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OT I had a horrible night :(


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So I cooked a big dinner, went and took maybe3bites and then my dog started to act really weird I kept asking him if he was okay andhe gave me a really scared face. He tried to walk away to his food and he couldn't walk straight then he fell down. He was shaking and his eyes were bugging out. He was fine all day and this just came out of no where. I grabbed him and tried to see if maybe he was cold or had a fever but he was fine. He just shook like leaf on a tree. My brother ran and got a stethascope and he didn't hear any blockage and his heart was fine. After five minutes or so the dog was fine. I thought he was atleast I tried to get his leash to walk him cuz he prob got the crap scared outta him and then he fell down again I held him and tried to comfort him but we were all clueless what was going on. He stayed seizuring for like 2 mins and then trew up dinner. We wound up taking him to a emergency animal hospital and he had a buncha test run on him. And the bill was stupid I pretty much just got home and he's laying on me on the couch totally exhausted. It {censored}in sucks, tomorrow I gotta wake up early to bring him to our family vet cause the emergency room place was just way too expensive. :( I know they found out he was really dehydrated, but they weren't sure if it was pancreatitis so I guess I'll have to deal with his anxiety as well as my own. :( I really hope they don't find something but regardless that it's expensive I hope that they can answer what caused the seizures and why he lost balance and muscle control :cry: poor thing only weighs like 13lbs and it's all furr ughh I guess this is what it's like to have a kid.

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Sorry to hear it, man. What kind of dog? Dogs of some breeds are predisposed to develop seizures like this, though. They're usually treatable, if this is the case. I had a buddy with a golden retriever mix (really a mutt) that would occasionally stiffen up like a board and seize for several minutes. Sometimes she vomited. Sometimes she peed herself. It was really pitiful to watch. But she would be fine afterward, and the vet was able to give her medication that controlled the seizures.


Keep yer head up, sport.

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Did you go up to that place on ... I think it's Old Country Road in like Westbury?

That place is crazy expensive for emergency pet care.

I've been there bro, and it sucks. Mojo sent big time.


Yeah dude it sucked the visit alone was well over 100 and the blood test was double that. We declined further tests because it was {censored}in ridculous. So we took the test results and were bringin him to the vet tom. :(

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Sorry to hear it, man. What kind of dog? Dogs of some breeds are predisposed to develop seizures like this, though. They're usually treatable, if this is the case. I had a buddy with a golden retriever mix (really a mutt) that would occasionally stiffen up like a board and seize for several minutes. Sometimes she vomited. Sometimes she peed herself. It was really pitiful to watch. But she would be fine afterward, and the vet was able to give her medication that controlled the seizures.

Keep yer head up, sport.


He's a Pomeranian he's 13lbs of terror :lol: ask any of the guys from LI he's the type that barks his head off for attention and to be tuff then when u go to pet him he runs away scared :) he's really funny, playful and expessive which fits me to a tee.

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Dogs can be prone to seizures just like people. I have an 11 year old dog that has had seizures since he was about 3. It used to freak us out, now it's just a matter of making sure he's comfortable when it happens.


Hope that's not the case for you, but at the very least, it doesn't automatically mean he's gonna die.


Prayers and mojo sent, man. :thu:

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Yeah I don't want to think about that it'll keep me from sleepin tonite:(

He's a Pomeranian he's 13lbs of terror
ask any of the guys from LI he's the type that barks his head off for attention and to be tuff then when u go to pet him he runs away scared
he's really funny, playful and expessive which fits me to a tee.


Hey man, it turns out that there are cases of Pomeranians that have epileptic seizures. Sometimes it's hereditary. Sometimes it's a sign of an underlying medical problem.


Check it: http://www.canine-epilepsy.net/basics/basics_index.html


Best to you and your buddy. Keep us updated.

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Mojo sent man. I hope that he gets better dude.

He's a Pomeranian he's 13lbs of terror
ask any of the guys from LI he's the type that barks his head off for attention and to be tuff then when u go to pet him he runs away scared
he's really funny, playful and expessive which fits me to a tee.

I can vouch for this :lol: You can hear that thing bark over 270 watts of tube power.

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Me and my girlfriend are that way with our 2 cats. They are part of the family. Right now the male cat has scabs on him. We took him to the vet and he is allergic to something in his food. So right now he's eating the good life but they are still there. So we can't figure out what it is. He might have to get allergy shots. Money isn't an issue. We never care how much it cost because he's worth it.

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Hey man, it turns out that there are cases of Pomeranians that have epileptic seizures. Sometimes it's hereditary. Sometimes it's a sign of an underlying medical problem.

Check it:

Best to you and your buddy. Keep us updated.


thanks for sending that, i just got to read it I've been on the ipod and its a bitch to read / post that stuff... Its just wierd hes like 9 yrs old and its never happened before. He was fine all day long and then he just started shaking and acting drunk. I sorta think its because he was dehydrated. A few years back in college i blacked out while on a break and walked into 3 parked cars and collapsed after going blind, they took my bp and i was 20/60 and they found nothing wrong only that i was a bit dehydrated because it was before lunch. I'm sorta hoping he had that same problem tonight but the vet at the emergency hospital was kinda overly aggressive at either being protective of the dog and trying to push us to pay for more tests/procedures. His initial blood test came back that he had quadruple the level of a certain chemical that is related to being dehydrated. granted he doesnt drink much and hes a picky eater plus he threw up all his food before we went to the vet. but she was saying that we shouldnt feed him or give him anything to drink over night because she thinks it has to do with his pancreas. and that he could have pancreatitis which can be deadly. but we told her hes never done this before and that hes def not in any pain cause he was running all over the place and wasnt sitting still in my arms :lol: i just gave the vet a :facepalm: and said.... so if we dont feed or give water to a dehydrated dog wont he be.....dehydrated :lol: and she did the uhhh ummmm welll yeah sorta its a catch 22 you should do the test here tho ....you gotta love a good salesman when your between a rock and a hard place

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