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is it normal not to get hungover when you're 18?


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I'm 19 and have never had one.
I used to drink A LOT (Everclear, Jim Beam, etc) and never even got drunk
....then I quit for a year or so, and took it back up, and never got had a hangover, except once because I only got an hour sleep....



WTF are you some kind of silicon based life form? You really should sell yourself to science because that's not even possible.

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I generally don't get too hammered anymore cos no matter what time I go to bed or how much I drink, I know that I'll be up at 7.30am with the nipper who'll be ready to rock from the minute she opens her eyes.
Heavy boozing + no recovery time/sleep = hideous, so it's just easier not too.

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WTF are you some kind of silicon based life form? You really should sell yourself to science because that's not even possible.



IDK how or why it was that way. The Everclear I took it easy on. I only did like two shots of that at any given time if I had to guess (my friend used to take it straight from the bottle)....maybe that wasn't enough but I know that stuff is pretty heavy, so I should imagine it would've at least done something, but TO MY RECOLLECTION, I don't remember it. Hell, I may have just blacked me out, lol.

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I'm thinking these people that " don't get hungover after drinking a lot of alcohol" don't know what a lot of alcohol is. Drink a 1/5 of Jack, 6-8 beers and a 5 or 6 shots of jaeger and get back to me...you willl fill like hammered {censored}.

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I'm thinking these people that " don't get hungover after drinking a lot of alcohol" don't know what a lot of alcohol is. Drink a 1/5 of Jack, 6-8 beers and a 5 or 6 shots of jaeger and get back to me...you willl fill like hammered {censored}.



I'd have to agree with you there.

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I'm thinking these people that " don't get hungover after drinking a lot of alcohol" don't know what a lot of alcohol is. Drink a 1/5 of Jack, 6-8 beers and a 5 or 6 shots of jaeger and get back to me...you willl fill like hammered {censored}.


Try downing a litre of Manhattans and tell me you're not hungover.:love::cry:

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At 14-16 youre {censored}ing invincible. I did {censored} then that would knock me for six these days. That said, i went on a 5 month binder last year and it was {censored}ing ace. Wake up, find some booze and keep going. I woke up on a boat or bus on my way to somewhere id never been more times than id care to remember.


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When I was 21, I went to a party and drank 4 beers, 2 shots of tequila, 2 shots of vodka, 2 or 3 of these jello-shots that had god-knows-what in them, a cup or two of the hunch punch (that had god-knows-what in them), 2 more beers, and a rum 'n' coke to finish it off. Needless to say, I went to sleep with a bucket nearby. Woke up the next morning (approximately 7 hours later) and went to workout and run for an hour :idk:



Now, I'm 25 .. and I drank three Blue Moon beers the other night and woke up with a mild hangover.



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I'm thinking these people that " don't get hungover after drinking a lot of alcohol" don't know what a lot of alcohol is. Drink a 1/5 of Jack, 6-8 beers and a 5 or 6 shots of jaeger and get back to me...you willl fill like hammered {censored}.

I actually haven't been drunk. God knows I've tried, when I was younger. I'm talking about what amounted to 20 drinks or more, maybe more, I'm just guessing. Alcohol of all different types (rum, vodka, schnappes, aftershock, malt, etc.) and I've gotten a little buzzed off of it, but I've never been drunk.

Maybe it's because I'm overweight. Maybe because my family is Scotch/Irish/German. My mom is the same way. I've never seen her drunk. She will PUT YOU TO SHAME if you're doing shots with her.

But now, I won't even try it. I have seen what age does to people. :)

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When I was 21, I went to a party and drank 4 beers, 2 shots of tequila, 2 shots of vodka, 2 or 3 of these jello-shots that had god-knows-what in them, a cup or two of the hunch punch (that had god-knows-what in them), 2 more beers, and a rum 'n' coke to finish it off. Needless to say, I went to sleep with a bucket nearby. Woke up the next morning (approximately 7 hours later) and went to workout and run for an hour

Now, I'm 25 .. and I drank three Blue Moon beers the other night and woke up with a mild hangover.


I can understand the bucket because of the mix of beverages, but it`s not that much for a night of drinking. 6 beers and a pint of hard liquor altogether? Unless the shots are bigger than I`m used to, of course.

Now I`m hung over if I drink half a bottle of wine (I get hung over without getting drunk :D), but in my prime, I did some stupid stuff.

I once ended an evening by downing 8 shots of Four roses bourbon.
Needless to say, I woke up and was still drunk as a skunk. The first beer that day (this was a Saturday, and binge day no.2) was haaaaaaaaaaaaaaard to get down. :lol:

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same here; betwixt the ages of 15 and 20 i could get so drunk i couldn't function and wake up feeling like $1 million. now, 3-4 hoppy beers can be trouble, though i can drink vodka and come out alright.

Me and some friends of mine used to have really bad judgement, sitting in the kitchen 6 in the morning, each with a milk glass of cognac :D "Naaah, two hours of sleep is MORE than enough!"

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I can understand the bucket because of the mix of beverages, but it`s not that much for a night of drinking. 6 beers and a pint of hard liquor altogether? Unless the shots are bigger than I`m used to, of course.


I'm no pro drinker by any stretch of the imagination :lol: But, it certainly was the mix of beverages as to why I was ralfing: beer -> tequila -> vodka -> grain alcohol (damned hunch punch) -> beer -> rum. That in a 2-hour span ... yuck ... I'm nauseous thinking about it.

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I'm no pro drinker by any stretch of the imagination
But, it certainly was the mix of beverages as to why I was ralfing: beer -> tequila -> vodka -> grain alcohol (damned hunch punch) -> beer -> rum. That in a 2-hour span ... yuck ... I'm nauseous thinking about it.

hahaha, I can imagine the stomach protesting :D


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There was this comedian that had a routine about how when you're 18 you can slice your chest with a razor and stand in the mirror and watch yourself heal.

He was pissed at how young people can bounce back etc...It was funnier when he said it....

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