Or does the tapped tempo only apply to the active delay?
A: Only the tempo of the preset active.

Q: Is the tap tempo retained when turning off/switching patches? This was a dealbreaker on the DL4 for me.
A: If you turn off a preset and turn it back on the tapped tempo is preserved. If you switch to another preset and back again it jumps to the stored tempo.

Quote Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
I'm picking up what your putting down, that's why my first post said 249 euros = over 300$ wink.gif but jnichols said its 249$ stateside which makes more sense to me.
Tore from TC said the following concerning price:

"Oh, the price is $249,99 MAP. Euro price varies depending on VAT etc, but it's around 249,- EUR ssp. UK price will be 195,- GBP ssp."
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Quote Originally Posted by moqi View Post
Yes, price is good. I currenctly own a DD20 which is great...but I can see me replacing the DD20 + RC2 with the new Flashback. Btw. did they raise the price of the DD20? Was it always 249 EUR new?

I just picked up a used DD-20. I like it so far. One thing it seems like it does, that the TCE won't do, is adjustable modulation. I like that the DD20 can do that. I sold my iBNova because the modulation was so subtle even maxed out, the Flashback has zero control, that I'm seeing here at least. Also like the switches on the Boss better. The soft switches on the Nova are nice though, but I think the Flashback doesn't have those, shame.
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Quote Originally Posted by Ancient

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I'm picking up what your putting down, that's why my first post said 249 euros = over 300$ wink.gif but jnichols said its 249$ stateside which makes more sense to me.


yeah gotcha. its just the "hard" dollar/euro rate and not the absolute price tag in the end... Also, 300$ is a good price for that box imo. the current onlinestore price in germany is 249 EUR...
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