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Way OT: If being gay is a choice, why do people choose to be gay?


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Yeah, that makes sense, I've never really had a chance to look at it from that side.

In any case, I was never even that good at basketball anyway
(I played until 7th grade). I'm not much for team sports.

Yeah I hear ya.

Just do all the rest of us a favor and don't date any short women. It pisses the shorter guys off :mad:

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That's definitely reaching, IMO. No sign of being interested in any girls that I ever saw, and I was around one of the girls constantly for years having been good friends with her brother as well as who she married. Is it that hard to imagine that if someone learns of a pleasure they never knew before, like doing certain drugs, eating certain foods, finding a new hobby, etc., it's only natural a person can make a decision to go with what feels good at that time?



I see your point, and I honestly haven't fully made up my mind on this yet. However, my argument would be that it is far more difficult for a bisexual girl to find a willing female partner than a male one, and that there still are many social pressures against sustaining a homosexual relationship. Many people teach themselves to suppress "undesirable" feelings at a young age.

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I see your point, and I honestly haven't fully made up my mind on this yet. However, my argument would be that it is far more difficult for a bisexual girl to find a willing female partner than a male one, and that there still are many social pressures against sustaining a homosexual relationship. Many people teach themselves to suppress "undesirable" feelings at a young age.

I don't know; when I was a teen what you're saying would be 100% correct. Now people can't even say certain words here or in other parts of HC talk negatively about transgendered people without being banned. I could be fired in a heartbeat for talking down a person for being gay. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but just rather observing how things are totally different than how they were in the '80s and prior to that. I think in some areas it's actually become popular to be gay or at least have an appearance of it, and not many people I know of seem to frown down on bisexual girls if they look good. :D

I'm definitely not saying there's no opposition, but since it's popular to bash that opposition these days I don't think it's all that much of a real opposition like 15-20 years or more ago unless the gay person is living in a household where it's heavily looked down upon.

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I see your point, and I honestly haven't fully made up my mind on this yet. However, my argument would be that it is far more difficult for a bisexual girl to find a willing female partner than a male one, and that there still are many social pressures against sustaining a homosexual relationship. Many people teach themselves to suppress "undesirable" feelings at a young age.

if the girl is hot, then why would she have trouble finding a guy?

because.. that's...all that guys really look at......

well, young stupid ones at least :)

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this thread embodies everything great about hcaf. itll probably turn into a titty thread, theres joke references, conversation about peoples height, and intertwined in there is some reference to the topic at hand. apply that to amps and you have the entire forum



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this thread embodies everything great about hcaf. itll probably turn into a titty thread, theres joke references, conversation about peoples height, and intertwined in there is some reference to the topic at hand. apply that to amps and you have the entire forum


I hope theres more Asian pix coming

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dude tom i dont get it. you and me like the same music, same styles, but you play my least favorite amp in the world and have an affinity for my least favorite ethnicity of women...

different strokes exemplified

Good sir, you must hear how I set my amp. You would never think its a Rectifier. The key is in the Bias Mod + FX loop trick + Raw channel.


Asians aren't my favourite, either... but I'm not complaining, cause the more pics of chicks in the gay thread, the better.

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Good sir, you must hear how I set my amp. You would never think its a Rectifier. The key is in the Bias Mod + FX loop trick + Raw channel.


Asians aren't my favourite, either... but I'm not complaining, cause the more pics of chicks in the gay thread, the better.


is it el34 or 6l6?

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