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  1. Guess you can guess your career in mathematics goodbye....simple calculation errors as well as errors in your theory show your stupidity. Simplified, You = dumbass If you took the time to read the rest of the thread, you would be able to put the peices together a little easier. I guess you can kiss your career in reading comprehension goodbye.
  2. im sorry but .999 x 10 does not equal 9.999:cop: learn to basic math perhaps? .999_=.999(repeating). Thats what i meant when i said that.
  3. .999... Has been proven countless amounts of times to equal 1. Endless amounts of mathematicians have gone to prove this. The bit about the 1=2 and so on was just copypasta from wikipedia that i found really cool but never really thought through. I was simply of testing the theories of invalid proof and such, and I wanted to hear what you guys had to say about the subject. Thats all.
  4. How is 3/2 anything other than 1.5? It makes no sense to me
  5. So I'll give you 1 dollar and you can give me a thousand and we'll call it even. Too bad my thousand dollars also equals -2000 dollars, so you would then owe me two thousand.
  6. This whole thread is screwed. I'm gunna go play guitar.
  7. 'nother classic version of the "2=1" with division by zero a = 2 a^2 = 2a a^2 - 4 = 2a-4 (a-2)(a+2) = 2(a-2) (divide both side with (a-2) ) a+2 = 2 2+2 = 2 4=2 2=1 Thank you dreamspace.
  8. Well you just disproved your own little formula, 0/0 simplified would be 0 not one, thus the equation would end up 0=0 which is true Then again, it can be said that 0/0 = 1, because anything divided by itself is one. Aside from the point; I have found myself in a mathematical quandry, a hole which I am having a hard time digging myself out of. Before I make myself look like anymore of a dumb ass, I just want to let you guys know that if you are not an open minded person to alternative ways of thinking, than you are free to ignore all that I say. I am simply making observations.
  9. Multiplying by zero is a no no in logic Quoted for fail.
  10. You can't divide by 0 0/0 = 0 Let me break this down for you. If you distribute 0 objects to 0 people, than you are distributing 0 objects, so no objects are being distributed ('objects', representing the numerator) Therefore, 0/0 = 0 The same cannot be said when you divide a number >1 or
  11. This is how .999_ = 1 x = .999_ 10x = 9.999_ 10x - x = (9.999_ - .999_) 9x = 9 x = 1 .999_ = 1 To further prove this, look at 3/3. .333_ = 1/3, and 3/3 = 1. Therefore, .999 = 1. Now, it can be argued that 1=2. 0 x 1 = 0 0 x 2 = 0 So than this must be true: 0 x 1 = 0 x 2 Similarly: 0/0 x 1 = 0/0 x 2 Simplified, 1 = 2
  12. now he's blue No, actually, since he is comprised mainly of plastic they will have to recycle him
  13. I'm starting to think that all of these amps are made by the same company and they just change the name from time to time to a different random animal ... my first amp was a 10 watt Tiger (I still have it, because I can't give it away), then Gorilla, Rhino, and now Raven ... it's a conspiracy of bad tone. Bad Cat
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