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Keith Olberman on 9/11


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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

What freedoms and Liberties have been taken away? I keep hearing this but Im wondering why it hasnt affected me yet?

Many liberties that may not seem like ab ig deal to you, but I argue that ANY liberty is a big deal. The government should not have hte authority to take our liberties away anyway in my opinion. But they do... I'm al lfor small government and strict constitutionalism. And yet everyone thinks I'm a liberal. I love this {censored}. :rolleyes:

The whole purpose of our american independence was to realize contemporary utopian ideas with Thomas Locke et al.

The government should fear it's people, the people shouldn't fear their government. Popular Sovereignty.

Now when the government enacts legislation titled the "Patriot" act in order to pass this {censored} under our nose where they can initiate surveillance on us, tap our phones, even investigate what books we've been reading at the library, and search our homes WITHOUT WARRANTS, that pisses me the {censored} off.

Maybe you don't care, that's your preroggative, but it outrages me and it should outrage any American that feels the constitution is sacred.

But I suppose if everyone wants to be subject to the dictatorial rule of a nanny state that controls our lives so that we dont have to be afraid of some terrorists, then I suppose that's what's going to happen. But the freedoms we hae in America are what make America such a wonderful country, when the terrorists convince the government to take those freedoms away, who has won? It's certainly not We The People.

This is a non-partisan issue, but an overzealous executive branch doesn't help... Both sides of hte aisle are in support of this, just so they can look good to their constituents because most of them are too damn IGNORANT to know or care about their rights being violated.

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Originally posted by Fordman65

Keep proving my point... Where did I say I was a white supremacist? Who says I am white to begin with?

Keep proving my point...

And again what does it matter to you, as far as my reasons for why and who I vote for? It is my right, plain and simple but obviously because I don't agree with you, you don't see it that way.

Com'on say something more to prove my point. You know you want to. Or wait, it's not that you want to, it's just that you can't help it.



You don't get it. I never said you were a white supremacist. You have a reading comprehension problem but that's OK.


Your criteria can be that you will only vote for people with green eyes. Hey this is a free country (for the time being).

You have the right and far be it from me to take that away from you but..... I still think you don't have a clue.

BushCo. are NOT republicans. Why do you think they are?


I can label a bag of {censored} as baby powder but it's still a bag of {censored}.

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Originally posted by Paul J. Edwards

Musicians have as much right to participate in democracy as anyone else.

Get it?????

Stop being so stupid. I'm gonna tell your Mom.



Yes, they have the right and they should.


Musicains are inherintly irrational. They don't think with their brains, they think with their hearts. THAT is my problem. Now {censored} OFF.

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Originally posted by marshallnoise

YOU idiots are the reason why I quit that rag. Musicians should stick to doing one {censored}ing thing: Playing Music. This thread has highlighted the sheer LACK of intelligence that MOST musicians posess. Conspiracy this, conspiracy that. Most 90% of you have ZERO clue how this country works or how anything works really.



I'm not sure who was citing conspiracies in this thread, but if I simply was too lazy to read the post, that's my mistake.


I don't think this thread has been NEARLY as bad as many others, and I will stand rather firm that I know quite a bit about how things work, probably more than 99% of all of America. I've been trying to stay out of most of the arguments because I hate arguing online, though I do like to read other's opinions.


I'm not going to throw around my knowledge on here, or BS that may make you less inclined to insult MOST musicians (as MANY on this board are rather well educated and intelligent), but I will say that there are better threads to post comments like that in on the front page and I'd appreciate it if you'd only comment when you have something to contribute to the discussion.



As for the gentleman who votes on ideals, there have been quite a few Independents that would most likely far better represent your views, and if they don't, it's unfortunate. For me, unfortunately, the Democrats have been the only ones consistant enough with their platform to represent my views and I've been stuck with a "lesser-of-two-evils" approach which is less than satisfying. I can understand where you are coming from, although to say that ANY candidate is one you'd vote for is probably a stretch-- sometimes it'd be best not to vote at all perhaps (like the extreme, Grand Wazoo case cited above) as a demonstration of your disatisfaction with choice. I am iffy as to how effective I believe that can be. However, with your comments, I can only hope that you are a rather active voter during primaries as primary elections are where most Americans do great injustices to their beliefs by not voting or voting, but voting uninformed.

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Originally posted by marshallnoise

Yes, they have the right and they should.

Musicains are inherintly irrational. They don't think with their brains, they think with their hearts. THAT is my problem. Now {censored} OFF.



So you have to resort to cursing to support your lame argument.


Where do you get the impression that musicians are irrational. That is so stupid!!!



Your funny and not to be taken seriously.

