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whats your planned rig for this year?


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Running one of these-


Through this bad boy-


The amp should be here this week.




Now I think about it, I probably will get a new humbucker for my Charvel, and maybe save for a different 2x12, probably a Framus :)

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My plan for this year's rig is to go all SOLID STATE:thu:


Right now I have.....


two ampeg VH140-C's

randall RG-80es

RM-100 which is currently on ebay

I have a warhead incomming from ebay

two recto 4 x 12 cabs


But this is how I want my rig to look.....

Two VH140-C's


Warhead orginal version

Crate gx-130c

marshall valvestate vs100


peavy XXL

two recto 4 x 12 cabs

one earcandy 2 x 12 w/ gt-75's


This year is going to be a {censored} tubes stage:thu: Maybe next year it will be a {censored} S.S. phase:freak:

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I'm gonna add a Framus dragon with avatar 212 in matching color scheme, engl blackmore, I want a tele... that should be more than enough. I wont be able to get a job until august because of baseball so I'll probably be buying this stuff around january or december but thats within 12 months so i think it qualifies

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I have already bought an ENGL Blackmore and PODxt Live and we are only just over 2 months in :cry: The POD was bought totally on a whim


I want to get good pair of monitors and maybe another Edwards.. and maybe another cab. We'll see how things go

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Once the chaos that has been the last month calms down....


Have a green tolex headshell built for my 18W

Get a matching green 2x12 with H30's or Greenbacks built

Build another 18W with a Hiwatt-style preamp

Probably pick up another Tele


So far, that's less than $1,200 - I'm doing pretty good at not needing more gear.

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Got my LP on order, same with my Marshall VintMod,

Will probably look at ways to use both my rigs together so will probably buy another line selector, maybe a nice boost pedal for the VM

My rig is getting to the place i want it to be now!

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-gutierrez juggernaut (on the way :D)

-tacoma acoustic

-nice 7 string (eyeballing the new s7320)



if my band gets out again, and funds allow...

-splawn quickrod (gas has been killing me for a few years now)

-roadcase for my 2nd 4x12 (nothing's more metal than too many cabs onstage :D)

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Well planning on ordering a Ciera 2203 clone this week, so that will be a good start.Just need to get a head shell (red tolex) and get a redone face plate and, and name plate (silver/aluminum), new knobs as well.


Still want to get a second Red Avatar 2x12 V30 cab, got a birthday not tooooo far away :D.


Couple of single space humbuckers,nut,saddles, and electronics to redo my MIM strat (have new pickguard and full size humbucker just waiting here to go into it :thu:


Would like to try and get another amp (big maybe later on- maybe even huge maybe) or a new guit. (a V would be cool)


Other than that, some pedals mainly a good boost, and delay.


But first plan to get my 2203 finished up, so I don't have to many poker going in to many fires at the same time see mockup below....




And if I survive that cool, maybe some new strings would be cool to :D

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im gonna buy another guitar at some point, just dont know what yet! i want something with a single coil in the neck and a humbucker in the bridge i think (NOT A STRAT)



An ESP Hybrid would fit that bill - I had a LTD Hybrid 300 a couple of years back and it was an AWESOME guitar - I shouldn't have sold it.

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Load up my Ampeg 4x12 with Swamp Thangs or V30s

(I sold it, now have it back...that was a headache and a half I did not need)


Buy RedBear


And then I'm looking at a Reverend Powerhouse 290 or Daredevil 290.


Oh, and a drum kit. That's going to be soon. Probably my tax return check.

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An ESP Hybrid would fit that bill - I had a LTD Hybrid 300 a couple of years back and it was an AWESOME guitar - I shouldn't have sold it.



cool ill check it out, i think id have to look at the LTD version though cause i dont want to break $1000 really... i think spending anymore on guitar is kinda dumb. who knows maybe ill go play an american strat with the HSS config and like it... but every strat ive ever played just doesnt feel right to me

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I need to just fill the holes in my rig really, and thats what I aim to do with the little money I have.

Need the GCX for MIDI switching channels and pedals, then I want a Pedalboard Pro for the Ground Control, Wah, Tuner and maybe a couple of extra bits.

Im looking for another Slash Head too....


What's the craic with that Slash half stack? You selling it on/re-negging on the deal or something?


For this year:




Les Paul Custom (preferably an '81 cos that's my birth year)

Some kinda Tele

Ibanez RG 550 with analog synth (ongoing project need completion)

Fender USA P-Bass in Black/Maple Jazz bass neck, with Black scratchplate




Some yellowjackets and a couple of mods for one of my 2204's

Deizel Herbert (If I manage to get some kinda silly windfall..)

A nice old Marshall cab with Greenbacks

An Ampeg 8x10 to go with my original V-4




Digitech Jamman or Boss Loop station..

Rocktron Intellifex or Replifex etc.

Some kinda midi switching system,

Power conditioner.


And some flightcases for my stuff.


All of this apart from the RG, the Yellowjackets and the Jamman or Loop Station is dreamin' at this point however.

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