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What weird things do you judge people on?

Say Ocean

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Normally their favourite neurosis album.

In truth its how much of a dip{censored} they are. I dont get on with stupid people.



me and my dad disagree on the neurosis thing a lot. he really likes the new one, i don't. i like times of grace and enemy of the sun. he's a veteran neurosis fan though; i think he's seen them like 30 times or something ridiculous like that. what's a wrong answer to that question, by the way?

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I definitely pay attention to how quickly someone gives up and asks for help. I have a mental set of guidelines that dictate what point in that process i consider "too soon". How i respond to the request varies widely based on that.

I pay attention to if someone enjoys screwing with people who don't deserve it. I have known too many who really enjoy it. But trolling in real life or on the internet is the cheapest easiest thing that a person can do, particularly if one targets folks who neither expect nor deserve it. I have near zero respect for folks who get off on that.

I try to pay attention to whether someone just likes to talk to sound smart, or whether they have any idea what is going on. I like to let people talk if they are set on talking. I am wary of folks with a lot of answers. I have met only very few of those whose answers were actually consistently good ones.

I don't like folks who go out of their way either to entertain or antagonize people they don't know at all. The world has enough class clowns and trolls, and i don't particularly need any more in my immediate sphere.


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