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OT: Extreme muslims going crazy for some silly drawings...


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Originally posted by solitaire

You'd go crazy if I said your president is a dim, trigger-happy ladies man who doesn't see that the fuel to terror is oppression and by applying oppression still, you will never be free of terrorism - simple matters of truth.




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the thugs and terrorists do not need our understanding. what they need is for the world to stop bowing to their demands...the thugs and terrorists need to be held accountable to their threats and acts of violence.


any modern western country would do just that if anyone started burning down buildings and threatening to kidnap anyone, let-a-lone threats of murder.


F'CK THEM!! :mad: until they act like 'real ppl', they shouldn't get the respect of real ppl.


the muslims that are protesting and doing so peacably are OK in my book. that is exactly how it should be done. make your voice heard and heard loudly, but speak with respect and do no violence. otherwise you have no moral ground to stand on. don't act as if you have some higher moral standard if you make threats to kill and burn.


F'CK the THUGS!!


(which is the name of my new band btw) :cool:

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Originally posted by psychodave

Cartoons created this..... proof that this religion represents terrorism. PERIOD!





I agree Dave, subhumans.


zero tolorance.


They should have rioted when their ILK slashed the throats of innocents. But no, they {censored}ing thrive on blood.


Crowds like this? Spray em with lead. Keep it up until A, they get the point that the rest of the world will not tolorate their savage behavior or B, until they are all gone.

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Originally posted by psychodave

I think we need to give tham a balmy 90,000,000 degree day with 800 mph winds.

+1 :)


The extremists over there are total morons. They think they can do whatever they want "in the name of religion" and get away with it. Anybody who goes nuts over a cartoon like that obviously has his/her brain washed and deserves no less than death.

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Originally posted by solitaire

You'd go crazy if I said your president is a dim, trigger-happy ladies man who doesn't see that the fuel to terror is oppression and by applying oppression still, you will never be free of terrorism - simple matters of truth.

Killing Arabs is OK, killing US phoetuses isn't?
Where was Georgie when the other kids in his class had geography?


I don't give a damn what you think of the US president. Say what you will, have fun, go skiing.

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Originally posted by fancynapkin

A big problem is that there either aren't any muslims objecting to this type of behavior or we aren't hearing about it in the media. I get the feeling that they think "well, Im not for it, but Im not gonna speak out against it" type of thing.





there were some cab drivers in Copenhagen who still fly their Danish flags from their cabs. They were on the news

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Originally posted by mojavecat

nbc news just said the cartoons were printed in New Zealand paper today:wave:



yup that's right. With these assholes being the minority over here, any threats or movements will be snuffed out very quickly.


Seriously....................... {censored} em all.

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While I support freedom of speech, I dont support inciting hate or stereotypes that all people who practice a particular religion are terrorists...thats just wrong, what did the Dutch "think" was going to happen after publishing that? Thats like thowing gasoline on a fire and then acting suprised when the gasoline ignites.


Further, its one thing entirely for a particular cross section of a community to make fun of itself (Like Chris Rock), but so different for one group to take shots at another and then say "Come on whats the big deal?"


Despite this,I dont think heads need to roll because of it. I think that there are other ways to confront and deal with ignorant stereotyping.

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