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Originally posted by MetalHed

I guess you are forgetting that he was awarded the Presidency in 2000 by the Supreme Court, not by election. Gore actually won the popular vote in that election.

As for 2004, there is evidence that the state of Ohio was "taken", not won. The electronic voting machines were produced by a company owned by a huge Bush supporter, and despite the fact that the program provides no paper trail (how convenient), tampering was evident based on the fact that in certain counties, Bush received more votes than there were registered voters. A lawsuit has been filed in Ohio to prosecute this crime, but I'm sure it will be stonewalled by republicans more interested in protecting their Fuhrer than with preserving democracy in our own country.



o christ stfu you asshat and get a life take off your dam tinfoil hat and wake up.


wtf are you 13?

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Originally posted by jshaft37

good, get the {censored} out of the music business. i'm sure you're just an asshole that's out to rip musicians off and make a quick buck.

people that are passionate about music are going to be passionate about other aspects of their lives as well. this is a {censored}ing forum for entertainment, it has nothing to do with business practices.

you're the only bitch here, you're just gonna talk some weak {censored} and not back it up. you dont even have an opinion on this topic.



Yes, I rip musicians off. You dip{censored}. Artist Managers make money when their client makes money too idiot! See my point??? You don't have a clue about ANYTHING.


What is there to back up moron when you prove my point by opening your mouth?


What opinion is there to have on this topic? I am suprised you haven't written a letter to Olberman asking if you can rub his balls for him. I think Olberman should have stuck to doing sports.

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Originally posted by AtarisPunk29

I'm not sure who was citing conspiracies in this thread, but if I simply was too lazy to read the post, that's my mistake.

I don't think this thread has been NEARLY as bad as many others, and I will stand rather firm that I know quite a bit about how things work, probably more than 99% of all of America. I've been trying to stay out of most of the arguments because I hate arguing online, though I do like to read other's opinions.

I'm not going to throw around my knowledge on here, or BS that may make you less inclined to insult MOST musicians (as MANY on this board are rather well educated and intelligent), but I will say that there are better threads to post comments like that in on the front page and I'd appreciate it if you'd only comment when you have something to contribute to the discussion.




Throw your BS around. Nothing has stopped you already. Fire away dude. You won't impress me or convince me of anything different. Musicians = Liberals. There are a FEW rare exceptions.

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Originally posted by DirtyBird

Many liberties that may not seem like ab ig deal to you, but I argue that ANY liberty is a big deal. The government should not have hte authority to take our liberties away anyway in my opinion. But they do... I'm al lfor small government and strict constitutionalism. And yet everyone thinks I'm a liberal. I love this {censored}.

The whole purpose of our american independence was to realize contemporary utopian ideas with Thomas Locke et al.

The government should fear it's people, the people shouldn't fear their government. Popular Sovereignty.

Now when the government enacts legislation titled the "Patriot" act in order to pass this {censored} under our nose where they can initiate surveillance on us, tap our phones, even investigate what books we've been reading at the library, and search our homes WITHOUT WARRANTS, that pisses me the {censored} off.

Maybe you don't care, that's your preroggative, but it outrages me and it should outrage any American that feels the constitution is sacred.

But I suppose if everyone wants to be subject to the dictatorial rule of a nanny state that controls our lives so that we dont have to be afraid of some terrorists, then I suppose that's what's going to happen. But the freedoms we hae in America are what make America such a wonderful country, when the terrorists convince the government to take those freedoms away, who has won? It's certainly not We The People.

This is a non-partisan issue, but an overzealous executive branch doesn't help... Both sides of hte aisle are in support of this, just so they can look good to their constituents because most of them are too damn IGNORANT to know or care about their rights being violated.

:cry: Beautiful!

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Originally posted by marshallnoise

Throw your BS around. Nothing has stopped you already. Fire away dude. You won't impress me or convince me of anything different. Musicians = Liberals. There are a FEW rare exceptions.



I am not sure what you're saying here. Does being a liberal mean you have no idea how the country works? By the way, I don't consider myself liberal. I am somewhat torn between a few things, but for the most part, lie somewhere in between the liberterians and liberals while not being nearly as extreme as either group is.


I don't feel the need to improve my intelligence to you, I hope that writing coherent sentences and not making blanket statements about the people posting here and what their opinions or hobbies means about them as individuals is enough evidence, at least from an internet forum's perspective, that I am not just talking out of my ass.

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Originally posted by AtarisPunk29

I am not sure what you're saying here. Does being a liberal mean you have no idea how the country works? By the way, I don't consider myself liberal. I am somewhat torn between a few things, but for the most part, lie somewhere in between the liberterians and liberals while not being nearly as extreme as either group is.

