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What has happened to the US ??


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I apologise to all here Ive offended! Really my heart is sad,this country is lost and getting more lost as the days go on,We used to be proud people that loved God and country,but its gone now,you people have become sheep and have gotten yellow spines and want things brought to you without the swaet and sacrifice..no.no way I can believe this!! cmon,theres gotta be someone out there that would love to change the ways things are and would refuse yo adapt? anyone??

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Originally posted by favata5

Could someone please explain to me why legislation couldnt get passed to ban flag burning but its ok in some states for Homosexuals to be married and in most schools children cant say God?? What the hell has happened?? Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back to the ol fashioned times..you know when God mattered,and men worked while the women stayed home and took care of the domestic jazz,and children had a monny and a daddy! Today its just getting twisted it used to be Adam and Eve in the Bible,,whats next Adam and Steve????


if flag burning is made illegal, the flag would be rendered meaningless. The flag would no longer stand for things such as freedom of speech and we would move even closer to a fascist state. Why would you want the flag to be meaningless? Why do you hate America so much that you want our flag to stand for nothing?


As for gay marriage, if you're against it, then simply dont' marry a gay person. If your issue is with the sanctity of marriage, I suggest you lobby for legislation making divorce illegal. How can there be any such thing as sanctity of marriage when the divorce rate is higher than 50% and for some people marriage is nothing more than a hobby? Want to preserve the sanctity of marriage? Ban divorce.

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Flag burning bothers me because I am in the military and love that thing. Everything I stand for is in that flag and the history it represents.


I know some people think it is just cloth, but it is not to me. Another reason I am against it is because people in the middle east burn that flag and stomp on it. I can't understand why Americans would want to imitate that hatred act.


If I walked down the street yelling "Sex with children should be ok", I would be arrested, guaranteed. I agree with free speech but I think that people who protested with dignity, like Martin Luther King Jr., have the ability to bring people together with differences that would be otherwise be impossible.

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Originally posted by favata5

We used to be proud people


Used to be a proud people? {censored}, we can't get enough of ourselves! We just ranked as the most patriotic people in the world:


World Patriotic Rankings (Sponsored by Metamucil)


In addition, I think all of the things you pointed out that was "wrong" with America indicate to me a government that is interested in protecting peoples individual rights. That's important in America, right?

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Originally posted by Romanian Reaper

Flag burning bothers me because I am in the military and love that thing. Everything I stand for is in that flag and the history it represents.


if you're against burning the flag in protest, you obviously don't stand for freedom of speech. You're a hypocrite. You claim to stand for what the flag represents but in reality you don't. Freedom of speech means even speech you may find offensive, not just the speech you agree with.


Originally posted by Romanian Reaper

If I walked down the street yelling "Sex with children should be ok", I would be arrested, guaranteed.


no, you wouldn't.

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Originally posted by guitarman3001

if you're against burning the flag in protest, you obviously don't stand for freedom of speech. You're a hypocrite. You claim to stand for what the flag represents but in reality you don't. Freedom of speech means even speech you may find offensive, not just the speech you agree with.


That is absolutely true.


people do not understand what it means to be free anymore


Free yeah but you cant do what I say you can't OR ELSE...


and whats with all this anti-gay bigotry?

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Originally posted by guitarman3001

if flag burning is made illegal, the flag would be rendered meaningless. The flag would no longer stand for things such as freedom of speech and we would move even closer to a fascist state. Why would you want the flag to be meaningless? Why do you hate America so much that you want our flag to stand for nothing?

As for gay marriage, if you're against it, then simply dont' marry a gay person. If your issue is with the sanctity of marriage, I suggest you lobby for legislation making divorce illegal. How can there be any such thing as sanctity of marriage when the divorce rate is higher than 50% and for some people marriage is nothing more than a hobby? Want to preserve the sanctity of marriage? Ban divorce.


Well I guess I gotta explain,First off I love this country more than I love myself,I served in the Military proudly back in the 80s to me the flag means alot and it needs to be respected! You may burn the flag only when its ragged and not permitted to fly,not because you feel its your right to do so.


Secondy,I dont hate homosexuals,I dont believe in what they do.but I cant hate them for what they are! I just dont think our children should have thier ways jammed down their throats that its ok and normal to have a mommy and a mommy or a daddy and a daddy!! thats not normal!


Thirdly,theres lots of folks like me in this world,we love our country and will fight to protect it,and if people are afraid to step up and be willing to sacrifice then they have to leave this great country!Thats all there is to it

and lastly I know its so tiring to talk about Patriotic stuff,lol you know back when we were hit by the scumbag terrorists 5 years back lots of people were flying that flag so high and proud! What happened?? hardly ever see a flag now except at my house and the post office>> hmmm makes me wonder! this is all im saying about this subject so take it away and think what you want,just remember if you think you have the right to burn the flag then I have a right to say whay I feel!!



