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Taylor Swift CAN'T SING!


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To be honest here i had never heard of both Taylor Swift or of Miranda Lambert
But both nice looking woman may i say

Anyhow one thing im sure about is Taylor Swift cant sing
ok for Karaokee id say

you can even see her fighting to get some notes out and some she struggles with
she must have someone or somepeople in high places to get that far
in other words it's who you know

On the other hand here i see a Miranda Lambert whom is pretty good she has a nice voice and also plays guitar, her voice to me is made for Country Music i reckon
ye she has got what it takes for me.

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......I live in a house with three women and every time this subject comes up, all three of them are prepared to fight to the death to defend her singing ability! They go on about how everybody picks on her, she's just a kid, etc........

I don't get it? Aside from looking like a cute little 13yo girl, there's nothing there but to the women in my house she's like the next coming of Oprah!

Damn estrogen stains all over the place!

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I will say this, Taylor CAN write songs. She wrote all the songs on her current album so she is a tallented song writer but like some of ya'll, my wife and I just crignged at some of the missed notes, especially during her singing of the SN song. I was actually saying, out loud, "a little higher Taylor, just a bit higher and you'll hit the note." but it just wasn't to be.
On a totally different note(pun intended) Lady Gaga CAN sing and I don't know why she has to hide behind all those silly costumes. Her voice can easilly carry her, no need for all the crazy stuff.

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Lady Gaga started out writing alot of the songs that put others on the charts. I'm glad that she is finally writing stuff for herself - but yeah, those gadget costumes can go.

I came to this thread late so I apologize not reading all 23 (!!) pages. Yes, the Taylor not being able to sing debate is a touchy one. When she first came out and her name was very new, me and my wife were both in agreement that she sang very flat - never sharp, always flat. However, since then, we have both seen performances where she actually does a great job. So to say she can't sing is an overstatement IMO. Consistancy may be off but to say she can't sing... I can't agree. The video on the first page with her singing with Def Lep and alot of people are bashing her isn't even her genre. She never came out trying to be a hard rock star - so yeah, she is having trouble pushing the power behind it that is needed for that genre. At least she is writing her own songs...

Just for the record, I'm not a Taylor Swift fan. My daughters like her alot but I'm just not a fan of that style music.

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On the Grammys last night I watched this beautiful young country singer duet with Stevie Nicks (sp?) -- then said to my wife,

"She's singing flat!" Remember when perfect intonation was more or less a given, in all singers, all genres? You don't have to like all of them as singers; but all the female pop stars had no trouble singing 'in key.' Apparently that's no longer a "minimum requirement" circa 2010, to win "album of the year" Grammy!

As a 63-year-old guitarist, I admit the highlight at this year's Grammys was Jeff Beck and a lovely (sort of) Mary Ford lookalike singer, performing a brilliant Les Paul tribute; I can't imagine a better one, featuring, as it did, a dead-on replication of Les Paul's original licks on that song, effortlessly delivered by Jeff Beck -- in my opinion, the best blues/rock guitarist of all time. (Could any other rock guitarist have performed "How High the Moon" the way Les Paul did?)

The other "highlight of the night" for me: although I'd not heard of the singer who calls herself "Pink" (before last night) I'd have to say she is an amazingly, multi-talented performer: The final 60 seconds of her song was astonishing theatre -- suspended, in a silken cradle, high-in-the-air 'pirouetting' like an upside-down figure skater, spraying water droplets over a captivated audience . . . then, touching down on stage at the perfectly-timed conclusion of her song, with some closing notes of brilliant jazz guitar (her own band?)

I admit my wife and I (almost) "couldn't understand a word" of what she sang; but neither had we ever seen anyone peform a song in such arresting fashion! We may assume that "PINK" rehearsed every note and each little movement, over many hours, to make it all seem 'effortless.' If a Grammy were awarded for a best "live" (theatrical) performance of a song, PINK (I'd say) would have "retired the trophy" at its first presentation!

It more than made up for the top Grammy-winner of the evening singing a duet off-key!

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I suppose it's not necessary to sing in tune when you have a DAW with auto-tune and can make as many takes in the studio as necessary to get the vocals right :facepalm:.

Talking about which, I experimented with the auto-tune plugin in my DAW a few weeks ago (not that I need it -- I *can* sing in tune, my problems with singing lie elsewhere -- but just to do it). Now I know why the new manufactured acts sing like robo-singers. You can't sweep from note to note anymore, it jerks you from step to step in a very obvious manner. The only way to disguise that is to basically robo-sing -- i.e., sing each note of the melody line like it's a stand-alone note with no other notes around it. No glissandos, no vibrato, no nothing that adds flavor when listening to a real singer sing but causes distinctive artifacts with auto-tune. So this is supposed to be an improvement? :confused:

BTW, for the person wondering why Steph Germanotta ("Lady Gaga") wears all those ridiculous costumes, nobody wanted to listen to her songs before she started doing that. Apparently the market for chunky Italian girls belting out nice songs from behind a piano is practically nil, while the market for outrageous Lady Gaga acts is huge. Image is everything, I guess :facepalm:.

