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Why is Fender overdrive so bad?!


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fender overdrive isn't that bad-- it's just totally different sounding than marshalls. it's not as squishy and nasal as marshall overdrive.. which is kinda why i like it... but play a little tweed deluxe and tell me that doesn't sound amazing turned full out!

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fender overdrive isn't that bad-- it's just totally different sounding than marshalls. it's not as squishy and nasal as marshall overdrive.. which is kinda why i like it... but play a little tweed deluxe and tell me that doesn't sound amazing turned full out!

I always thought Fenders were fuller sounding when cranked, while Marshalls are kind of dry, raw and yeah nasally. In a good way, of course :cool:

I love them both, but to me Fenders sit a bit lower in the mid freqs.

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Your questions are moot because your argument can be easily disproven.



I don't have an argument, I have a premise based upon my own experience and a huge number of (possibly misinformed but there again possibly not) opinions found by a quick (or lengthy) scan of the web. Whilst I respectfully accept that there may indeed be a number of people who like Fender overdrive, it would be ambitious to suggest that there is not a widely held belief that it leaves something to be desired.


However, before this turns into a slanging match, which was not the intention, let me reiterate that I was referring to overdrive channels on Fender amps with two channels or more. Most such beasts seem to possess decent cleans and crappy overdrives. (A friend of mine had a Pro Sonic which he said had uncharacteristically great overdrive for a Fender but a clean which was untypically bad...for a Fender.) Hence the question (moot as it may be) as to whether they are mutually exclusive for some reason...

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Fender gets a bad rap for poor overdrive sounds because of the lackluster design in the more modern, sub-$1000 amps such as the Hot Rod series. They have sold so many of these amps and that's primarily where the bad rap comes from.



This. Old-school Fenders cranked up have awesome overdriven tone.

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Fender overdriven tones in their tube amplifiers are GREAT. IF by overdriven you mean pushing their tubes, breaking up their otherwise AWESOME clean. [That's why I understand for overdrive, anyways]. But I think the original poster meant "distortion" or more gain in the overdrive. I know we guitarrists use those two words indiscriminately, other guitarrists go on a full scale war trying to define both of them.

Now, in the natural, tube "distortion" department, they just suck. Hell, even their solid state amps suck at distortion, too. I mean, the distortion channel on the supersonic sounds good, but nowhere near as good when u compare them to other amps in their price range. I had an M80 chorus amp. It was a good amp in the distortion department. But a cheap Crate practice amp could make those very same distortions. Dont get me wrong, I like distortions in Crate amps [Most people hate them, i know] but that's exactly my point. It's not that Fender distortions sounds bad on their own, but when u compare those fender amps in the distortion department with other amps, they just fall short and leave a lot to be desired.

And this is a bad thing, because I think Fender is a pretty standard name in the amp industry. Other amps manufacturers knows this fact and charge a lot for amps that lack the fundamentals of a Fender: a solid, beautiful clean sound. I mean, it is an AMPLIFIER. It is supposed to amplify your guitar signal in a beautiful, articulate way, just like a tube Fender amp does.

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but that's exactly my point. It's not that Fender distortions sounds bad on their own, but when u compare those fender amps in the distortion department with other amps, they just fall short and leave a lot to be desired.

And this is a bad thing, because I think Fender is a pretty standard name in the amp industry. Other amps manufacturers knows this
and charge a lot for amps that lack the fundamentals of a Fender: a solid, beautiful clean sound. I mean, it is an AMPLIFIER. It is supposed to amplify your guitar signal in a beautiful, articulate way, just like a tube Fender amp does.

This chap understands my point! :thu:

And to emphasise once more, I was referring in particular to Fender amps with a clean and drive channel.

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