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Originally posted by favata5

Well I guess I gotta explain,First off I love this country more than I love myself,I served in the Military proudly back in the 80s to me the flag means alot and it needs to be respected! You may burn the flag only when its ragged and not permitted to fly,not because you feel its your right to do so.

Secondy,I dont hate homosexuals,I dont believe in what they do.but I cant hate them for what they are! I just dont think our children should have thier ways jammed down their throats that its ok and normal to have a mommy and a mommy or a daddy and a daddy!! thats not normal!

Thirdly,theres lots of folks like me in this world,we love our country and will fight to protect it,and if people are afraid to step up and be willing to sacrifice then they have to leave this great country!Thats all there is to it

and lastly I know its so tiring to talk about Patriotic stuff,lol you know back when we were hit by the scumbag terrorists 5 years back lots of people were flying that flag so high and proud! What happened?? hardly ever see a flag now except at my house and the post office>> hmmm makes me wonder! this is all im saying about this subject so take it away and think what you want,just remember if you think you have the right to burn the flag then I have a right to say whay I feel!!



You are a {censored}ing idiot. You can dress your bigotry and hate up all you want but in the end America is its citizens, not the bible, your religion, or similar ridiculus {censored}.

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Originally posted by favata5

Could someone please explain to me why legislation couldnt get passed to ban flag burning but its ok in some states for Homosexuals to be married and in most schools children cant say God?? What the hell has happened?? Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back to the ol fashioned times..you know when God mattered,and men worked while the women stayed home and took care of the domestic jazz,and children had a monny and a daddy! Today its just getting twisted it used to be Adam and Eve in the Bible,,whats next Adam and Steve????


I believe it

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religion has no part in the mass daily society!


Freedom of relgion has nothing to do with forcing your views onto others. if you want to practice what you do at home on your own time, fine, just dont shove it down our throats. Relgion should have NO play in eveyday society life.


it seems like this administration has take then country about 10 steps back on our movement forward... it seems like the repub are getting it ass backwards on minimizing the federal goverment:rolleyes: they want to control EVERY aspect of eveyone's daily life... including {censored}in Birth control!?!?? WTF??!


We alraedy had the 50's. That was a good 60 years ago... let it go... change is your friend, if you cant change, go back home and live in your little shelter... this contry used to be grand, but now, it doesnt seem like its worth a single thing to fight for :(

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Originally posted by favata5

You may burn the flag only when its ragged and not permitted to fly,not because you feel its your right to do so.

Thanks for clearing that up for us!!


Oh, I need to go pee. Is it alright with you if I got to the washroom now?



that its ok and normal to have a mommy and a mommy or a daddy and a daddy!! thats not normal!

Freud, Mr. Sigmund Freud, to the white courtesy phone, please!



Thirdly,theres lots of folks like me in this world,we love our country and will fight to protect it,and if people are afraid to step up and be willing to sacrifice then they have to leave this great country!Thats all there is to it

I have just the website for you:



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Originally posted by favata5

Could someone please explain to me why legislation couldnt get passed to ban flag burning but its ok in some states for Homosexuals to be married and in most schools children cant say God?? What the hell has happened?? Makes me wish I could turn the clocks back to the ol fashioned times..you know when God mattered,and men worked while the women stayed home and took care of the domestic jazz,and children had a monny and a daddy! Today its just getting twisted it used to be Adam and Eve in the Bible,,whats next Adam and Steve????


We (as a world) are taking steps forward, and you want to go backwards. :confused:


Some points, the way I see it...


- there were homosexuals back then too.


- I know lots of moms that stay home...it's just preference.


- there has always been people that aren't religious...yet in the past, they had to say a prayer every morning before class...I think it was wrong to make them do that...freedom of choice, it's a good thing.

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Originally posted by guitarman3001

if flag burning is made illegal, the flag would be rendered meaningless. The flag would no longer stand for things such as freedom of speech and we would move even closer to a fascist state. Why would you want the flag to be meaningless? Why do you hate America so much that you want our flag to stand for nothing?

As for gay marriage, if you're against it, then simply dont' marry a gay person. If your issue is with the sanctity of marriage, I suggest you lobby for legislation making divorce illegal. How can there be any such thing as sanctity of marriage when the divorce rate is higher than 50% and for some people marriage is nothing more than a hobby? Want to preserve the sanctity of marriage? Ban divorce.


Spoken like a true 'Bleeding Heart'......:rolleyes:

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