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There were a lot of great singers on the Grammy's last night but for the life of me I don't know why they need all the gimicks to pull off a song. What was up with all the S.W.A.T. guys in IIRC Beyonce's song. She's tallented enough to not need gimicks. I know many think it'd entertainment but for me it just kills the song. If you can sing and sing well then that's enough. I finished up watchin' today(got sleepy about 10pm so I recorded the rest) and Jeff Beck did an outstanding job. He's a great guitar player. Taylor got album of the year, ok, so the album might sound great thanks to Auto Tune but danged if she can pull it off live. Flat, Flat, Flat, she's tone deaf I tell ya', that's the only explination for it.

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Up until now I did not know who Taylor Swift was. Heard the name but had never heard her sing or see a picture of her. Hey, I'm 57 and don't watch TV.
Anyway, she is beautiful, and maybe a great songwriter, I wouldn't know don't listin to much radio either, but the girl cannot sing, at least she could not last night. And it seemed like Stevie cut her a break and did not show her up, because she can still sing. Maybe not the range she had thirty years ago, but she can still hold her own. I guess Taylor Swift is just way too cute to sit behind a desk and write songs.

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I will say this, Taylor CAN write songs. She wrote all the songs on her current album so she is a tallented song writer.....



Check again.


Only half of the songs on her first album were listed solely as Taylor's, the other half had at least 2 or 3 other writers per song. That could mean that she wrote as little as one single line for those songs. As far as songs that she supposedly wrote on her own, there's nothing exactly ground-breaking there, just lots of cliches and formulatic stuff that's been done over and over again.

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What surprises me is that she doesn't work on it more to improve. She must read the reviews and watch her own performances. I watched her last year somewhere and she was just as bad as last night. Could she not improve with proper training ?

Why would she even care really? The public is buying her mediocre crap because the media has made her their little darling and she's making millions hand over fist. So, remind me, where's the incentive again????? :rolleyes:

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On the Grammys last night I watched this beautiful young country singer duet with Stevie Nicks (sp?) -- then said to my wife,

"She's singing flat!" Remember when perfect intonation was more or less a given, in all singers, all genres? You don't have to like all of them as singers; but all the female pop stars had no trouble singing 'in key.' Apparently that's no longer a "minimum requirement" circa 2010, to win "album of the year" Grammy!

As a 63-year-old guitarist, I admit the highlight at this year's Grammys was Jeff Beck and a lovely (sort of) Mary Ford lookalike singer, performing a brilliant Les Paul tribute; I can't imagine a better one, featuring, as it did, a dead-on replication of Les Paul's original licks on that song, effortlessly delivered by Jeff Beck -- in my opinion, the best blues/rock guitarist of all time. (Could any other rock guitarist have performed "How High the Moon" the way Les Paul did?)

The other "highlight of the night" for me: although I'd not heard of the singer who calls herself "Pink" (before last night) I'd have to say she is an amazingly, multi-talented performer: The final 60 seconds of her song was astonishing theatre -- suspended, in a silken cradle, high-in-the-air 'pirouetting' like an upside-down figure skater, spraying water droplets over a captivated audience . . . then, touching down on stage at the perfectly-timed conclusion of her song, with some closing notes of brilliant jazz guitar (her own band?)

I admit my wife and I (almost) "couldn't understand a word" of what she sang; but neither had we ever seen anyone peform a song in such arresting fashion! We may assume that "PINK" rehearsed every note and each little movement, over many hours, to make it all seem 'effortless.' If a Grammy were awarded for a best "live" (theatrical) performance of a song, PINK (I'd say) would have "retired the trophy" at its first presentation!

It more than made up for the top Grammy-winner of the evening singing a duet off-key!

We had to turn off the TeeVee after Pink because the house go too hot. :eek:

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Yep, I'm not into Pink's or Lady Gaga's kind of music but I do know enough about music to know that they both sing very well. Poor Taylor, she's a sweet kid but for God sake, she just can't sing very well outside of the studio.



Frank, while she was performing last night, I pointed out how flat she sounded to my wife and started searching for this thread. I decided I would let you revive it!

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I reckon Tina Turner was the best female entertainer Live but realise we all have our favs

As for Taylor Swift well as i sais already never even heard of her
just earlier switched the link off with T. Swift half way through as she was just terrible and really it's rather embarassing to say the least

Also doesnt say much for todays music when someone with not an ounce of singing talent scoops any award.

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Yep, I'm not into Pink's or Lady Gaga's kind of music but I do know enough about music to know that they both sing very well. Poor Taylor, she's a sweet kid but for God sake, she just can't sing very well outside of the studio.

Or inside a studio, really, but you do enough takes and put enough auto-tune and other effects onto a patch-together of the best pieces of all the takes, and you can make even me sound good (hard as that is to believe).

I honestly believe she has absolutely no idea that she couldn't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow. Yes, she sounds lousy when she watches replays of her TV appearances live, but I'm sure she's quick to blame bad monitors, bad microphones, etc. for that, after all, she sounds fine to her own (tone-deaf) ears as she's singing, and her albums sound fine, so it can't be her, right? :facepalm:

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