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Way OT: If being gay is a choice, why do people choose to be gay?


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Just be glad MALES wrote the bible and not women.

Can you imagine the bible women would have invented??

"if thou thus marryith a woman old enough to be your daughter, you shall burnith in the firey pits of satans hell. Thorns shall be your breakfast lunch and dinner."

"However, if thou hast vast collections of gold and a spare closet for shoes, thou shalt only wind up in purgery for a time equal to the number of years younger the wife of your choosing is."


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Per the Bible, it's also against God's will to "spill your seed upon the land" (i.e. jerk off) - does that mean that every man who has ever lived has comitted a sin?

If you look at the Bible with a critical eye, you can see the human and male influence throughout the whole thing.



I don't want to come off as being overbearing, but the verse you referenced states that God wasn't pleased with one particular man in one specific instance. The verse has nothing to do with any type of commandment for all men.

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I don't want to come off as being overbearing, but the verse you referenced states that God wasn't pleased with one particular man in one specific instance. The verse has nothing to do with any type of commandment for all men.



That may be the case - I just remember reading Genesis and seeing that.

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That may be the case - I just remember reading Genesis and seeing that.

I only responded because I've seen a lot of christians in the past say the same thing, thinking they were really messing up if they whipped the worm, so in response I made sure to read the entire passage in context.

BUT... Jesus did say whoever even looks on a woman with lust has committed a sin. THAT is where I think most everyone fails. :D In other words if someone can be happy just pounding the plank without thinking of people they've looked at then they'd probably not be sinning at all. Personally, I'm pretty sure I've thought of various women in every single such instance. :D

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Um, no god wrote the bible. The bible was written by men and later revised by those in power as a mechanism to control the masses. It has nothing to do with deism.

If you need an ancient propaganda book to tell you how to live your life, then you need more help then you're likely to get in this lifetime.


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Um, no god wrote the bible. The bible was written by men and later revised by those in power as a mechanism to control the masses. It has nothing to do with deism.

If you need an ancient propaganda book to tell you how to live your life, then you need more help then you're likely to get in this lifetime.


Who needs an ancient propaganda book to tell them how to live their lives when they have all the current propaganda? :D

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People obviously choose whatever sexual pleasure they want.

The question is : who sets the rules?

If its you and me, then the rules always will be changing, right?

For me, I believe that God has setup the best "rulebook" - so - sex outside a marraige of a man a woman of loving commitment -whether it be straight or gay - is wrong in His sight.

Our Creator is the answer to lifes questions...just read the "rulebook":wave:



why does there have to be a rulebook?

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Yes, it's choice. Just as people are not born as thieves, murderers, etc., homosexuals are not born "gay". In order to do any of these things, a choice has to be made. The more time you spend dwelling on the matter the more likely you are to act on it.

I love the God fearing Christian mentality.


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Yes, it's choice. Just as people are not born as thieves, murderers, etc., homosexuals are not born "gay". In order to do any of these things, a choice has to be made. The more time you spend dwelling on the matter the more likely you are to act on it.



Are we to argue that other species have the ability to "dwell" on homosexuality in order to partake in it? It has been shown in mice and dogs that homosexuality exists in their species, along with ours. That seems to indicate to me that there's more at work than simply a choice.

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Are we to argue that other species have the ability to "dwell" on homosexuality in order to partake in it? It has been shown in mice and dogs that homosexuality exists in their species, along with ours. That seems to indicate to me that there's more at work than simply a choice.



Weathered: Many have put that view forward. Some well respected sources say this:


"But does the abundance of gathered evidence really indicate that animals are homosexual? No. The 1974 edition of the Encyclop

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And before you say "oh but that is different".....it isn't too different. You ar esuggesting that gays are still persecuted...and maybe to some extent...but nio more so than any other group or culture. Many gay people celebrate and foist their lifestyle choice on you. I don;t tell them I am happilly married hetero...byut they can't help themselves letting ME know they are gay....with "cute" jokes and sexual suggestion.

