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Deputy goes in with the takedown. Has a unique ground game. Poor teen has no chance


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if it had been anyone else but the cop, yeah, but it's a cop. you don't make threatening movements to a cop without accepting that there might be bad consequences IMO.

last part is still true though, i just think people have a lotta issues with the police that should be cured via beat down

Yeah. It was definitely an overreaction. But I can imagine getting to the point of being ultra sick of dealing with little punks (male and female) acting like total bad@sses trying to talk ghetto, etc... I definitely wouldn't have done what the cop did, but I can imagine at least thinking along those lines at the moment of frustration. :D

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Or taken the damn shoes she kicked. The psychological torture of detaching a woman from her shoes should be strong enough, and a lot less risky than gang-beating a defenseless young girl on camera...



i was thinking about that. i mean it would suck enough for me to be locked in there with one cold foot, but if i was a woman that would just be torture.

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What a scumbag, some prissy little 15 year old kicks a shoe at him and her pursues to beat the {censored} out of her? Dude is a real champ, talk about issues. He could have easily just pushed her against a wall and cuffed her, but instead throws her to the floor for a pummeling, hope that dude got screwed, thats just unnecessary violence.

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I'm gonna tell you all exactly how this sheriff is going to get off.

1. Like it or not, when she kicked her shoe at the cop in the eyes of of the law he was fully justified in rushing her, slamming her into the wall and throwing her on the ground.

2. The punches while on the ground. I bet you anything she was struggling and trying to bite him, which in that case once again in the eyes of the law he was justified. Even if she wasn't he will say she was, his buddy will back him up and he will be fine.

Bottom line, don't {censored} with cops, and i should know, I've learned my lesson the hard way. I've gotten thrown around by the cops many a time for being a drunk dip{censored}.

I actually had almost the exact same thing happen to me as this girl did, execpt all I was "why? who the {censored} are you?"

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What's up with this {censored}? Are you trying to say that somehow this guy doesn't deserve to lose his job for savagely beating a 15-year-old girl, and somehow it's because she's black?

i think he was just pointing out that it will more than likely become part of the issue when it shouldn't be, which is a valid point in my opinion :idk:

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i think he was just pointing out that it will more than likely become part of the issue when it shouldn't be, which is a valid point in my opinion


No, I'm pretty sure that was preemptive racism.


Like this:


"Pfft, yeah she just got beat the {censored} down by a police officer with another officer holding down, but I'm sure she's just going to say it's 'cause she's black, because that's what blacks do :rolleyes:"


{censored}ed up on a number of levels. And that's not even starting on the people saying she deserved it. Seriously, amps forum... seriously?

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You just don't hit people in the {censored}ing face when you've overpowered them and they can't defend themselves, definately not as a cop.



True. And I didn't notice when I first quickly watched the video that the girl was black. Not that it should make any difference what her ethnic background is, but that's really not going to help the image of the force in some very important areas.


Like I said in my earlier post, I can understand having the desire to go off if someone's really being a pain in the @ss and especially after dealing with a lot of that for a long time, but doing it's an entirely different deal. I do feel bad about many police hardly making any money for the danger they risk, but they still have a major role of authority that demands (or should, anyway) a high level of accountability and professionalism.


I've personally dealt with some cops I thought were pretty crappy -- mostly when I was younger, and I've dealt with some who turned out to be pretty cool. It's too bad most people see things like this and assume the worst about most or even all cops.

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