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OT: Extreme muslims going crazy for some silly drawings...


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Originally posted by guitar_played

These are muslims who are extremely devoted to their faith.

A faith (Islam) which strictly forbids any image of the prophet Mohammed.

It is an insult. How do you like it when your way of life is insulted?

How would youfeel if your religion was equated to terrorism?


You mean like how Christianity is mocked everyday? I handle it just fine.

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Originally posted by Highgrade

The Muslim extremists are ONE {censored}ED UP BUNCH OF HOODLAMS.




I guess a bunch of people in the US and Europe still needs a serious wake-up call.

Actions like these, right in our face, can't be neglected and just be pushed under the table.

Sad, but true.....

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Originally posted by atbear

You mean like how Christianity is mocked everyday? I handle it just fine.



+1, I am surrounded by atheists who think they are more informed than all christians are, like we are all just blind followers. I just ignore them and let them make fools of themselves.

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Originally posted by georges


I know its a pos, but my 'rents get the Daily Mail, and they made a great point..

They showed just 5 of the hundreds of cartoons the arabs do that are all anti-semitic and picture jewish people with hooked noses and the star of david on them, then swasticas all over etc.. and they get this worked up over it...

Maybe they should think about that and stop being hypocricital...

I mean, the broadcast people being tortured etc..

They need to get their version of 911 or something from that crazy christian woman


You got that right! :thu:

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Originally posted by fancynapkin

+1, I am surrounded by atheists who think they are more informed than all christians are, like we are all just blind followers. I just ignore them and let them make fools of themselves.


yeah, they will get their's when theyre burning eternally in a firey pit:mad: :love:

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I thought it best to post in "political".







Oh well. Good that there is a discussion.



Here was my main point:



"But to stay on topic....don't you find a cartoon depeciting violence that incites the violence the cartoon depicts rather ironic and frightening?"

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Btw, Norwegian companies are loosing contracts (Iran) due to these f...drawings.

Danish and Norwegian people in these contries are now told to

get home. Not safe to be on those countries anymore.


Do You really think all all this have to do with just these drawings??

Nope, I do not think so.

Now, this is serious {censored}.

Think about it.

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I think that they are actually pissed b/c the cartoon is OF Muhammad and you are not supposed to draw pictures of him at all. This is why mosques have geometric patterns, rather than pictures or other representational art on display. The bomb in the turban perhaps ADDS to the furor about the disrespect but really I think it's that they'd try to draw him at all that is what they are torqued off about.


I can't thank the Danes and other European nations enough for getting some of the heat off of the US though. Thanks!! :thu::D

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The chief of press (or what You call it) in "that" newspaper, among others have been threatend to life by extreme muslims in Norway. Police protection on the way...


Denmark....Nazis have got their chance to get up. Made an attempt to burn the "Koran". Demonstrators (immigrants from the Middle East) near battle with the Nazis.


You see?

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1. Highgrade....you are {censored}ing cool as {censored}


2. {censored} Muslim extreamists...i hope they all die


3. Those pictures were {censored}ing hilarious...hahahahahahahah....bomb under the rag, get it...hahahahahahahahahahahaha


4. The muslim extreamists pissed these guys off....they should want to kill themselves, i know i would



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Originally posted by 2B

Denmark....Nazis have got their chance to get up. Made an attempt to burn the "Koran". Demonstrators (immigrants from the Middle East) near battle with the Nazis.

You see?



yikes, that sucks. Should be lots of fun for the 99.5% of the people in those countries who are not {censored}heads to have a bunch of riots, looting, violence and mass stupidity between Nazis and terrorist wannabes. :(

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It was these same Muslim {censored} heads that assassinated Van Gogh's grandson IN BROAD DAYLIGHT in Amsterdam for movie he had created that didn't jive with their teaching!!


Round them up and burn them alive...maybe with some Metallica music in the background!

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hypocrites. Did anyone see my post last nite about Bill O'Rielly gonig NUTS? Did you see the cartoons about Jews? Oh, that's ok. Make cartoons about them & look how they react. Beeaches. SOMEONE find me 'in the Koran, about being given 70 Virgins. What happens after they're no longer virgins??? What happens after ya use them up?? That's it ?? I'll take Christianity. AT LEAST it makes more sense.

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Originally posted by guitar_played

Mocking, for example, the Iraq war is very different from drawing images that are blasphemous and offensive to muslims everywhere, be they extremist or moderate.



As one of the only military members on this forum I never thought I would say this, but you're right and have a good point. It would be no different than someone drawing a cartoon of U.S. soldiers going into Somalia and putting a picture of Christ in camoflauge, knocking down doors.


I am starting to feel that people are stereotyping the entire muslim faith based on bombings, etc. Someone like me has known about extremists for most of my life since my father was in prior to me joining the service. You just have to understand that most of the U.S. didn't give a rat's ass what was happening overseas until September 11th.


When I was going to high school in the 80's, we had terrorists living in the next town and there were bomb threats all the time. During the Libya raids, we had armed military police on our schoolbuses because they threatened to kill American service member's kids, etc. This stuff has been going on forever.

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It comes down to this.


Muslems are all fukked up in the head. They can't take a joke or critisim and don't allow any free exchange of ideas, it makes them want to kill. Send them home and let them all live in their big {censored} box desert.


They have done this kind of thing before and will continue their madness until we're rid of them once and for all.

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Originally posted by The Boogie Man

It comes down to this.

Muslems are all fukked up in the head. They can't take a joke or critisim and don't allow any free exchange of ideas, it makes them want to kill. Send them home and let them all live in their big {censored} box desert.



Correction: A group of extremists using Islam for political purposes want to blow up as many westerners as they can. It's not particularly hard for them to do, propoganda makes it fairly easy to manipulate the masses who know only that they are poor and their countries weak while Europe and the U.S. are wealthy. So they are manipulated and misinformed and commit horrible acts. Terrorism is nothing new, it's just hitting closer and closer to home for the west. We're not safe anymore, and people are realising it.


Isn't it interresting that the United States do nothing to help correct the problem that is a total lack of freedom of though and association in one of the muslim countries where it's worst?










It would be no different than someone drawing a cartoon of U.S. soldiers going into Somalia and putting a picture of Christ in camoflauge, knocking down doors.


Excellent example, but i'd take it further.


It's like saying that because Timothy McVeigh blew up a US government builing in Oklahoma city (because of the Davidians situation) that all Christians are terrorists. Obviously not true.

Or saying that all Christians are terrorists because of the small groups who carry out attacks on abortion clinics. These are minorites, extremists who use violence to express their views, ironically killing many people to discourage the abortion of a foetus.

This wouldn't justify a cartoon showing Jesus with bombs, now would it?

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You'd go crazy if I said your president is a dim, trigger-happy ladies man who doesn't see that the fuel to terror is oppression and by applying oppression still, you will never be free of terrorism - simple matters of truth.


Killing Arabs is OK, killing US phoetuses isn't?:rolleyes: Where was Georgie when the other kids in his class had geography?

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