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Way OT: If being gay is a choice, why do people choose to be gay?


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on homosexual urges is a choice... just like its a choice for two consenting heterosexuals to have sex.

to the same sex, however, is not a choice and is a result of genetic
environmental factors

To act on sexual urges is a choice. What difference does it make as to which sex that those urges are towards?

Consenting adults can and should be able to do whatever they want. It's only when they cry and complain that they dont get enough special treatment that I get irritated. I dont like seeing fat people bumping uglies in the post office anymore than I like seeing gay transvestites doing it, so when gay people get pissy when people "dont accept them" when it's more their flamboyance and exhibitionism that pisses people off, that's when I get annoyed.

Where the line is between respectful acceptance and flamboyant excess leading to a backlash is, I think is a judgment call. But I dont see what the big deal is as long as it involves consenting adults.

I like women and I act on those urges (provided it's consentual, ;) ), to be put in a situation where someone would all of a sudden never expect you to act on those urges without being some sort of heinous, immoral criminal would be terrible.

And again, Iwant to reiterate - CONSENTUAL. This is not children, this is not animals, this is other adults who consent. That's the difference.

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People obviously choose whatever sexual pleasure they want.
The question is : who sets the rules?
If its you and me, then the rules always will be changing, right?
For me, I believe that God has setup the best "rulebook" - so - sex outside a marraige of a man a woman of loving commitment -whether it be straight or gay - is wrong in His sight.
Our Creator is the answer to lifes questions...just read the "rulebook":wave:

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Being gay is not a choice. It is no more a "choice" than being heterosexual. With all the ignorant hate mongers out there, why would any one "Choose" to be gay?

for teh buttsecks:confused::freak:

I have a few gay friends, really nice people, and I have asked them about the choice/genetic stuff before, and its always a toss up.... and they dont know a clear answer either....

The general concesus is that they just feel an attraction towards the same sex and CHOOSE to act on it, that seems to be their general take. As far as acceptance, I would argue that there is no general feeling of community if you are heterosexual, it is the accepted norm, however there is a great deal of support and acceptance within the gay and lesbian community, so that may also be an attractive factor to some people, just a sense of belonging.

However, what always confuses me is why gays and lesbians sometimes take on opposite gender roles. For instance, butchy lesbians that act like men..... if a more feminine lesbian is technically into women, why would she be attracted to a woman thats acting like a man.... similarly, why would a man be attracted to a very flamboyant gay man behaving like a stereotypical woman.....

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People obviously choose whatever sexual pleasure they want.

The question is : who sets the rules?

If its you and me, then the rules always will be changing, right?

For me, I believe that God has setup the best "rulebook" - so - sex outside a marraige of a man a woman of loving commitment -whether it be straight or gay - is wrong in His sight.

Our Creator is the answer to lifes questions...just read the "rulebook":wave:

The question: Who sets the rules?


The answer: IT DOESN'T MATTER, as long as you do what you want, and are not harming other people. Why should God give a damn if you do what makes you happy? I'm an atheist anyway, but if I believed in God and that were true, that would make me seriously doubt him.

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if you will notice, western society only bashes MALE homosexuals.

Lesbians are treated like women who shag small children are treated: With love, respect and glamor.
LEsbian women get spreads in HETERO magazines. Males wank to images of women faggots having sex together in porn. Lesbians are never vilified. Never bashed.
Lesbian women are Never beaten about the face by southern dudes in pickup trucks. Its only GAY MALES who get that treatment from society.

Nobody ever debates "is lesbianism choice?" because nobody gives a {censored} about lesbianism.
Its gay MALES society has an obsession with.
Society isn't against homosexuality. it is against gay males specifically.

I want to know if bigotry is choice or inborn.
Its hatred that is destroying society. Not homosexuality.

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People obviously choose whatever sexual pleasure they want.

The question is : who sets the rules?

If its you and me, then the rules always will be changing, right?

For me, I believe that God has setup the best "rulebook" - so - sex outside a marraige of a man a woman of loving commitment -whether it be straight or gay - is wrong in His sight.

Our Creator is the answer to lifes questions...just read the "rulebook":wave:



Just playing devil's advocate here, but is it possible that something got lost in translation when God spoke to man?


Let's keep in mind the era in which these rules were written - infant death was high, middle age was your 20's, and most races were trying to increase their size. Sex was seen as a means of procreation, and to have sex with a man meant that you were not attempting to procreate, so you weren't helping your tribe/race. Not to mention, if a woman was having sex with multiple men, none of them could know for certain that it was their child.


Is it possible that the human translation got a little changed over the years of oral tradition?

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I would probably get more sex if I was Gay :o

Obviously people don't choose to be gay (unless it becames a fashion).

A very openly gay friend told me " why the {censored} would I choose to be gay, I run the risk of being beat up my parents hate it. I am what I am I cant change that"

If my son was gay to be honest I would be disappointed yes, but in the respect he wont have the joy of having children. Though I would support 100% as long as he was happy.

Actually he is a smooth little {censored} with the ladies already and he is only 1

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People obviously choose whatever sexual pleasure they want.

The question is : who sets the rules?

If its you and me, then the rules always will be changing, right?

For me, I believe that God has setup the best "rulebook" - so - sex outside a marraige of a man a woman of loving commitment -whether it be straight or gay - is wrong in His sight.

Our Creator is the answer to lifes questions...just read the "rulebook":wave:




"wives, obey your husbands".

"kill women who sleep with animals (ie animal porn)"


I dont know if there is a god, but I like his style.

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"wives, obey your husbands".

"kill women who sleep with animals (ie animal porn)"

I dont know if there is a god, but I like his style.



Per the Bible, it's also against God's will to "spill your seed upon the land" (i.e. jerk off) - does that mean that every man who has ever lived has comitted a sin?


If you look at the Bible with a critical eye, you can see the human and male influence throughout the whole thing.

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Just be glad MALES wrote the bible and not women.

Can you imagine the bible women would have invented??

"if thou thus marryith a woman old enough to be your daughter, you shall burnith in the firey pits of satans hell. Thorns shall be your breakfast lunch and dinner."

"husbands, obey your wives"

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