I don't feel the need to improve my intelligence to you, I hope that writing coherent sentences and not making blanket statements about the people posting here and what their opinions or hobbies means about them as individuals is enough evidence, at least from an internet forum's perspective, that I am not just talking out of my ass.



I have never met a liberal that claims to be one so you are not alone in your misrepresenation of yourself.


By posting this thread in the first place you are doing something profound. Something that most liberals don't have the balls to do. You know, take a stand on something. All you did was prove my point and most everyone who commented after your "ground breaking" post agreed with you but were too chicken{censored} to say it before. Why is that? Particularly when liberals are among friends here (musicians).


I don't get it.

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Originally posted by STEEL KAGE

I voted for him 2x and Im pissed. Give me a friggin choice already!!! I gave him a second chance to do the right thing and he screwed the pooch IMO

I want a GD choice!!!!

I also have to say that its hard to disagree with the video....

I can totally relate. I voted for W the first time and nobody the second time due to seeing nothing but two fisted puppets to choose between.

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Originally posted by marshallnoise

This thread is the prime example why I quit the music business. I am a businessman first and foremost. I know business like the back of my hand. AND I know music very well. Why not take a stab at being an Artist Manager?

YOU idiots are the reason why I quit that rag. Musicians should stick to doing one {censored}ing thing: Playing Music. This thread has highlighted the sheer LACK of intelligence that MOST musicians posess. Conspiracy this, conspiracy that. Most 90% of you have ZERO clue how this country works or how anything works really.

Music = emotion, right? Emotion is not a good skill to have when doing ANY sort of legislation or anything business related. All it does is make you look like a {censored}ing woman. And ALL of you look like little bitches.

{censored}, you guys piss me off. I wan't to be friends with musicians, but damn...

I don't normally throw people's insults back in their face, and I don't want to seem like an @ss, but calling everyone else idiots, etc., and whining like the bitch you're saying everyone else looks like in your eyes only makes you seem like what you're calling everyone else. You mean to tell me other people's opinions unrelated to music caused you to quit playing music~? :freak:

And why do you say MOST musicians have a sheer lack of intelligence (it's spelled "possess," BTW)? Is it because they just don't blindly agree with you (an apparently self-proclaimed genius) on every point? Let me guess; you're a hardcore conservative, and Bush's poll ratings and total lack of success in Iraq making it too easy for Liberals to knock him is driving you crazy on political threads? :thu:

I at one time supported Bush. I'm NOT a liberal and usually don't like a lot of liberal-dominated threads. But, damn, Bush has pushed me away from the far right, and now it seems to me that too many people are totally polarized one way or the other. I'm not going to let it cause me to stop playing music, though; it doesn't require anything but a guitar and a room to play it in. If you really love music, why not let IT be what's important rather than what other people think about Bush and the Iraq war? :)

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Originally posted by marshallnoise

I have never met a liberal that claims to be one so you are not alone in your misrepresenation of yourself.

By posting this thread in the first place you are doing something profound. Something that most liberals don't have the balls to do. You know, take a stand on something. All you did was prove my point and most everyone who commented after your "ground breaking" post agreed with you but were too chicken{censored} to say it before. Why is that? Particularly when liberals are among friends here (musicians).

I don't get it.



I don't understand what point of yours that I proved, can you clarify that? What was I too chicken{censored} to say? That my leaning is somewhat left on social issues while being somewhat centered/conservative on economic issues? I didn't feel like my bias was something that is unclear or even necessary since I was simply saying, "I agreed with the sentiments of the following speaker." I made the announcement that I felt he was speaking very well for me. Although, if you read further, I do clarify I don't believe in everything he said verbatim, I felt the general idea was powerful and something I agreed with. I don't care if people disagree, I am not quite sure why you think I do. I explained that I feel that a lot of what he is saying rings true, and attempted to understand other view points in the thread, etc etc.


I wasn't baiting you specifically, just looking to see if the conversation on this was truly over, or if others who may want to didn't see this yet, etc.


I am just unsure what about me you're attacking here...?


Btw, where I am, people wear the liberal label as a badge of honor, though I know that's not true everywhere.

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Originally posted by ulank

Of course, you should also place equal blame on our Congressmen, if not more, since they're the ones more directly representing me and you. One thing I don't buy is that it's all Bush's fault. Every aspect of our gov't has dropped its own ball of responsibility. We didn't get in this position because of what Bush told us what to do - rather because we let him.



Of course it's not all Bush's fault. I didn't say that. A lot of {censored} IS his fault. And Cheney's and Rumsfeld. And {censored}ing Wolfowitz.


And a lot of {censored} the the fault of the Congress. They all need to be gone. Republicans AND Democrats. They're all {censored}ing worthless sacks of {censored}.

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