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What weird things do you judge people on?

Say Ocean

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Edit: Not necessarily judging people on these, more of just things that irk me.

I don't give the time of day to people that use English as their first language and:

a: can't complete sentence without "uhhhh" "ummmm" "like", etc
b: can't speak clearly or write legibly (without a medical reason for it)
c: can't use they're/their/there, your/you're, to/too/two, etc correctly
d: use texting terms/leetspeak (ur instead of your, r instead of are, u instead of you, etc etc) when typing

I don't mind poor grammar or spelling, but honestly, if you're over the age of 12 you should be able to use complete sentences with real words.

I also instantly hate anyone that sends text messages while driving.

(vaguely racist)

The people that live and perpetuate the stereotypes of their race/gender/orientation and then bitch that no one takes them seriously.

Minorities that beg and fight for equality and then claim they have special needs and deserve special treatment.

(/vaguely racist)

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I definitely pay attention to how quickly someone gives up and asks for help. I have a mental set of guidelines that dictate what point in that process i consider "too soon". How i respond to the request varies widely based on that.

I pay attention to if someone enjoys screwing with people who don't deserve it. I have known too many who really enjoy it. But trolling in real life or on the internet is the cheapest easiest thing that a person can do, particularly if one targets folks who neither expect nor deserve it. I have near zero respect for folks who get off on that.

I try to pay attention to whether someone just likes to talk to sound smart, or whether they have any idea what is going on. I like to let people talk if they are set on talking. I am wary of folks with a lot of answers. I have met only very few of those whose answers were actually consistently good ones.

I don't like folks who go out of their way either to entertain or antagonize people they don't know at all. The world has enough class clowns and trolls, and i don't particularly need any more in my immediate sphere.



You mean like this. :evil:

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I have this thing where my respect for someone is fully split in half if I find out they are faithful to an organised religion. To me it indicates mental weakness.


Also I tend to look down upon people who seem to wear clothing for the sake of wearing an expensive brand name. I think that also comes down to me drawing quick conclusions as to whether said person can or can't think for themself, as it is above.

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Whether they are looking at me or looking around for an escape route.

Whether they are looking at my gun.

Whether they say "Swear to God/on my mom/on my kids"

Whether they repeat the question I just asked them, e.g. "Did I shoot Pooky?"

Whether they fall asleep in the interview room before I get a chance to talk to them.

Whether they look me in the eye when I speak with them.

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I have this thing where my respect for someone is fully split in half if I find out they are faithful to an organised religion. To me it indicates mental weakness.

Also I tend to look down upon people who seem to wear clothing for the sake of wearing an expensive brand name. I think that also comes down to me drawing quick conclusions as to whether said person can or can't think for themself, as it is above.

How can you, in your infinite wisdom, tell if someone is faithful to Jesus Christ or faithful to an organized religion? Please do tell.:cool:

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Whether they are looking at me or looking around for an escape route.

Whether they are looking at my gun.

Whether they say "Swear to God/on my mom/on my kids"

Whether they repeat the question I just asked them, e.g. "Did I shoot Pooky?"

Whether they fall asleep in the interview room before I get a chance to talk to them.

Whether they look me in the eye when I speak with them.




Me too man, 100%


my basement is a weird place....

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I have this thing where my respect for someone is fully split in half if I find out they are faithful to an organised religion. To me it indicates mental weakness.



I almost agree with that one. But for me it requires some talking to sort of ascertain how and why a person is "religious". There are really stupid reasons and there are much more pragmatic ones. There are very different manners of practice as well.


Probably the majority are for stupid reasons, from the sample set i have seen, anyhow. But i have known some religious folks who were pretty kickass, even as it pertained to how they followed their religion. There are all different types. And sometimes, when someone is talking about "god", it turns out to simply be a different name for something you believe in.



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I judge people by how they treat others. I just think it's pretty narrow minded to judge someone based on their musical interest. "OMG John Doe fed the poor, and took care of the sick but he listened to the Black Eyed Peas what a loser!!!". What the {censored} does it matter what music someone listens to?


I tend to dislike people who make snap judgments about people based on ridiculous criteria. People like to put things into nice neat little boxes. The world doesn't work like that and people especially don't work like that. You start looking at people in terms of black and white and you oversimplify things.

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You do realize you're on the net? This place is full of what you dislike.



Not really. Sure if you are here (Amps) or in 4chan where the average age is probably mid-teen. It's not this bad in any other forum on the site 'cept Political Party and Open Jam. I spend most of my time in the Electric forum lately.


This forum has a handful of people who know what they are talking about, yourself, Deathmonkey, Guitarbilly, etc.

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There are some good people no doubt, but you said:

"I just think it's pretty narrow minded to judge someone based on their musical interest. "OMG John Doe fed the poor, and took care of the sick but he listened to the Black Eyed Peas what a loser!!!". What the {censored} does it matter what music someone listens to?

I tend to dislike people who make snap judgments about people based on ridiculous criteria."

Isn't that here too? I think it is.



The statement at the end was meant to be sarcastic.

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I instinctively judge people by the way they treat their mother. If they are {censored}ty to their mom, how in the {censored} can they be kind to anyone else out there. On a conscious level I like to see how people treat wait staff, and cashiers. Basically people who are on the lowest "social rung" in our immediate vicinity, and who have nothing to offer them. If they're crappy to these folks for no good reason, get a good look cause that's how they'll treat you once you no longer hold their interest.

Works great for job interviews and first dates too.


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I'm overanalytic with people.
But I NEVER show it IRL, I just smile and talk along.


people that can't lie. god damn I enjoy it when people try to BS their way through something...try it once, and you're done.

music- people that only listen to pop music usually fall into the "simple minds" category.

movies- If someone says that "Fast and furious" is the BEST MOVIE EVAR, I die a bit inside.

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On a conscious level I like to see how people treat wait staff, and cashiers. Basically people who are on the lowest "social rung" in our immediate vicinity, and who have nothing to offer them. If they're crappy to these folks for no good reason, get a good look cause that's how they'll treat you once you no longer hold their interest.



So true. That's the advice we gave our daughter (amongst other things) when she started dating. We said --


"Watch how he treats people in the hospitality industry, especially when orders aren't fulfilled or executed correctly, it's a barometer of who he really is. You'll know respectful / disrespectful / phony when you see it.

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