Look....if you really are gay...fine...I don;t want to know...no more than you want to know about my sexual lifestyle. I odn;t want parades or gay pride day...keep it to yourself. You don;t need a parade to validate your lifestyle. You don;t need my notice or approval.

If there is some legal problem...you can get help. These days, insurance is different...wills are easy...you don;t necessarily NEED a state liscence to validate your relationship.

It's only my opinion that the traditional state and relgious sanctioned marriage should be between a man and woman, and that for a family..with children...a man and woman is the best situation (and that is not to say all hetero families are perfect). The man and the woman offer the child balanced aspects, views and duties.

Above all...if you are gay....have at it! Just don't try so hard to tell everyone. Don't look for my approval as I don't look for yours.

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It's more true that people will grasp at seemingly "reasonable" explanations to explain their abnormal behavior no matter what it is.

Animals can do many things, but they do not.



Not since David Berkowitz have we learned so much from dogs.

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are you still 16? because that's when I last jacked off to airbrushed pictures of asian girls with fake tits




So ... what do you do now pops?




I'm 46 years old kid and I can still jack off to pics of Asian girls .... tits or no tits... they're all good to me!


You just keep on givin head to strange men in public restrooms late at night......


... and Leave those airbrushed Asian Women with fake tits (or no tits at all) for me... I'll take care of them while you keep gawking at photos of gay men with hairy asses and hairy legs wearing G-strings.













BTW - If I wash my rod... will you suck mine too??
















You must be a DIRTY COCK SUCKER then!






Silly Faggots, DICKS ARE FOR CHICKS~!~

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So ... what do you do now pops?

I'm 46 years old kid and I can still jack off to pics of Asian girls .... tits or no tits... they're all good to me!

You just keep on givin head to strange men in public restrooms late at night......

... and Leave those airbrushed Asian Women with fake tits (or no tits at all) for me... I'll take care of them while you keep gawking at photos of gay men with hairy asses and hairy legs wearing G-strings.

BTW - If I wash my rod... will you suck mine too??


You must be a DIRTY COCK SUCKER then!

Silly Faggots, DICKS ARE FOR CHICKS~!~

Better hope a mod doesn't see this post :o

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Good sir, you must hear how I set my amp. You would never think its a Rectifier. The key is in the Bias Mod + FX loop trick + Raw channel.


Asians aren't my favourite, either... but I'm not complaining, cause the more pics of chicks in the gay thread, the better.


Sorry I'm late to this thread, but I liked this clip too.

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Didn't someone get banned for simply using the word gay. :confused: (Kage and others)

Not that I care because I don't, I support free speech but I think we should expect more consistency from the mods.

As for the topic I think being attracted to the same sex is a result of genetics and environment (mostly environment), but as in all sexual acts it is a free will choice.

Folks we are not victims of our own desires....this idea is goofy; because what about those that are born or develop into psychopaths, couldn't they be excused for their murders and others crimes due to their "natural" tendencies.


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It's not a choice, ignorant people say it is. To try and mandate behavior that doesn't hurt anyone is sick. Christians are misguided.



I agree it is wrong to try and force others to moderate or control their behavior if such behavior doesn't hurt others; BUT, having said that I think it is equally valid for a Christian or any thinking man to hold what he believes to be true in his heart and to discuss his viewpoint with others and to raise his/her children according to his/her own personal values.


For me and my three sons homosexual acts are sinful and wrong. I have taught them that homosexual curiosity or even full blown homosexual desire is NOT sin, no emotion on its own is sinful only attitudes and actions can be right or wrong.


However; this is my opinion and I support homosexuals having civil unions with all the same privileges and respect of any marriage. To do otherwise is unconstitutional and bigoted.


Anyway just my $.02



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on homosexual urges is a choice... just like its a choice for two consenting heterosexuals to have sex.

to the same sex, however, is not a choice and is a result of genetic
environmental factors

I think this sums it up.

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