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So at luch I went to Guitar Center and checked out a couple LTD Eclipse deluxes

Tommy Horrible

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I thought you guys bagged on Gibson QC. What pieces of {censored}. I would take a studio any day over one of those heaps. I have never seem a USA gibson with shotty workmanship these things had. The finish sucked, the binding looked like {censored},the frets sucked. They were just all around ulgy and cheap looking and very inconsistent looking. The damn guitar just screamed cheap POS, and and they were all like $999.:eek:


LTD's FTL, I would take Epiphone any day over one of those, and they are alot cheaper, or just spend a little bit more and get a real quality instrument like a studio.


What the hell.

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I've found this to be true with LTD's as well. Obviously not all of them, but most that I've played have been on par with Epiphones and no where near Gibson.


Plus, I don't understand why everyone loves the $1000 import LTD's, and then bag on ~$1000 Mexican made Fenders citing the price is too much for an import...

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I used to have an EC1000. It did have some fret issues. The high E would always get stuck under the fret ends. I supposed that could have been fixed but, I got it dirt cheap and gave it to my brother. He loves it except for the fret thing.

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I never got the hoopla over the Eclipses anyway.

They always felt cheap and looked gaudy to me. :idk:


I'll take a GOOD studio or Epi any day of the week.


The LTD's seem to be more consistent that the Gibsons and Epi's. I'll give them that.

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I've found this to be true with LTD's as well. Obviously not all of them, but most that I've played have been on par with Epiphones and no where near Gibson.

Plus, I don't understand why everyone loves the $1000 import LTD's, and then bag on ~$1000 Mexican made Fenders citing the price is too much for an import...



this is my general experience. i played some EC1000s, the ones with the rediculous binding, a few weeks ago and i left unimpressed. all 4 of them lacked resonance, big time. they sounded completely dead acoustically.


on a constrasting note, several of the newer epiphone les pauls i have played recently have been really, really nice. i mean like, "i can't believe it is not butter" nice.

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this is my general experience. i played some EC1000s, the ones with the rediculous binding, a few weeks ago and i left unimpressed. all 4 of them lacked resonance, big time. they sounded completely dead acoustically.

on a constrasting note, several of the newer epiphone les pauls i have played recently have been really, really nice. i mean like, "i can't believe it is not butter" nice.


Maybe the high gain guys don't notice as much, or maybe I've just played the same ones you have :idk:

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I never got the hoopla over the Eclipses anyway.

They always felt cheap and looked gaudy to me.

I'll take a GOOD studio or Epi any day of the week.

The LTD's seem to be more consistent that the Gibsons and Epi's. I'll give them that.


Only played 3 for them, and this was the first time I had ever seen them in person, but I was like:freak: WTF

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I'm sorry, but anyone who says ltd's suck is just an idiot, perhaps the one you played was not so good or maybe they just aren't your thing (i for one am a tele and les paul guy), but they are phenomenal guitars for the money, the ec-401 is probably one of the best guitars you can get for $600, and don't get me started on how bad epiphones QC is....

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I've noticed the same thing about the LTDs. When I was shopping for Les Pauls, before I had one I tried out Heritage, the LTDs and Gibson Standards. The LTD eclipses I tried sounded dead, felt cheap and all but the "vintage finish" ones look horrible. I ended I buying a Standard because it sounded great, the quality was great (I did try 5 different Standards before I got the one I did, but not because the others had QC issues. I just liked the way it felt.) and it was $500 off that weekend (this was right before they revamped the Standard line).


The Heritage was great too. I just got the Gibson for cheaper than I could have gotten the Heritage for so I went with it.


Those LTD EC-500s and 1000s just didn't do it for me.

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Only played 3 for them, and this was the first time I had ever seen them in person, but I was like:freak: WTF



the internet buzz on 'em had me wanting to try one. I found a shop that stocked them and was immediately struck by how gaudy they look in person.


Then I picked it up and did a WTF again, it was like playing a plastic toy.


Acoustically and plugged in, bland and lifeless.


I later played the passive pup'd versions and was underwhelmed with it as well, even with the same PUP configuration as my main guitar, it just had nothing there.


Everyone I've played since then has pretty much been a repeat.


innerwebz hype FAIL......again

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I'm sorry, but anyone who says ltd's suck is just an idiot, perhaps the one you played was not so good or maybe they just aren't your thing (i for one am a tele and les paul guy), but they are phenomenal guitars for the money, the ec-401 is probably one of the best guitars you can get for $600, and don't get me started on how bad epiphones QC is....



Maybe it's just because I have 3 Gibby Pauls that are all great so that's my baseline, and that's what I'm expecting them to be like with all the hype they get here and bagging on Gibson, but they weren't even close, to my Studio, let alone my Classic or Traditional. The Finish,:facepalm:The Frets:facepalm: The Binding:facepalm: The Cheap Plasticy feel:facepalm:, The Resonance:facepalm:


Seriously, what are those things finished with? Plastic? Sure as hell wasn't lacquer.


And what POS wood are they using? It sounded like Basswood.

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